Release 7.90


Release 7.90.0000

XYplorer 7.90 has been released on 08-Dec-2008. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:

Here's a killer feature for you: Mini Tree!

It's an extremely simple idea, but it might change your way of browsing the file system forever:

The Mini Tree displays only the paths you have actually used.

This makes browsing blindingly fast (it's instantaneous even with deeply nested subfolders), it makes the tree ridiculously small, and it makes you feel like being back in control (because you look at just the folders you are actually using, instead of being avalanched by all the folders that have accumulated on your drives over the years).

Check out the tour...

Quick Searches now support multiple locations. For example, you may paste a line like this into the Address Bar...


... and E:\XY\, C:\Temp\, and D:\Backup\ are searched for GIF files.

Quick Searches are remembered in tabs and across sessions, you can save them as Favorites or assign Keyboard Shortcuts to them.

Release 7.90.0050

XYplorer 7.90.0050 has been released on 12-Jan-2009. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:

Dramatically increased startup speed! Depending on a number of factors you can expect a 2 up to 5 times faster startup!
Spot, a new highlighting feature inspired by the Google Toolbar and the Firefox Searchbar. Simply type a string prefixed with ">" and followed by "|" into the Address Bar and press Enter. The string will be highlighted in the file list wherever it's found.
Syntax and functionality have been enhanced in version 8.30!

Simply type ">" plus one or more characters into the Address Bar and press Enter, and the focus will jump to the next file beginning with those characters. It's like Type-Ahead Find but done through the Address Bar or whatever location port (Catalog, Favorites, Go To, Scripts, etc.).

For example, to spot all space characters contained in filenames simply try this (there's a space between > and |):

> |

To highlight more than one string at the same time separate them with a pipe (|), for example...


... will throw a highlight on "7.90", "xy", "2008", and "2009" (no trailing | is necessary in such a multiple pattern). Click the following image to zoom it:

To remove the highlights, simply enter >, or repeat the same pattern.

Spot patterns can be stored in the Address Bar, as Favorites, or in the Catalog, and thus made be available to a single click.

Media preview got Play/Pause/Stop buttons.

Media preview now supports A-B Repeat.

To repeat any particular section of the medium (audio or video), aka "A-B Repeat", looping must be enabled (tick "Play Again"). The section is defined by clicking anywhere on the progress bar while the medium is previewed (whether running or paused):

Ctrl+Left Click: Set start of section to now
Ctrl+Right Click: Set end of section to now
Ctrl+Alt+Click: Unset any section
Scripting enhanced. Users of XYplorer's Scripting will welcome two brand new power features:
The command run now has a wait parameter which allows you to shell processes synchronously (the script waits until the process has terminated).
There's a new function html() which allows you to create and show webpages on the fly, and return a value depending on which hyperlink has been clicked. The possibilities are vast...

Release 7.90.0100

XYplorer 7.90.0100 has been released on 02-Feb-2009. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:

Tags and Comments.
Syntax and functionality have been enhanced in version 9.90!
The latest XYplorer lets you assign tags and comments to any files or folders.

Tags. Tags let you give colors and labels to individual filenames. The tagging is done very comfortably via keyboard shortcut, toolbar button, or context menu. Of course, tags are retained across sessions.

There is a choice of seven predefined color schemes (background and text color), which can easily be exchanged for other colors, and extended to up to 15 color schemes. The names of the schemes can be freely changed to represent any user-defined categories:

You may choose how and where the colors are displayed in the file list. This is, for example, the "Tag Column (Symbol)" style:

Comments. You may as well attach individual comments of virtually any size to your files and folders. Just like the color tags, the comments are retained across sessions, and if you move a file the comment moves with it. If files are your daily business, you will surely know what to do with comments.

Usage. In the file list, tags and comments are displayed in individual columns, which can be sorted and thus used to group items according to their tags or comments. You can as well add or edit tags and comments directly in the file list by clicking into the respective column:

From version 8.70 onwards you can search for files by their tags or comments!
Visual Filters. Now you can define any filter to apply only to files yet show or hide all folders.

To show all folders simply prefix "\|" to the pattern(s). For example:

\|a*  = Show all folders and only files beginning with "a"

\|!*  = Show all folders but no files

To hide all folders simply prefix "!\|" to the pattern(s). For example:

!\|a*  = Hide all folders and show only files beginning with "a"

!\|*  = Hide all folders and show all files

Scripting. Now the so-called Heredoc syntax is supported. It allows you to deal with line feeds, quotes, and other protected characters in a straight-forward manner.
$name = "Bond"; $speech = <<<FOO My name is $name, "James $name". You can "quote" me on that. FOO; echo $speech;
The above multiline script outputs a two-liner:
My name is Bond, "James Bond".
You can "quote" me on that.

Release 7.90.0250

XYplorer 7.90.0250 has been released on 05-May-2009. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:

Folder Thumbnails. Now, in Thumbnails view, folder icons optionally display a thumbnail of any file in the folder named "folder.jpg/png/gif", or of the first found *.jpg image.

X close buttons on tabs. Now the tabs optionally show X close buttons, giving you a one-click way to quickly close foreground or background tabs.

In a nifty variation of the common X button implementation you can opt for displaying the X buttons only when hovering a tab. A new revolutionary and fascinating XYplorer only feature.

Scripting. Now the important control structures while loop and if/elseif/else block are supported.
// reality check
  if (1 == 2) {
    echo "Help!";
  } else {
    echo "Relax.";
Scripting. The new "rotate" command brings lossless rotation of JPEG images to your home.

Any EXIF data are preserved.
Scripting. The new "tag" and "comment" commands join the powers of scripting and Tags & Comments.
// set comment "Blah" to these items
  comment "Blah", "C:\foo.txt|D:\bar.txt";
Performance. Lots of network related performance improvements.