Mini Tree™

-- User

The folder tree is a great interface for managing files... but it quickly becomes a problem when it's too big. And isn't it always too big? Way too big? How many of the displayed folders do you really need to see? 20%? 10%? Maybe only 5 out of 400?

Well, here's a killer feature for you: Mini Tree!

It's an extremely simple idea, but it could change the way you browse the file system forever: The Mini Tree displays only the paths you actually use. This makes browsing blindingly fast (it's instantaneous even with deeply nested subfolders), it makes the tree ridiculously small, and it makes you feel like you're back in control (because you're only looking at the folders you actually use, instead of being avalanched by all the folders that have accumulated on your drives over the years).

Toggle the Mini Tree via the View | Mini Tree | Mini Tree menu command or the Mini Tree toolbar button.

When you're working on a particular project, all you might need is something like the mini tree above. Relaxing, isn't it?

Wait, it's getting even better...

The Mini Tree is saved across sessions: If you start XYplorer on Monday, you'll see the same tree you left on Friday afternoon.
Use the Mini Tree from Current Tabs command to reduce the tree to just the paths of all the tabs in the current pane.
You can easily hide folders from the Mini Tree using the context menu command "Hide Folder from Tree".
There is a scripting command loadtree which allows you to load a previously saved Mini Tree, add folders to it, or remove folders from it.
The Catalog supports saving and restoring Mini Trees via its context menu.
There is a toolbar button "Mini Tree" which acts as a one-click toggle between Mini Tree and normal tree (Maxi Tree). The button also has a context menu with some related commands.
The Mini Tree's extreme speed and small size make it especially valuable for network browsing. If you work in an environment with hundreds or thousands of servers, you may welcome the idea of seeing only the two servers you actually need...
This page was last updated on 2024-01-08. Screenshots do not necessarily reflect the current look and feel of the application. Some of the functionality may have been changed or enhanced in the current version.