XYplorer 25.60 has been released on 29-Feb-2024. Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:
Custom Thumbnail Overlays. Now you can overlay any file information over a thumbnail in a style of your choice. Photographers will appreciate seeing the date the shot was taken and camera settings such as focal length, aperture, exposure time, and ISO speed.
First ensure that thumbnail overlays are enabled. Tick this: Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original. Or press Ctrl+Shift+Numpad Subtract to toggle between showing and hiding thumbnail overlays
This is what we mean when we talk about custom thumbnail overlays:
Note that these overlays don't change the original images or thumbnails in any way. It's just a layer of text that appears over the images in the list.
The overlays in the screenshot above are defined as follows:
conf("ThumbsOverlayContent", '<prop #image.dimensions> [<prop #aspectratio>]<crlf><prop #image.focallength> <prop #image.fstop> <prop #image.exposuretime> <prop #image.isospeed><crlf><prop #image.datetaken "© ">');
Don't worry, you don't have to learn this syntax (although you can, it's all in the help). It's enough to copy and paste the whole beast into the XYplorer address bar and hit Enter. You'll see the effect immediately in the list.
If your images are all the same size, you may be more interested in seeing the filename. This allows you to hide the thumbnail captions from the list view. The three-liner definition would then change to something like this:
conf("ThumbsOverlayContent", '<prop name><crlf><prop #image.focallength> <prop #image.fstop> <prop #image.exposuretime> <prop #image.isospeed><crlf><prop #image.datetaken "© ">');
And the list would look something like this:
Don't like the colors and just want to see the date? Try this for a more vivid look. The first line sets the colors, the second sets the date:
conf("ThumbsOverlaySpecs", "FFFF00,FF0000,128"); //yellow on semitransparent red
conf("ThumbsOverlayContent", '<prop #image.datetaken>'); //date taken
Text too small? Try this:
conf("ThumbsOverlaySpecs", ",,,,,120"); //bigger text (120%)
The possibilities are endless, of course. Open the Help | Help on Scripting Commands menu and look up the conf() command for details and more examples.
Many Other Improvements. See change log (about 1.5 MB).