XYplorer 23.20 has been released on 08-Jun-2022. Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:
Filter Images By Aspect Ratio. You can now filter or find all images that are equal to or wider than 3:2, for example.
To match all images equal to or wider than 3:2, you can use this Live Filter, Visual Filter, or Quick Search pattern: Aspect Ratio: >= 3:2.
Live Filter shows all images equal to or wider than 3:2. (Click to zoom)
Alternatively you can state the ratio as a single number: Aspect Ratio: >= 1.5.
Note that the Aspect Ratio column does not have to be visible in the list for this to work.
Sort Images By Aspect Ratio. You can also sort your image folders by aspect ratio, for example from tall and narrow (portrait) to wide and flat (landscape).
First you want to add the Aspect Ratio column to the Details view: Right-click the Name column header and tick the column if it is listed in the popup menu. If it is not listed click the "Show Columns..." command and look for it in the available columns listing. If still not found click the "Add Column..." command, then right-click the new column header and select the Special Property "Aspect Ratio".
List sorted by Aspect Ratio, from portrait to landscape. (Click to zoom)
Look at the thumbnails in Tiles view to grasp the nature of this sort order:
List sorted by Aspect Ratio, from portrait to landscape, Tiles view. (Click to zoom)
Filter Images By Area. You can now filter or find all images larger than a million square pixels, for example.
If you state a single number in the Dimensions field it is taken as the area in square pixels. To match all images larger than a million square pixels, you can use this Live Filter, Visual Filter, or Quick Search pattern: Dimensions: > 1000000.
Live Filter shows all images larger than a million square pixels. (Click to zoom)
Sort Images By Area. You can as well sort your image folders by the area covered by the images.
To sort images by area the Dimensions column is used.
First you want to add the Dimensions column to the Details view: Right-click the Name column header and tick the column if it is listed in the popup menu. If it is not listed click the "Show Columns..." command and look for it in the available columns listing. If still not found click the "Add Column..." command, then right-click the new column header and select the Special Property "Dimensions".
List sorted by area (Dimensions column). (Click to zoom)
Compare the sorting of the same list in File Explorer. Here only the first number (the image width) is used to establish the sort order. Note the position of the image "garden-1000-1.jpg":
List sorted by width (Dimensions column) in File Explorer. (Click to zoom)
Make The Name Column Stand Out. Now you can dim the other columns slightly to highlight the name column. A helpful feature for column messies.
The checkbox is found here: Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Lighter text in details columns. Compare the effect, it’s gentle but noticeable:
"Lighter text in details columns" OFF. (Click to zoom)
"Lighter text in details columns" ON. (Click to zoom)