XYplorer 23.10 has been released on 20-May-2022. Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:
Wheel Through The List Views. Now you can scroll through the available 10 list views with the wheel, Ctrl+Wheel to be precise.
To enable the feature tick Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Use Ctrl+mouse wheel to scroll through the list views.
Now you can Ctrl+Wheel over the active pane’s list to cycle the views (Details thru Thumbnails #3) of the active pane (WheelDown=Next View, WheelUp=Previous View).
Scrolling through the views. (Click to zoom)
Auto-repeat Search At Next Location. Now you can automatically repeat the current search for the next selected location. No more browse-then-search, browse-then-search, browse-then-search, but just search, search, search.
To enable the feature tick Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Persist quick search across folders.
Now when you run a Quick Search (F3) the same search is repeated on the next folder you go to within the current tab.
Skip Invisible Subfolders. Now you can control whether invisible subfolders are included in a recursive search.
To enable the feature tick Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Skip invisible subfolders.
The idea is that you don’t want to search what you don’t want to see.
Transparent Folders Through Color Filters. Now you get advanced folder color filters that show the type of folder content right in the file list. Saves you a lot of guessing and opening.
Check this out, the color filters for folders show the type of content right in the file list:
Looking through them. (Click to zoom)
This is the configuration page where you set up your color filters:
Looking through them. (Click to zoom)
These are the color filter definitions needed for the screenshot above:
B:prop:#empty:2|fl //empty folders L:prop:#nosubs:2 //folders without subs
The colors are your choice. For the details check out the Help file.
Show Bitness In Tooltip. The bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is now displayed at the end of the tooltip for all file types where it makes sense (EXE, DLL, DRV, TLB, etc).
Nothing to do for you, it just works:
See the bitness at the bottom of the tooltip. (Click to zoom)