Release 17.20

XYplorer © 2025 · File Manager for Windows

XYplorer 17.20.0000 has been released on 19-Sep-2016. Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:

  • Single File Search. Quickly list a single file at any given location without tediously expanding the folder tree and browsing the whole directory first. It’s like a wormhole to any point in your file system.

    Say you are just admiring your collection of audio test files when suddenly a note pops in about a fascinating file somewhere down the system directory: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. You get thrilled and want to quickly peek at that file without wasting much time or changing your current layout. Time for Single File Search: Simply paste the full path of the file you want to see into the Quick Search (F3) interface, and in no time you see the file listed in splendid isolation. Now do with it what you want. When done double-click the blue search information bar and you’re back where you came from.

    Press F3 and paste the path of the file you want to peek at.

    5.1 milliseconds later:

    Here we are at the other end of drive C:\ looking at the object of our desire.

    Let’s do a quick Mouse Down Blow Up on the file icon to check out the contents (tick Configuration | Mouse Down Blow Up | On file icons as well):

    OK, makes sense.

    Now double-click the double-click the blue search information bar to go back to the audio test files:

    Safely back at where we came from.

    It’s a snap to bookmark particular Single File Searches in Tabs, Favorites, or the Catalog. So next time it will be just one click to peek at whatever file you need to peek at.

    Single File Search can do even more for you. Check out the help for details.

  • Type Stats and Filter. Lost track of what you have selected? Type Stats gives you the numbers. Filter lets you narrow things down.

    You need a couple of MP3, FLAC, and OGG files, and it should be exactly 4 of each type. Not easy to verify with the naked eye. Well, press the "Type Stats and Filter" button on the toolbar. Alternatively use menu command View | Tab | Type Stats and Filter....

    Okay, 12 are selected, but is it 4 of each type? Hmmm...

    Ah, thanks! Now you know what you need to know.

  • Custom Copy. Now you have a Retry button in case of failure. There’s always a second chance.

    First you should make sure that any failure messages are shown at all. In Configuration | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations | Configure... select "Ask" for On Failures:

    On failures ask.

    Now when you attempt to move a file that cannot be moved because it is opened by another process you will see this (the message will probably be in a language you understand):

    Here is your chance to retry.

    Now you can close that process, then press the Retry button. Processing will continue with the failed file.

  • Custom Vorbis Tags. Now you can display, search, or color code whatever custom tags you might expect in your FLAC and OGG files.

    Vorbis Comments are an open format. The maker of a file can invent his own tags and store them in the file. Now with XYplorer you can read those tags if you know what to look for.

    Let’s see if we have any files with a "Performer" tag. In your audio files folder run this line through the Address Bar:


    If anything turns up then select one of the files and run this script ((Pro Edition Only)) to actually show the value of the tag:

    echo "<prop #tag.performer>";

    Of course, you can also add a Custom Column ((Pro Edition Only)) to show the Performer tag right away. Define a new Custom Column in Configuration | Custom Columns | Custom column definitions, like this:

    Defining the Performer column.

    After adding the column to the list (via View | Columns | Add Column, right-click the newly added "(Undefined)" column, click "Select Custom Column...", and select "Performer") we see the performers right away. Well, it’s just one:

    List with Performer column.

  • Audio Tags. Now the Composer tag in Vorbis Comments (FLAC and OGG) is natively supported additionally to Album, Artist, Comments, Composer, Genre, Title, Track, and Year.

    "Tag Composer" is now one of the built-in Special Property columns that can be shown for audio files:

    List with "Tag Composer" column.

    You can as well search for composers. Paste any of these into the Quick Search (F3) box:

    prop:#tag.composer:Haydn     //matches Haydn and Joseph Haydn 
    prop:#tag.composer:"Haydn"   //matches Haydn only
    prop:#tag.composer:?*        //match all files with any composer

    Or define Color Filter to highlight your Haydn files:


    Or rename files via Batch Rename, e.g. append the composer:

    *-<prop #tag.composer>

    Give a little credit to the composer!