BETA version (with detailed history information)

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BETA version (with detailed history information)

Post by admin »

NOTE: This is the beginning of the BETA thread. The latest BETA version is found at the end of this thread.

Below's a preview of the history coming up next.
If you're tough enough, try the newest BETA version (v3.50.0055, 09-jun-2004) at home.

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0055 - 09.06.04 00:45
    * Auto-Refresh for removable drives improved.
    ! Shift+F5: Refresh File List *with* folder sizes shown, would work only once
      per folder. Fixed.
    ! Slight display irregularities when favorites were marked by bold type. Fixed.
v3.50.0052 - 07.06.04 18:47
    + Menu View/Style Tree, changed the way favorites can be marked in the tree:
        Mark Favs (Icon) -> marked by a small blue icon overlay (as was before)
        Mark Favs (Bold) -> marked by bold type (new feature)
      The latter allows to clearly mark favorites when the tree is shown 
      without icons. You can combine both strategies if you like to get 
      strong marks.
    ! File rename: when renaming a file with a name too long to fit in TV3's 
      window, the edit box cursor would go off the screen. Fixed.
    * Menu Edit/New: the name templates for new files' and folders' names are 
      now fully configurable for those who know how to edit INI-files. You have
      3 folder name templates and 3 text file name templates.
      Here's the new section and the keys:
        Folder0=New Folder    'hard text
        Folder1=yyyymmdd      'date/time sensitive
        Folder2=yyyy-mm-dd    'date/time sensitive
        File0=New Textfile    'hard text
        File1=yyyymmdd        'date/time sensitive
        File2=yyyy-mm-dd      'date/time sensitive
      Note that you can also define textual parts of the date/time sensitive 
      templates, not just dates. To do that you have to backslash all 
      literals, for example:
        File1=\T\e\x\t yyyy-mm-dd_hh-nn-ss
      would create a file auto-named "Text 2004-06-07_10-05-25.txt".
v3.50.0048 - 06.06.04 18:56
    + Now, Auto-Refresh also recognizes removable drives (USB-sticks etc).
    * Improved Auto-Refresh mechanism for the current directory:
      100% reliability, less refresh action.
    * Configuration: changed "Hide removable drives (Floppy and ZIP)" to
      "Hide floppy drives", because this is what you usually want: hide
      the rarely used drives A: and B:.
    * Changed general default path from C:\ to Desktop.
    ! Find Files by Size: would not find files larger than 2 GB by size 
      filter. Fixed. Now you can find files of up to 1 TB (1024 GB, 2^40) by 
      size filter. (Don't send those files by email.)
    ! When searching for Contained Text in files > 4 GB, the app crashed.
      Fixed: you still cannot do that, but it won't crash anymore.
      Result will be set to "not found" for such files.
      BTW: searching for Contained Text in files of 1 GB already can take
      a while... especially if the text is not found among the first 1023MB ;)
    ! Fixed some color issues: file list columns headers and about-box text
      were not resp. too sensitive to the selected Windows color scheme. 
v3.50.0031 - 04.06.04 10:29
    * Tree View: enlarged the hit area of the plus/minus box (expand/collapse node).
      Now you have a fair chance to land a hit.
v3.50.0030 - 01.06.04 11:20
    * Context menu for folders in the tree view: the following commands now 
      all work on the *selected* folder, which is not necessarily the same as 
      the *focused* folder (equivalent to the current folder, which is the 
      location of the current file listing and shown in TV3's titlebar):
        New Subfolder
        Command Prompt Here
        Copy Path
        Copy Folder Name (previously Copy Path Info, see next paragraph)
        Full Collapse
        Full Expand
      Since the selected folder is always the owner of the context menu, this new
      behavior is what you generally expect from context menu commands.
    * Menu Edit/Copy Path Info has been replaced by Copy Folder Name.
      To copy the current path's basic information (path name, object count, 
      byte count) to the clipboard, you can still dbl-click the object-
      count-cell (the left-most cell) in the statusbar.
    ! Status help texts for Full Collapse and Full Expand were swapped. Fixed.
v3.50.0028 - 01.06.04 00:03
    + Menu Edit/New: the date format of the 3rd New Folder and the 3rd New File
      command, before fixed to yyyy-mm-dd, is now configurable for those who know
      how to edit INI-files: open TrackerV3.ini, search the section [Styles]
      and look for (or create) the key NewFileDateFormat. For example:
      would create a folder[file] auto-named like "2004-06-01_00-08-54[.txt]".
      Oh, it's June since 8 minutes!
      Be careful to use only characters that a valid in file names.
    + New keyboard shortcut:
      Ctrl+T: create new text file.        
v3.50.0026 - 30.05.04 20:23
    % "Rebuild Tree" is smoother now.
v3.50.0024 - 27.05.04 19:44
    ! Tree display: Servers in the Network Neighborhood would lose their 
      child nodes after an F4 refresh. Fixed.
v3.50.0023 - 27.05.04 12:06
    + New Command "Rebuild Tree" in Edit menu: as you guess this rebuilds 
      the whole folder tree and then carries you back to the location where 
      you were before, while closing all other open branches.
      Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F4
    + Shared local folders are now displayed with that begging hand-symbol
      (just as in Explorer).
      This feature works only in: NT3.1, NT4, 2000, XP
v3.50.0022 - 26.05.04 10:03
    ! Capitalization issue with DOS-style 8.3 file names: for example "AUTOEXEC.BAT"
      has been incorrectly displayed as "Autoexec.bat". Fixed.
v3.50.0019 - 25.05.04 16:36
  +++ Now folder sizes can be shown directly in the file list! Of course, with
      large and deeply nested folders, this slows down the file browsing
      considerably, especially on a first browse of that folder. So: use with
      care... or press ESC to abort the endless counting of bytes.
      This feature can be switched on in:
        Configuration/General/Show folder size in file list
    + New keyboard shortcut:
      Shift+F5: Refresh File List *with* folder sizes shown.
      Useful to have a quick glance at sizes when the general "Show folder size
      in file list" is switched off.
    ! Key-repeating (holding down) key F5 (Refresh List) on longer listings
      resulted in artificial multiples of list items, due to re-entry into
      unfinished routines. Fixed.
v3.50.0018 - 25.05.04 13:30
    ! When doing a file search with a blank "Look in" field, TrackerV3 gives 
      the error "subscript out of range", followed by an endless loop or a 
      crash depending on the operating system.
      Fixed: a blank "Look in" field will be auto-filled with the current path.
v3.50.0017 - 23.05.04 15:28
    + Configuration/Previewed Formats: new checkbox "Play AVIs as MPEGs".
      Some AVIs cannot be decoded. They return only audio and the following 
      error message "Video not available, cannot find 'vids:...' decompressor".
      Those AVIs however can often be played without problems when treating 
      them internally as if they were MPEGs.
v3.50.0016 - 01.05.04 16:00
  !!! When dragdropping files across different drives, by default they should be
      copied, not moved. However, when the source was another app (or another
      instance of TrackerV3), the files were actually moved instead of copied.
      This is fixed now: files dragdropped across different drives are always copied
      by default (to force a move, hold the Shift key).
v3.50.0015 - 28.04.04 12:34
    + New keyboard shortcut:
      Ctrl+P: Copy Filename with Path to Clipboard
              (works only if item is selected in ListView)
v3.50.0014 - 27.04.04 13:49
    % Improved list update algorithm: binarily increased update intervals.
v3.50.0011 - 21.04.04 09:58
    ! Fixed some problems with file listings larger than 32767 items.
    + Width of line number column in List View can be configured now:
      manually set INI-file key LinenumDigits in section [Settings],
      allowed values: 4, 5, 6.
v3.50.0011 - 16.04.04 21:58
    * Window position and size restoral: changed algo.
v3.50.0008 - 16.02.04 10:42
    ! Once in a while a truncated JPEG picture would throw TrackerV3 into freeze mode.
      This has been fixed by routing JPEGs through GDI+.
v3.50.0007 - 14.02.04 19:34
    + Added 2 ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) WAV-formats to
      Audio Preview: IMA ADPCM and Microsoft ADPCM.
v3.50.0006 - 29.01.04 19:33
    + New keyboard shortcuts:
      F11:        open focused HTML-file in browser window
      Shift+F11:  open focused HTML-file in new browser window
      If the focused file has not one of the following extensions:
      .htm .html .shtml .mht .php .php3 .php4 .asp
      simply nothing happens.
Last edited by admin on 02 Mar 2006 15:49, edited 13 times in total.

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Can You Count on Tracker??

Post by aschaaf »

From personal experience, You Bet!

The application works as advertised and the support is the best!


Chris Wood
Posts: 272
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Big thumbs up to the support here

Post by Chris Wood »

Thanks Donald for the latest beta (3.50.0055), it works fine, fixes the bugs I submitted (yay!) and has a much faster startup (than the official 3.50.0005).

You win the 'Best support of a software product' prize! ;) (and I'm quite active in submitting bugs etc. for the software I use, so I should know)

BTW, you should post new betas as new posts in this thread, rather than just editing the old one, so people can subscribe to the thread / visit the forums to be notified of new betas.
test everything. hold on to the good.

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Re: Big thumbs up to the support here

Post by admin »

Thanks for the prize!
Chris Wood wrote:... has a much faster startup (than the official 3.50.0005).
And also for reminding me to that performance improvement (I forgot to mention it in the history). I'm happy you perceived it!

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Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0057, 11-jun-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0057 - 11.06.04 13:42
    * Improved GUI: removed a couple of 3D-borders around the info panel 
      area. This is the first step in a planned series of GUI-improvements 
      along the line "less is more": when you use a file manager you want to 
      look at your files, not at your manager.
v3.50.0056 - 10.06.04 12:29
    + Menu Favorites: now long path names are shortened to a maximum display 
      width of 400 pixels by replacing characters in the middle of the 
      string with ellipses.
    ! After renaming the 'My Documents' folder (the one on the desktop) to a 
      drive letter, TrackerV3 would not browse that folder, nor that drive, 
      nor the 'Desktop' folder.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0060, 15-jun-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0060 - 15.06.04 17:42
    ! Tree context menu: "Command Prompt Here" did not work on special 
      folders "My Documents" and "Desktop". Fixed.
    ! Tree context menu: "Full Collapse" (keyboard: Numpad /) and "Full 
      Expand" (Numpad *) selected node did not work on special folders "My 
      Documents" and "Desktop". Fixed.
    + Nobody ever complained about the lack of this ability, and now it's 
      too late to complain: the "Desktop" folder now can have subfolders! 
    * The "My Documents" folder cannot be dragged no more (adds safety).
      Actually none of the direct child nodes of "My Computer" are draggable.
      And that's a feature, not a bug.
    ! Error when trying to rename subfolders of "My Documents" in tree.
    + New keyboard shortcut (Tree and List):
      Alt+Return: show Properties dialog of the focused item.
      Note: when you press Alt+Return you will hear a beep sound. There 
      seems to be no way to suppress this. You can, however, avoid the beep, 
      when you press AltGr+Return or Ctrl+Alt+Return.
    * Changed some top level menu accelerators:
      E&dit -> &Edit  (because that's common standard)
      Fa&vorites -> F&avorites  (because v is already used in &View)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0063, 16-jun-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0063 - 16.06.04 16:42
    ! Special folders' real path vs mirror path confusion bug: eg you closed 
      TrackerV3 at the real location of the "My Documents" folder, but it 
      would re-open at the special mirror location (under the root) of that 
      same folder (same story with the "Desktop" folder). This confusion also 
      surfaced at the main title bar, the "Rebuild Tree" command, the "Go" 
      history, the "Look in" combo and other places. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0067, 17-jun-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0067 - 17.06.04 21:15
    * Made the tree nodes' focus rect a bit wider. Looks better and is a 
      larger target to hit.    
    + When you rename a favorite folder the favorites are automatically 
      updated now so that the link is kept alive. Note, that this works only 
      with single renames (by pressing F2 or MouseDown on selected item), but 
      not with "Rename Special" (context menu).
  !!! Preview: when an image was "Too large to preview" and you then clicked 
      on the preview area, the app crashed. Fixed.
   *% Images with an area larger than 4 times the screen area are no longer
      previewed. However, you still get all the details of those huge 
      pictures, and this works much faster now than before.
    ! Preview: 32-bit jpeg files are now correctly interpreted as 32-bit 
      (was "24-bit" before).
    + List multiselection: after using SHIFT-click to select the first group 
      of files, you couldn't then use CTRL-click followed by CTRL-SHIFT-click 
      to select the next group. Now you can.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0073, 22-jun-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0073 - 22.06.04 23:00
    + Menu Favorites/Toggle Hilite Current Folder: throws a bright yellow 
      hilite on the current folder. It's 8 pixels wider than the selection 
      rectangle to keep it visible when the folder is selected.
      Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+H
      Note: this property is not preserved between sessions.
    + Menu Favorites/Toggle Hilite Current Branch: draws a light gray 
      rectangle on the background of the whole branch.
      Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+J
      Note: this property is not preserved between sessions.
v3.50.0069 - 21.06.04 12:27
    % List view: better display update strategy when listing folder contents.
      Before, the display was updated at a binary progression pace: 1, next 
      2, next 4, next 8 etc... and when all items were gathered (in an order 
      provided by the file system), the list was sorted and then re-
      displayed in the current user-defined sort order.
      Now, the progressive update strategy is only used for folders 
      containing more than 128 items. The splendid result is: less 
      intermediate screen activity (aka flicker) when browsing most of your 
      folders, and the browsing is faster, too, because there's less 
      painting to be done.
    + New keyboard shortcuts:
      Ctrl+Tab:       cycle thru Info Panel tabs (forward)
      Ctrl+Shift+Tab: cycle thru Info Panel tabs (backward)
    * Tree: now, if a bold folder is renamed the edit box font is bold, too.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0079, 26-jun-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0079 - 26.06.04 12:00
    * Favorites handling rewritten for internal reasons. In consequence your 
      topmost favorite will be missing from the list. Just re-add it manually 
    + Menu Favorites/Toggle Grey Branch is now saved between sessions.
      I also added a fashionable border to it.
v3.50.0076 - 25.06.04 20:32
    ! Find files with ORed name patterns listed all hits for each pattern, so 
      that files matching more than one pattern were also listed more than 
      once. Fixed.
    * Find Files, "Look in" combo: Changed the OR operator for multi-
      directory search from ";" to " | ", eg:
        E:\TestFiles\FindLogic\ | D:\FileView\
      searches these two directories.
    * Find Files: changed the search logic operators:
        " & " is logical AND  (previously "/")
        " | " is logical OR   (previously ";")
      Mind the spaces, they are part of the operators. Example:
        Named: Bill & Monica | Bill & Elected
      = Boolean: ("Bill" AND "Monica") OR ("Bill" AND "Elected")
    * Find Files, escaping operators:
      If searching eg for "Bill & Monica.jpg" you can escape the "&"-
      character with "\":
        Named: Bill \& Monica.jpg
      This is only necessary when & is preceded and followed by a space, 
      otherwise it's not recognized as Boolean AND anyway. The "|"-character 
      (OR) does not have to be escaped because it cannot be part of a valid 
v3.50.0075 - 25.06.04 11:47
    + Menu File (= context menu for files):
      New command "File Path": copy path of focused file to clipboard.
    * Menu File (= context menu for files):
      Renamed "Filename with Path" to "File Path/Name".
    + Menu Favorites/Toggle Hilite Current Folder: hilite is now saved
      between sessions.
v3.50.0074 - 24.06.04 19:52
    + The bucket: new feature for advanced users with good short-term memories.
      It's all keyboard-driven, and here are the new cut/copy/paste keyboard 
      shortcuts for tree and list:
        Ctrl+C: copy selected files/folders (fresh bucket).
                Empties bucket if nothing is selected.
        Ctrl+Shift+C: copy selected files/folders (add to current bucket).
                Switch from cut to copy if nothing is selected.
        Ctrl+X: cut selected files/folders (fresh bucket).
                Empties bucket if nothing is selected.
        Ctrl+Shift+X: cut selected files/folders (add to current bucket).
                Switch from copy to cut if nothing is selected.
        Ctrl+V: paste bucket to current location.
                If files are moved (ie cut/pasted) the bucket is automatically 
                emptied when the operation is completed.
        Ctrl+D: empty the bucket (necessary only to free a couple of memory bytes).
      Note that this bucket works independent of mouse/menu-driven 
      cut/copy/paste: what you copy by keys you must paste by keys.      

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0080, 29-jun-2004).

Code: Select all

v3.50.0080 - 27.06.04 12:28
    + Menu Go/Go to...: go to location by typing/pasting a path name.
      Examples of possible formats (the final backslash is optional):
      Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+G

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0089, 30-jun-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0089 - 30.06.04 12:53
    + Configuration/General: "Show hidden files and folders".
      Before, hidden system folders like "System Volume Information" and 
      "Recycler" or files like "C:\boot.ini" or "desktop.ini" were 
      invariably shown although you rarely need to see them. What's more, 
      operations on these items are often disallowed by the system or 
      Now, these items are not shown by default unless you check "Show 
      hidden files and folders".
      If hidden, those items won't also be found by a search nor listed in 

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Location: Win8.1 @100%, Win10 @100%

Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0093, 01-jul-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0093 - 01.07.04 20:13
    + Several colors are now customizable (Configuration/General):
      Tree: Hilited Folder
            Boxed Branch
      List: Focused Row
            Sorted Column
    * Configuration/General: changed "Hide floppy drives" to "Show floppy 
      drives" to give you all positive choices.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.50.0098, 05-jul-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.50.0097 - 05.07.04 11:06
    + Now hidden items are shown with ghosted icons. "Show hidden files and 
      folders" (Configuration/General) must be checked of course, to see the 
v3.50.0096 - 04.07.04 13:36
    ! When a removable media (CD, DVD) was removed while it was current 
      tree folder and Auto-Refresh was on, that media's volume name was 
      "eternally" hooked to the now empty drive-letter. Fixed.
    * Hilited Folder: now with border around hilite box, looks better.

Chris Wood
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Post by Chris Wood »

admin wrote:

Code: Select all

v3.50.0079 - 26.06.04 12:00 
* Favorites handling rewritten for internal reasons. In consequence your
topmost favorite will be missing from the list. Just re-add it manually
Looks like you'll have to add this note to the readme or download page for the next official version, as people may report it as a bug (which it is).
test everything. hold on to the good.
