Move the selected two items to the specified directory respectively...

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Move the selected two items to the specified directory respectively...

Post by Norn »

Move the selected two items to the specified directory respectively (the next two items are automatically selected, and compare the filenames)

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//Function : Move the first item of the two selected items to the specified directory, and the second item to the original directory of the first item (the next two items are automatically selected, and compare the filenames)
//Created  : 2022-07-07
//Modified : 2022-07-16
//Version  : 1.2

 //Set the directory to move the first item to
 $item1To = "G:\Folders\Con\";
 $item1To = "$item1To" . "\";
 $item1To = replace($item1To, "\\", "\");
//Get the two selected items
 $items = report("{fullname}<crlf>",1);
//Select the two selected items, making the focused item the first
 selectitems $items;

//Compare the filenames
 //Get the basenames of the two selected items
 $itemsNames = report("{basename}<crlf>",1);
 //Calculate the number of <crlf> in $itemsNames
 $count = gettoken($itemsNames, "count", "<crlf>");
 //Get the first and second item names
 $itemName1 = gettoken($itemsNames, 1, "<crlf>");
 $itemName2 = gettoken($itemsNames, 2, "<crlf>");
 //If the two selected items have different names, or $count is greater than 3, cancel the selection, and then exit the script
 if($itemName1 != $itemName2 || $count > "3") {sel; end '1==1', "The two selected items have different names";}

 //Each selected item
 foreach($item, $items, "<crlf>", "e") {
	//If $case equals 2, then
	if($case == "2") {
	  //Move the second item to the original path of the first item
	  moveto $itemPath, $item, , 2;
	//If $case is not equal to 2, then
	if($case != 2) {
	  //Get the path of the first item
	  $itemPath = regexreplace($item, "(.*\\)(.*)(....)", "$1");
	  //Get the basename of the first item
	  $itemName = gpc($item, "base");
	  //Move the first item to the specified directory
	  moveto "$item1To", $item, , 2;
	  //Set $case equal to 2
	  $case = "2";
	  //Moving files takes time
	  wait '600';

 //Select next to next
 sel "+2";
 //Select current item and next
 sel +, 2;

 //Moving files takes time
 wait '600';
 //If both items exists at the new location, then
 if(exists("$item1To$itemName") == "1" && exists("$itemPath\$itemName") == "1") {
   //Play a beep
   sound "C:\Windows\Media\Windows Navigation Start.wav", , 1;
   //The status bar shows the new full paths for both item
   status "$item1To$itemName     $itemPath\$itemName";
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