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Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 05 Jun 2022 17:55
by VeeGee
Good afternoon all,
Other file managers have an option to load or focus their app by double-clicking an empty spot on the desktop. I checked XY settings and didn't find any such option or ability. Now, this isn't an option I even thought I would use, but I actually tried it out and found it useful (in some situations).

My XY is set as this :
Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | [ ] Allow multiple instances (unchecked)

This is super quick and dirty but is working. I was also experimenting with detecting if the XY process is already running and switch to it but XY is pretty smart and does that on the run command anyway. No idea how this runs when multiple instances are enabled.

The AutoHotkey script I cobbled together is here, link inside to where I got most of the code from :

Code: Select all


; ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC
; ahk_exe XYplorer.exe
; XY_Process = XYplorer.exe

If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500) {
	WinGetClass, Class, A
	if (Class = "WorkerW") or (Class = "Progman") {
		if (_EmptyDesktopSpot()) {
			run, C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe

_EmptyDesktopSpot() {
	GroupAdd, DeskGroup, ahk_class WorkerW
	GroupAdd, DeskGroup, ahk_class Progman
	handle := WinExist("ahk_group DeskGroup")

	if (! handle) {
		return false

	handle := DllCall("GetWindow","Ptr",handle,"Uint",5,"Ptr")
	if (! handle) {
		return false

	handle := DllCall("GetWindow","Ptr",handle,"Uint",5,"Ptr")
	if (! handle) {
		return false

	SendMessage,%LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT%,0,0,,ahk_id %handle%
	if (ErrorLevel = "FAIL") {
		return false

	if (! ErrorLevel) {
		return true

	return false
I also compiled this to EXE, here is a sample compile CMD file :

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "C:\Data\Projects\XYScripts\XYOpenFromDesktop\XYOpenFromDesktop.ahk" /out "C:\Data\Projects\XYScripts\XYOpenFromDesktop\XYOpenFromDesktop.exe" /icon "C:\Data\Projects\XYScripts\XYOpenFromDesktop\XYOpenFromDesktop.ico"
Hopefully someone else can find this useful and even expand on it and share back, e.g. better implementation, error trapping, etc.
Maybe a future XY release can add this option already, again, apologize if it's already there, I couldn't find it.

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 18 Nov 2022 16:44
by GreetingsFromPoland
this is good. thank you for your posting. the script works well. i did make a few changes as my software is installed in a different location. i use RegRead to locate the EXE and run from that location. i also make different tooltip display.

developer, is this a feature that you could add to the functionality of the XY software ? it is an option in other file managers and may be useful to others, either built-in or as an extra compiled AHK program.

my changes :

Code: Select all

Menu, Tray, Tip, XYOpenFromDesktop
RegRead, XYEXE, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\XYplorer.exe

Code: Select all

if (_EmptyDesktopSpot()) {
	if FileExist(%XYEXE%) {
		run, %XYEXE%

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 18 Nov 2022 18:57
by klownboy
This is quite handy. I use the same double-click AHK lines for some other actions, but it works great for running, or in most cases, activating XYplorer from the desktop. I incorporated it into my AHK startup script. :tup:

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 18 Nov 2022 19:12
by Horst
I use a similar AHK script but not by Double clicking on the Desktop as it is not always seen.
I made it by double clicking on an empty space on the taskbar.

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 18 Nov 2022 19:32
by klownboy
Hi Horst, could you post your code lines for double-clicking on the taskbar? I'm sure I can find it on the AHK forum but if you have them handy. As you said, sometimes the desktop is not readily available, so the taskbar is also a good option. Thanks.

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 18 Nov 2022 19:48
by Horst
Here my version, which starts the Pop-up of QAP

Code: Select all

; Double click in taskbar

   If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500)
      WinGetClass, Class, A
      If ( Class = "Shell_TrayWnd" )
         run, C:\Tools\QuickAccessPopup\QAPmessenger.exe ShowMenuLaunch

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 18 Nov 2022 21:43
by klownboy
Thanks Horst. Since I have XY on my taskbar so I'm not sure how much I'll use it or need it...we'll see. :tup:

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 19 Nov 2022 12:19
by klownboy
Hi VeeGee, it looks like 4 lines that start with handle := DllCall("Get... are repeated. Probably just a cut and paste problem. Thanks.

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 19 Nov 2022 14:30
by GreetingsFromPoland
good catch klownboy.

i update my script also and it works. i also add Horst addition as an option because sometimes my mouse if far on the right of the taskbar and my pinned software icon is on the left. now i have both options.

maybe developer can build this into the software. i don't see why not.

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 19 Nov 2022 19:44
by klownboy
I tweaked the AHK script to separate actions for the taskbar double-click and the desktop double-click. Also, distinguished between XYplorer currently running but not active and XY not running. This allows the user to provide different scripts or User CIDs to run when XYplorer starts or becomes active, dependent on where the clicking takes place. Of course, you don't have to run a script or CID when XYplorer starts, but this gives you examples of doing that if you like. See the script comments. You'll have to change the CIDs or scripts to your liking.

Code: Select all

If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500) {
   WinGetClass, Class, A
   if (Class = "WorkerW") or (Class = "Progman") {
      if (_EmptyDesktopSpot()) {
         If ( HWND := WinExist("ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC") )
         WinActivate, ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC
         WinGetTitle, Title, A
         SendInput ^{Numpad1}  ;runs a menu in XY assigned to NumPad1
         TrayTip, , Running %TITLE% from Desktop,1
         Run, D:\Tools\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe /script=::#1405, D:\Tools\XYplorer ,,PID  ;starts XY with photo gallery (my CID)
         TrayTip, , Running XY from Desktop (PID %PID%),1
   If ( Class = "Shell_TrayWnd" ) {
      If ( HWND := WinExist("ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC") )
         WinActivate, ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC
         WinGetTitle, Title, A
         SendInput ^{Numpad1}
         TrayTip, , Running %TITLE% from Tray (PID %PID%),1
         Run, D:\Tools\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe /script=::#1442, D:\Tools\XYplorer ,,PID  ;starts XY with SessionManager (my CID)
         TrayTip, , Running XY from Tray (PID %PID%),1

_EmptyDesktopSpot() {
   LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT := 0x1000 + 50
   GroupAdd, DeskGroup, ahk_class WorkerW
   GroupAdd, DeskGroup, ahk_class Progman
   handle := WinExist("ahk_group DeskGroup")
   if (! handle) {
      return false
   handle := DllCall("GetWindow","Ptr",handle,"Uint",5,"Ptr")
   if (! handle) {
      return false
   SendMessage,%LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT%,0,0,,ahk_id %handle%
   if (ErrorLevel = "FAIL") {
      return false
   if (! ErrorLevel) {
      return true
   return false

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 19 Nov 2022 19:51
by Horst
Nice script, added to my examples :)

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 19 Nov 2022 23:13
by klownboy
Thanks Horst, if you think of any other options to add let me know.

Having the AHK script run a CID or script along with starting or activating XY is actually worthwhile (i.e., if XY is already running and active, it will simply run the CID (e.g., a menu - the menu simply pops up on the already active XYplorer).

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 20 Nov 2022 17:15
by GreetingsFromPoland
this is all very nice. i am able to add parts to version that work for me.

i did notice one problem, i had to remove the % from the variable on this line as i was getting "illegal character..." from FileExists :

Code: Select all

if FileExist(XYEXE) {

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 21 Nov 2022 16:43
by klownboy
GreetingsFromPoland wrote: 20 Nov 2022 17:15

Code: Select all

if FileExist(XYEXE) {
I'm not sure why you bother using RegRead. When you know where XYplorer is located just specify the path and filename, why read the registry every time to determine its location? For users with a portable installation that wouldn't work anyway. :)

Re: Open or Focus XY from Desktop

Posted: 21 Nov 2022 18:25
by GreetingsFromPoland
i only use to learn more about the AHK language and how it works. since i used them and they worked, i can now remark out those lines (for regread and fileexist) and use hardpath location.