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Posts: 418
Joined: 24 Oct 2021 16:10


Post by Norn »

Regular expression, increments. . .

Code: Select all

//Created : 2022-05-11
//Modified: 2022-07-12
//Function: Rename selected items with selected item name in another pane
//Version : v1.6

    //Handle .ini file
    $iniFile = self("path") . "\" . self("base") . "\" . "INI" . "\" . "RegexRenameV1.6" . ".ini";

    //Write .ini file if missing
    if (exists($iniFile) != 1) {
        $iniContent = <<<'>>>'


//Save use Unicode
        writefile($iniFile, $iniContent, , "tu");

//Get .ini file entries
 $LastQuery = getkey("Last", "LastQuery", $iniFile);
//Get the last query (Can't use <.> etc for some words)
 $LastQuery1 = gettoken($LastQuery, 1, '卍', "t");
//Replace separator with "|"
 $LastQuery =replace($LastQuery, "卍", "|");

 $notes = "";
 $notes = <<<'>>>'
 Regular expression:

 Regular expression matches:

 Syntax for increments:
        <#1>  =  1, 2, ... 222 ...
        <#01>  =  01, 12, ... 102 ...
		        <#001>  =  001, 088, ... 166 ...

			        D:\Test\Test0530list.txt   ->   D:\Test\TestNumber1.txt

			        D:\Test\Test0530list.txt   ->   D:\Test\TestlistNumber1.txt
//Selected item of another pane
 $selectedItem = get("Item", i);
 $part = input("Rename", "$notes", "$LastQuery1", 5:=500, 7:=$LastQuery);
//get // the previous fragment
 $regex = gettoken($part, 1, '//', "t");
//get // the following fragment
 $partB = gettoken($part, 2, '//', "t");

//If no regular fragment is entered, the regular fragment is $2$3$4
 if(!regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)")) {$replace = "$2$3$4";}
//If no regex is entered
 if($partB == "") {$partB = $regex; $case = "1"}

//Get number for increments
 if(regexmatches($partB, "<#(\d*)>")) {$num = regexmatches($partB, "<#(\d*)>"); $num = regexreplace($num, "<#(\d*)>", "$1");}
 $num2 = $num;
//If a regular fragment is entered, the regular fragment is the entered fragment
 if(regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)")) {$replace = regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)");}

//Regularly get the fragment name
 $replace = replace($replace, "|", "");
 $itemName = regexreplace("$selectedItem", "$regex", "$replace");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)(\$\d)(\$\d)", "$itemName");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)(\$\d)", "$itemName");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)", "$itemName");

//If the regex does not get a matching filename, exit and alert
 if($itemName == $selectedItem) {end '1==1', "Does not match the name, please check the input!";}

//Get a list of selected files
 $list = report("{fullname}<crlf>",1);

 $renamePreview = "";
 foreach($item, $list, "<crlf>", e) {
//Get the suffix of the currently $item
 $itemExt =gpc("$item", "ext");
//Combine and stack
	$part2 = regexreplace($partB, "<#(\d*)>", "$num");
	$renamePreview .= $part2 . ".$itemExt<crlf>";
//Set numbers
//Format number
 foreach($item2, "1|2", "|") {
    if(regexreplace($num2, "0(\d)") == "") {$num = format($num, "00"); break;}
	if(regexreplace($num2, "0(\d)(\d)") == "") {$num = format($num, "000"); break;}

//Batch rename
 rename l, $renamePreview, p, $list, 64;

//Save history

 $count = "1";
 $newLastQuery = "";

 foreach($lastQ, "$LastQuery", "|", "e") {
//If $part is equal to the $item, set $lastQ = "";
	 if($part == $lastQ) {$lastQ = ""}
     if $lastQ != "" {$newLastQuery .= "$lastQ" . "卍";}
//$count +1
//Break if number equals 15
	 if $count == "15" {break;}

 if($case != "1") {
//Merge entered value, old value
 $newLastQuery = "$part" . "卍" . "$newLastQuery";
//Write the merged values to the ini file
 setkey $newLastQuery, "Last", "LastQuery", $iniFile;

Code: Select all

//Created : 2022-05-11
//Modified: 2022-07-12
//Function: Rename selected items with full path from clipboard
//Version : v1.6

    //Handle .ini file
    $iniFile = self("path") . "\" . self("base") . "\" . "INI" . "\" . "RegexRenameV1.6" . ".ini";

    //Write .ini file if missing
    if (exists($iniFile) != 1) {
        $iniContent = <<<'>>>'


//Save use Unicode
        writefile($iniFile, $iniContent, , "tu");

//Get .ini file entries
 $LastQuery = getkey("Last", "LastQuery", $iniFile);
//Get the last query (Can't use <.> etc for some words)
 $LastQuery1 = gettoken($LastQuery, 1, '卍', "t");
//Replace separator with "|"
 $LastQuery =replace($LastQuery, "卍", "|");

 $notes = "";
 $notes = <<<'>>>'
 Regular expression:

 Regular expression matches:

 Syntax for increments:
        <#1>  =  1, 2, ... 222 ...
        <#01>  =  01, 12, ... 102 ...
		        <#001>  =  001, 088, ... 166 ...

			        D:\Test\Test0530list.txt   ->   D:\Test\TestNumber1.txt

			        D:\Test\Test0530list.txt   ->   D:\Test\TestlistNumber1.txt
//Full path from clipboard
 $clipItem = gettoken("<clipboard>", 1, "<crlf>", "t");
 $part = input("Rename from current clipboard: <crlf>$clipItem", "$notes", "$LastQuery1", 5:=500, 7:=$LastQuery);
//get // the previous fragment
 $regex = gettoken($part, 1, '//', "t");
//get // the following fragment
 $partB = gettoken($part, 2, '//', "t");

//If no regular fragment is entered, the regular fragment is $2$3$4
 if(!regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)")) {$replace = "$2$3$4";}
//If no regex is entered
 if($partB == "") {$partB = $regex; $case = "1"}

//Get number for increments
 if(regexmatches($partB, "<#(\d*)>")) {$num = regexmatches($partB, "<#(\d*)>"); $num = regexreplace($num, "<#(\d*)>", "$1");}
 $num2 = $num;
//If a regular fragment is entered, the regular fragment is the entered fragment
 if(regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)")) {$replace = regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)");}

//Regularly get the fragment name
 $replace = replace($replace, "|", "");
 $itemName = regexreplace("$clipItem", "$regex", "$replace");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)(\$\d)(\$\d)", "$itemName");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)(\$\d)", "$itemName");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)", "$itemName");

//If the regex does not get a matching filename, exit and alert
 if($itemName == $clipItem) {end '1==1', "Does not match the name, please check the input!";}

//Get a list of selected files
 $list = report("{fullname}<crlf>",1);

 $renamePreview = "";
 foreach($item, $list, "<crlf>", e) {
//Get the suffix of the currently $item
 $itemExt =gpc("$item", "ext");
//Combine and stack
	$part2 = regexreplace($partB, "<#(\d*)>", "$num");
	$renamePreview .= $part2 . ".$itemExt<crlf>";
//Set numbers
//Format number
 foreach($item2, "1|2", "|") {
    if(regexreplace($num2, "0(\d)") == "") {$num = format($num, "00"); break;}
	if(regexreplace($num2, "0(\d)(\d)") == "") {$num = format($num, "000"); break;}

//Batch rename
 rename l, $renamePreview, p, $list, 64;

//Save history

 $count = "1";
 $newLastQuery = "";

 foreach($lastQ, "$LastQuery", "|", "e") {
//If $part is equal to the $item, set $lastQ = "";
	 if($part == $lastQ) {$lastQ = ""}
     if $lastQ != "" {$newLastQuery .= "$lastQ" . "卍";}
//$count +1
//Break if number equals 15
	 if $count == "15" {break;}

 if($case != "1") {
//Merge entered value, old value
 $newLastQuery = "$part" . "卍" . "$newLastQuery";
//Write the merged values to the ini file
 setkey $newLastQuery, "Last", "LastQuery", $iniFile;

Code: Select all

//Created : 2022-05-11
//Modified: 2022-07-12
//Function: Enter a full item path to rename the selected items
//Version : v1.6

    //Handle .ini file
    $iniFile = self("path") . "\" . self("base") . "\" . "INI" . "\" . "RegexRenameV1.6" . ".ini";

    //Write .ini file if missing
    if (exists($iniFile) != 1) {
        $iniContent = <<<'>>>'


//Save use Unicode
        writefile($iniFile, $iniContent, , "tu");

//Get .ini file entries
 $LastQuery = getkey("Last", "LastQuery", $iniFile);
//Get the last query (Can't use <.> etc for some words)
 $LastQuery1 = gettoken($LastQuery, 1, '卍', "t");
//Replace separator with "|"
 $LastQuery =replace($LastQuery, "卍", "|");

 $notes = "";
 $notes = <<<'>>>'
 Regular expression:

 Regular expression matches:

 Syntax for increments:
        <#1>  =  1, 2, ... 222 ...
        <#01>  =  01, 12, ... 102 ...
		        <#001>  =  001, 088, ... 166 ...

			        D:\Test\Test0530list.txt   ->   D:\Test\TestNumber1.txt

			        D:\Test\Test0530list.txt   ->   D:\Test\TestlistNumber1.txt
 $fullpath = input("Input", "Enter a full item path", "", 5:=500, 7:=);
 $part = input("Rename", "$notes", "$LastQuery1", 5:=500, 7:=$LastQuery);
//get // the previous fragment
 $regex = gettoken($part, 1, '//', "t");
//get // the following fragment
 $partB = gettoken($part, 2, '//', "t");

//If no regular fragment is entered, the regular fragment is $2$3$4
 if(!regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)")) {$replace = "$2$3$4";}
//If no regex is entered
 if($partB == "") {$partB = $regex; $case = "1"}

//Get number for increments
 if(regexmatches($partB, "<#(\d*)>")) {$num = regexmatches($partB, "<#(\d*)>"); $num = regexreplace($num, "<#(\d*)>", "$1");}
 $num2 = $num;
//If a regular fragment is entered, the regular fragment is the entered fragment
 if(regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)")) {$replace = regexmatches($partB, "(\$\d)");}

//Regularly get the fragment name
 $replace = replace($replace, "|", "");
 $itemName = regexreplace("$fullpath", "$regex", "$replace");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)(\$\d)(\$\d)", "$itemName");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)(\$\d)", "$itemName");
 $partB = regexreplace($partB, "(\$\d)", "$itemName");

//If the regex does not get a matching filename, exit and alert
 if($itemName == $fullpath) {end '1==1', "Does not match the name, please check the input!";}

//Get a list of selected files
 $list = report("{fullname}<crlf>",1);

 $renamePreview = "";
 foreach($item, $list, "<crlf>", e) {
//Get the suffix of the currently $item
 $itemExt =gpc("$item", "ext");
//Combine and stack
	$part2 = regexreplace($partB, "<#(\d*)>", "$num");
	$renamePreview .= $part2 . ".$itemExt<crlf>";
//Set numbers
//Format number
 foreach($item2, "1|2", "|") {
    if(regexreplace($num2, "0(\d)") == "") {$num = format($num, "00"); break;}
	if(regexreplace($num2, "0(\d)(\d)") == "") {$num = format($num, "000"); break;}

//Batch rename
 rename l, $renamePreview, p, $list, 64;

//Save history

 $count = "1";
 $newLastQuery = "";

 foreach($lastQ, "$LastQuery", "|", "e") {
//If $part is equal to the $item, set $lastQ = "";
	 if($part == $lastQ) {$lastQ = ""}
     if $lastQ != "" {$newLastQuery .= "$lastQ" . "卍";}
//$count +1
//Break if number equals 15
	 if $count == "15" {break;}

 if($case != "1") {
//Merge entered value, old value
 $newLastQuery = "$part" . "卍" . "$newLastQuery";
//Write the merged values to the ini file
 setkey $newLastQuery, "Last", "LastQuery", $iniFile;
RenameN.png (28.37 KiB) Viewed 1300 times
RenameN2.png (61.4 KiB) Viewed 1300 times
Win10, Win11 @100% 2560x1440 22H2

Posts: 418
Joined: 24 Oct 2021 16:10

Re: Rename

Post by Norn »

Rename the selected files using renamer:

Code: Select all

//Function : Rename the selected files using renamer (
//Created  : 2022-06-12
//Modified : 2022-06-12
//Version  : 1.0

 $files = get("selecteditemspathnames");                                                          //All selected files
 writefile("%temp%\ListOfFilesForRenamer.txt", $files, , "utf8bom");                              //Writes the list of selected files to file "%temp%\ListOfFilesForRenamer.txt" using format "UTF-8 With BOM"
 run lax("D:\Tools\ReNamer\ReNamer.exe" /list "%temp%\ListOfFilesForRenamer.txt");                //Run ReNamer and send a list of selected files
Win10, Win11 @100% 2560x1440 22H2

Post Reply