Smart archive extraction (enhanced)

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Smart archive extraction (enhanced)

Post by Norn »

Code: Select all

@Created : 2022-03-15
@Modified: 2022-03-23
@Function: [Bandizip Overwrite Mode]Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder. [View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>, Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive, View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab, View each extracted item in the new tab, Set label of extracted item to grey]
@Version : v8.2

    //Handle .ini file
    $iniFile = self("path") . "\" . "INI" . "\" . self("base") . "Interval Time" . ".ini";

    //Write .ini file if missing
    if (exists($iniFile) != 1) {
        $iniContent = <<<'>>>'

//Interval Time
[Interval Time]

;The last query you've used
        writefile($iniFile, $iniContent, , "tu");

    //Get Interval time
    $Time     = getkey("Time",     "Interval Time", $iniFile);

	$iconCfi     = ":cfi"; 
	$icon2     = ":clip"; 
	$icon23     = ":#23";
	$icon36     = ":#36";
	$icon6     = ":udc";
	$count = get("CountSelected");  //CountSelected

    $menu   = "";
	set $SelectedItems, <clipboard>;              //Set $SelectedItems = Contents of the current clipboard
	$SI2 = get("SelectedItemsPathNames", "<crlf>", a);
    //$SI2 = replace($SI, "|", "<crlf>");
	$EXT = get("SelExt", "|");
	$EXT = replace($EXT, "*", "\");
	$SI3 = regexreplace("$SI2", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);

//Add Menu
            $menu = <crlf> . "-Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder-        [$count items selected]" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $iconCfi;
			$menu2 .= <crlf> . "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon2;						
			$menu3 = <crlf> . "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon36;	
            $menu5 = <crlf> . "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon23;
			$menu6 = <crlf> . "Set Interval Time" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon6;

    $selection = popupnested("$menu<crlf><:>$menu2<crlf>$menu3<crlf>$menu5<crlf>$menu6", 6:=<crlf>, 7:="<:>");
	if ($selection) {
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1};

//Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder	
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {
	foreach($Item, $SelectedItems, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                                     //Get the path of each item
			$ItemName = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$2");                                                 //Get the file name of each item
			$Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|", "", "|", 0, 1);                               //replace ext to get base name
//Ask if .zip .rar .7z do not contain
	if(!regexmatches($Item, "\.zip")&&!regexmatches($Item, "\.rar")&&!regexmatches($Item, "\.7z")) {
	$confirm = confirm("Clipboard content does not contain .zip .rar .7z, continue?");
	if($confirm == "0") {end 1==1;}
			run """C:\Program Files\Bandizip\Bandizip.exe"" x -aoa -o:""$Path$Base"" ""$Item"""; wait "$Time";  //Extract to Archive-Name folder	   Overwrite:"-aoa"   Skip:"-aos"
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {
	$count = gettoken($selection, "count", <crlf>);
     while ($selection == "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder") {
	$confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,View each extracted item in the new tab,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "271", "Tips", , ":fore-");
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
//View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>		
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>")) {
			$confirm = replace("$confirm", "View each extracted item in the new tab", "");
			$name       = now("yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss");									//Paper folder name
            $paper  		= "%temp%\EverythingForXYplorer\$name.txt";             //Paper folder path
            tab("new");                                                             //New tab
            paperfolder("$name", "$SI3<crlf>$SI2", , , "1");     					//Open Paper folder
            if(get('#417') == "0") {#417;}                                          //Show folder size
		foreach($Item, $SelectedItems, "<crlf>") {
		    if($Item == ""){ break; }
		    if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");
			$ItemName = replace("$Item", "$Path");
            $Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|", "", "|", 0, 1); //replace ext to get base name
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}			
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("$Path$Base\$Base\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "$Path", "$Path$Base\$Base\";
//View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {			
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View each extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$Base";
//Set label of extracted item to grey
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$Path\$Base");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1;}                 //end

//Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {
	if($EXT != "\.zip" && $EXT != "\.rar" && $EXT != "\.7z") {msg "Only one format can be selected for this option!"; end 1==1;}
		run """C:\Program Files\Bandizip\Bandizip.exe"" bx -aoa -o:""<curitempath>\<curbase>"" <selitems>";                      //Extract to Archive-Name folder	   Overwrite:"-aoa"   Skip:"-aos"					 
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {
	$count = gettoken($SI2, "count", <crlf>);
	 while ($selection == "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path") {
    $confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View extracted item in the new tab,View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "252", "Tips", , ":fore-");	
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
            $curitempath = "<curitempath>";
			$curbase = "<curbase>";
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("<curitempath>\<curbase>\<curbase>\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("<curitempath>\<curbase>\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "<curitempath>\", "<curitempath>\<curbase>\<curbase>\";
//View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
            if(regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$curitempath\$curbase\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$curitempath\$curbase\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$curitempath\$curbase\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$curbase";
//Set label of extracted item to grey
            if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$curitempath\$curbase");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {end 1==1;}                 //end	

//Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {
	foreach($Item2, $SI2, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item2 == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item2, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item2, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                         //Get the path of each item
            $ItemName = regexreplace($Item2, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$2");                                     //Get the file name of each item
			$Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);                                //replace ext to get base name
			run """C:\Program Files\Bandizip\Bandizip.exe"" x -aoa -o:""$Path$Base"" ""$Item2""";     //Extract to Archive-Name folder	   Overwrite:"-aoa"   Skip:"-aos"
            wait "$Time";        //Interval Time
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {
	$count = gettoken($SI2, "count", <crlf>);
     while ($selection == "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder") {
	$confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,View each extracted item in the new tab,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "271", "Tips", , ":fore-");
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
//View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>	
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>")) {
			$confirm = replace("$confirm", "View each extracted item in the new tab", "");
			$name       = now("yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss");									//Paper folder name
            $paper  		= "%temp%\EverythingForXYplorer\$name.txt";             //Paper folder path
            tab("new");                                                             //New tab
            paperfolder("$name", "$SI3<crlf>$SI2", , , "1");     				    //Open Paper folder
            if(get('#417') == "0") {#417;}                                          //Show folder size
	foreach($Item, $SI2, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                           //Get the path of each item
			$ItemName = replace("$Item", "$Path");                                                     //Get the file name of each item
            $Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);                                 //replace ext to get base name
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}			
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("$Path$Base\$Base\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "$Path", "$Path$Base\$Base\";
//View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View each extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {			tab('new',"$Path");			
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$Base";	                //Select the extracted item
//Set label of extracted item to grey			
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$Path$Base");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1;}                 //end  

//Set Interval Time
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Set Interval Time")) {
	$Time = input("Set Interval Time, In Milliseconds", , "$Time", "m", "cancel", "100", "500");
	if $Time == "cancel" {end 1==1;}
	setkey $Time, "Time", "Interval Time", $iniFile;          //Save Interval Time
	end 1==1;} 	

	 if $selection == "" {end 1==1;}
     load $selection, , "s";

Code: Select all

@Created : 2022-03-15
@Modified: 2022-03-23
@Function: [WinRAR Overwrite Mode]Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder. [View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>, Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive, View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab, View each extracted item in the new tab, Set label of extracted item to grey]
@Version : v8.2

    //Handle .ini file
    $iniFile = self("path") . "\" . "INI" . "\" . self("base") . "Interval Time" . ".ini";

    //Write .ini file if missing
    if (exists($iniFile) != 1) {
        $iniContent = <<<'>>>'

//Interval Time
[Interval Time]

;The last query you've used
        writefile($iniFile, $iniContent, , "tu");

    //Get Interval time
    $Time     = getkey("Time",     "Interval Time", $iniFile);

	$iconCfi     = ":cfi"; 
	$icon2     = ":clip"; 
	$icon23     = ":#23";
	$icon36     = ":#36";
	$icon6     = ":udc";
	$count = get("CountSelected");  //CountSelected

    $menu   = "";
	set $SelectedItems, <clipboard>;              //Set $SelectedItems = Contents of the current clipboard
	$SI2 = get("SelectedItemsPathNames", "<crlf>", a);
    //$SI2 = replace($SI, "|", "<crlf>");
	$EXT = get("SelExt", "|");
	$EXT = replace($EXT, "*", "\");
	$SI3 = regexreplace("$SI2", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);

//Add Menu
            $menu = <crlf> . "-Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder-        [$count items selected]" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $iconCfi;
			$menu2 .= <crlf> . "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon2;						
			$menu3 = <crlf> . "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon36;	
            //$menu5 = <crlf> . "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon23;
			$menu6 = <crlf> . "Set Interval Time" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon6;

    $selection = popupnested("$menu<crlf><:>$menu2<crlf>$menu3<crlf>$menu6", 6:=<crlf>, 7:="<:>");
	if ($selection) {
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1};

//Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder	
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {
	foreach($Item, $SelectedItems, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                                     //Get the path of each item
			$ItemName = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$2");                                                 //Get the file name of each item
			$Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|", "", "|", 0, 1);                               //replace ext to get base name
//Ask if .zip .rar .7z do not contain
	if(!regexmatches($Item, "\.zip")&&!regexmatches($Item, "\.rar")&&!regexmatches($Item, "\.7z")) {
	$confirm = confirm("Clipboard content does not contain .zip .rar .7z, continue?");
	if($confirm == "0") {end 1==1;}
            run """D:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"" e -o+ ""$Item"" ""$Path$Base\"""; wait "$Time";		                 //Extract to Archive-Name folder	     Overwrite:"-o+"   Skip:"-o-"
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {
	$count = gettoken($selection, "count", <crlf>);
     while ($selection == "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder") {
	$confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,View each extracted item in the new tab,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "271", "Tips", , ":fore-");
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
//View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>		
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>")) {
			$confirm = replace("$confirm", "View each extracted item in the new tab", "");
			$name       = now("yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss");									//Paper folder name
            $paper  		= "%temp%\EverythingForXYplorer\$name.txt";             //Paper folder path
            tab("new");                                                             //New tab
            paperfolder("$name", "$SI3<crlf>$SI2", , , "1");     					//Open Paper folder
            if(get('#417') == "0") {#417;}                                          //Show folder size
		foreach($Item, $SelectedItems, "<crlf>") {
		    if($Item == ""){ break; }
		    if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");
			$ItemName = replace("$Item", "$Path");
            $Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|", "", "|", 0, 1); //replace ext to get base name
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}			
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("$Path$Base\$Base\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "$Path", "$Path$Base\$Base\";
//View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {			
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View each extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$Base";
//Set label of extracted item to grey
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$Path\$Base");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1;}                 //end

//Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {
	if($EXT != "\.zip" && $EXT != "\.rar" && $EXT != "\.7z") {msg "Only one format can be selected for this option!"; end 1==1;}
        run """D:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"" e -o+ <selitems> ""<curitempath>\<curbase>\""";		      //Extract to Archive-Name folder	     Overwrite:"-o+"   Skip:"-o-"		 
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {
	$count = gettoken($SI2, "count", <crlf>);
	 while ($selection == "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path") {
    $confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View extracted item in the new tab,View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "252", "Tips", , ":fore-");	
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
            $curitempath = "<curitempath>";
			$curbase = "<curbase>";
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("<curitempath>\<curbase>\<curbase>\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("<curitempath>\<curbase>\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "<curitempath>\", "<curitempath>\<curbase>\<curbase>\";
//View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
            if(regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {			
			if(exists("$curitempath\$curbase\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$curitempath\$curbase\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$curitempath\$curbase\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$curbase";
//Set label of extracted item to grey
            if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$curitempath\$curbase");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {end 1==1;}                 //end	

//Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {
	foreach($Item2, $SI2, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item2 == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item2, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item2, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                         //Get the path of each item
            $ItemName = regexreplace($Item2, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$2");                                     //Get the file name of each item
			$Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);                                //replace ext to get base name
			run """D:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"" e -o+ ""$Item2"" ""$Path$Base\""";            //Extract to Archive-Name folder	     Overwrite:"-o+"   Skip:"-o-"
            wait "$Time";        //Interval Time
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {
	$count = gettoken($SI2, "count", <crlf>);
     while ($selection == "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder") {
	$confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,View each extracted item in the new tab,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "271", "Tips", , ":fore-");
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
//View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>	
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>")) {
			$confirm = replace("$confirm", "View each extracted item in the new tab", "");
			$name       = now("yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss");									//Paper folder name
            $paper  		= "%temp%\EverythingForXYplorer\$name.txt";             //Paper folder path
            tab("new");                                                             //New tab
            paperfolder("$name", "$SI3<crlf>$SI2", , , "1");     				    //Open Paper folder
            if(get('#417') == "0") {#417;}                                          //Show folder size
	foreach($Item, $SI2, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                           //Get the path of each item
			$ItemName = replace("$Item", "$Path");                                                     //Get the file name of each item
            $Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);                                 //replace ext to get base name
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}			
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("$Path$Base\$Base\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "$Path", "$Path$Base\$Base\";
//View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {			
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View each extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$Base";	                //Select the extracted item
//Set label of extracted item to grey			
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$Path$Base");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1;}                 //end  

//Set Interval Time
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Set Interval Time")) {
	$Time = input("Set Interval Time, In Milliseconds", , "$Time", "m", "cancel", "100", "500");
	if $Time == "cancel" {end 1==1;}
	setkey $Time, "Time", "Interval Time", $iniFile;          //Save Interval Time
	end 1==1;} 	

	 if $selection == "" {end 1==1;}
     load $selection, , "s";
Single thread:

Code: Select all

@Created : 2022-03-15
@Modified: 2022-05-10
@Function: [Bandizip Overwrite Mode]Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder. [Single thread]. [View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>, Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive, View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab, View each extracted item in the new tab, Set label of extracted item to grey]
@Version : v8.5
    //Handle .ini file
    $iniFile = self("path") . "\" . "INI" . "\" . self("base") . "Interval Time" . ".ini";

    //Write .ini file if missing
    if (exists($iniFile) != 1) {
        $iniContent = <<<'>>>'

//Interval Time
[Interval Time]

;The last query you've used
        writefile($iniFile, $iniContent, , "tu");

    //Get Interval time
    $Time     = getkey("Time",     "Interval Time", $iniFile);

	$iconCfi     = ":cfi"; 
	$icon2     = ":clip"; 
	$icon23     = ":#23";
	$icon36     = ":#36";
	$icon6     = ":udc";
	$count = get("CountSelected");  //CountSelected

    $menu   = "";
	set $SelectedItems, <clipboard>;              //Set $SelectedItems = Contents of the current clipboard
	$SI2 = get("SelectedItemsPathNames", "<crlf>", a);
    //$SI2 = replace($SI, "|", "<crlf>");
	$EXT = get("SelExt", "|");
	$EXT = replace($EXT, "*", "\");
	$SI3 = regexreplace("$SI2", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);

//Add Menu
            $menu = <crlf> . "-Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder-        [$count items selected]" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $iconCfi;
			$menu2 .= <crlf> . "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon2;						
			$menu3 = <crlf> . "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon36;	
            $menu5 = <crlf> . "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon23;
			//$menu6 = <crlf> . "Set Interval Time" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon6;

    $selection = popupnested("$menu<crlf><:>$menu2<crlf>$menu3<crlf>$menu5", 6:=<crlf>, 7:="<:>");
	if ($selection) {
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1};

//Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder	
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {
	foreach($Item, $SelectedItems, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                                     //Get the path of each item
			$ItemName = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$2");                                                 //Get the file name of each item
			$Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|", "", "|", 0, 1);                               //replace ext to get base name
//Ask if .zip .rar .7z do not contain
	if(!regexmatches($Item, "\.zip")&&!regexmatches($Item, "\.rar")&&!regexmatches($Item, "\.7z")) {
	$confirm = confirm("Clipboard content does not contain .zip .rar .7z, continue?");
	if($confirm == "0") {end 1==1;}
			run """C:\Program Files\Bandizip\Bandizip.exe"" x -aoa -o:""$Path$Base"" ""$Item""", , 2, 2; //wait "$Time";  //Extract to Archive-Name folder	   Overwrite:"-aoa"   Skip:"-aos"
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {
	$count = gettoken($selection, "count", <crlf>);
     while ($selection == "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder") {
	$confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,View each extracted item in the new tab,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "271", "Tips", , ":fore-");
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
//View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>		
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>")) {
			$confirm = replace("$confirm", "View each extracted item in the new tab", "");
			$name       = now("yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss");									//Paper folder name
            $paper  		= "%temp%\EverythingForXYplorer\$name.txt";             //Paper folder path
            tab("new");                                                             //New tab
            paperfolder("$name", "$SI3<crlf>$SI2", , , "1");     					//Open Paper folder
            if(get('#417') == "0") {#417;}                                          //Show folder size
		foreach($Item, $SelectedItems, "<crlf>") {
		    if($Item == ""){ break; }
		    if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");
			$ItemName = replace("$Item", "$Path");
            $Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|", "", "|", 0, 1); //replace ext to get base name
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}			
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("$Path$Base\$Base\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "$Path", "$Path$Base\$Base\";
//View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {			
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View each extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$Base";
//Set label of extracted item to grey
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$Path\$Base");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1;}                 //end

//Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {
	if($EXT != "\.zip" && $EXT != "\.rar" && $EXT != "\.7z") {msg "Only one format can be selected for this option!"; end 1==1;}
		run """C:\Program Files\Bandizip\Bandizip.exe"" bx -aoa -o:""<curitempath>\<curbase>"" <selitems>", , 2, 2;                      //Extract to Archive-Name folder	   Overwrite:"-aoa"   Skip:"-aos"					 
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {
	$count = gettoken($SI2, "count", <crlf>);
	 while ($selection == "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path") {
    $confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View extracted item in the new tab,View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "252", "Tips", , ":fore-");	
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
            $curitempath = "<curitempath>";
			$curbase = "<curbase>";
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("<curitempath>\<curbase>\<curbase>\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("<curitempath>\<curbase>\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "<curitempath>\", "<curitempath>\<curbase>\<curbase>\";
//View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
            if(regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$curitempath\$curbase\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$curitempath\$curbase\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$curitempath\$curbase\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$curbase";
//Set label of extracted item to grey
            if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$curitempath\$curbase");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {end 1==1;}                 //end	

//Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {
	foreach($Item2, $SI2, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item2 == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item2, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item2, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                         //Get the path of each item
            $ItemName = regexreplace($Item2, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$2");                                     //Get the file name of each item
			$Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);                                //replace ext to get base name
			run """C:\Program Files\Bandizip\Bandizip.exe"" x -aoa -o:""$Path$Base"" ""$Item2""", , 2, 2;     //Extract to Archive-Name folder	   Overwrite:"-aoa"   Skip:"-aos"
            //wait "$Time";        //Interval Time
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {
	$count = gettoken($SI2, "count", <crlf>);
     while ($selection == "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder") {
	$confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,View each extracted item in the new tab,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "271", "Tips", , ":fore-");
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
//View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>	
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>")) {
			$confirm = replace("$confirm", "View each extracted item in the new tab", "");
			$name       = now("yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss");									//Paper folder name
            $paper  		= "%temp%\EverythingForXYplorer\$name.txt";             //Paper folder path
            tab("new");                                                             //New tab
            paperfolder("$name", "$SI3<crlf>$SI2", , , "1");     				    //Open Paper folder
            if(get('#417') == "0") {#417;}                                          //Show folder size
	foreach($Item, $SI2, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                           //Get the path of each item
			$ItemName = replace("$Item", "$Path");                                                     //Get the file name of each item
            $Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);                                 //replace ext to get base name
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}			
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("$Path$Base\$Base\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "$Path", "$Path$Base\$Base\";
//View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View each extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {			tab('new',"$Path");			
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$Base";	                //Select the extracted item
//Set label of extracted item to grey			
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$Path$Base");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1;}                 //end  

//Set Interval Time
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Set Interval Time")) {
	$Time = input("Set Interval Time, In Milliseconds", , "$Time", "m", "cancel", "100", "500");
	if $Time == "cancel" {end 1==1;}
	setkey $Time, "Time", "Interval Time", $iniFile;          //Save Interval Time
	end 1==1;} 	
	 if $selection == "" {end 1==1;}
     load $selection, , "s";

Code: Select all

@Created : 2022-03-15
@Modified: 2022-05-10
@Function: [WinRAR Overwrite Mode]Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder. [Single thread]. [View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>, Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive, View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab, View each extracted item in the new tab, Set label of extracted item to grey]
@Version : v8.5
    //Handle .ini file
    $iniFile = self("path") . "\" . "INI" . "\" . self("base") . "Interval Time" . ".ini";

    //Write .ini file if missing
    if (exists($iniFile) != 1) {
        $iniContent = <<<'>>>'

//Interval Time
[Interval Time]

;The last query you've used
        writefile($iniFile, $iniContent, , "tu");

    //Get Interval time
    $Time     = getkey("Time",     "Interval Time", $iniFile);

	$iconCfi     = ":cfi"; 
	$icon2     = ":clip"; 
	$icon23     = ":#23";
	$icon36     = ":#36";
	$icon6     = ":udc";
	$count = get("CountSelected");  //CountSelected

    $menu   = "";
	set $SelectedItems, <clipboard>;              //Set $SelectedItems = Contents of the current clipboard
	$SI2 = get("SelectedItemsPathNames", "<crlf>", a);
    //$SI2 = replace($SI, "|", "<crlf>");
	$EXT = get("SelExt", "|");
	$EXT = replace($EXT, "*", "\");
	$SI3 = regexreplace("$SI2", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);

//Add Menu
            $menu = <crlf> . "-Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder-        [$count items selected]" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $iconCfi;
			$menu2 .= <crlf> . "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon2;						
			$menu3 = <crlf> . "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon36;	
            //$menu5 = <crlf> . "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon23;
			//$menu6 = <crlf> . "Set Interval Time" . "<:>" . "<:>" . $icon6;

    $selection = popupnested("$menu<crlf><:>$menu2<crlf>$menu3", 6:=<crlf>, 7:="<:>");
	if ($selection) {
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items or clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1};

//Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder	
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {
	foreach($Item, $SelectedItems, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                                     //Get the path of each item
			$ItemName = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$2");                                                 //Get the file name of each item
			$Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|", "", "|", 0, 1);                               //replace ext to get base name
//Ask if .zip .rar .7z do not contain
	if(!regexmatches($Item, "\.zip")&&!regexmatches($Item, "\.rar")&&!regexmatches($Item, "\.7z")) {
	$confirm = confirm("Clipboard content does not contain .zip .rar .7z, continue?");
	if($confirm == "0") {end 1==1;}
            run """D:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"" e -o+ ""$Item"" ""$Path$Base\""", , 2, 2; //wait "$Time";		                 //Extract to Archive-Name folder	     Overwrite:"-o+"   Skip:"-o-"
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {
	$count = gettoken($selection, "count", <crlf>);
     while ($selection == "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder") {
	$confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,View each extracted item in the new tab,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "271", "Tips", , ":fore-");
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
//View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>		
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>")) {
			$confirm = replace("$confirm", "View each extracted item in the new tab", "");
			$name       = now("yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss");									//Paper folder name
            $paper  		= "%temp%\EverythingForXYplorer\$name.txt";             //Paper folder path
            tab("new");                                                             //New tab
            paperfolder("$name", "$SI3<crlf>$SI2", , , "1");     					//Open Paper folder
            if(get('#417') == "0") {#417;}                                          //Show folder size
		foreach($Item, $SelectedItems, "<crlf>") {
		    if($Item == ""){ break; }
		    if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");
			$ItemName = replace("$Item", "$Path");
            $Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|", "", "|", 0, 1); //replace ext to get base name
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}			
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("$Path$Base\$Base\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "$Path", "$Path$Base\$Base\";
//View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {			
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View each extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$Base";
//Set label of extracted item to grey
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$Path\$Base");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract clipboard to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1;}                 //end

//Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {
	if($EXT != "\.zip" && $EXT != "\.rar" && $EXT != "\.7z") {msg "Only one format can be selected for this option!"; end 1==1;}
        run """D:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"" e -o+ <selitems> ""<curitempath>\<curbase>\""", , 2, 2;		      //Extract to Archive-Name folder	     Overwrite:"-o+"   Skip:"-o-"		 
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {
	$count = gettoken($SI2, "count", <crlf>);
	 while ($selection == "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path") {
    $confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View extracted item in the new tab,View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "252", "Tips", , ":fore-");	
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
            $curitempath = "<curitempath>";
			$curbase = "<curbase>";
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("<curitempath>\<curbase>\<curbase>\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("<curitempath>\<curbase>\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "<curitempath>\", "<curitempath>\<curbase>\<curbase>\";
//View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
            if(regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {			
			if(exists("$curitempath\$curbase\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$curitempath\$curbase\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$curitempath\$curbase\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$curbase";
//Set label of extracted item to grey
            if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$curitempath\$curbase");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder in the last clicked item path")) {end 1==1;}                 //end	

//Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {
	foreach($Item2, $SI2, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item2 == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item2, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item2, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                         //Get the path of each item
            $ItemName = regexreplace($Item2, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$2");                                     //Get the file name of each item
			$Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);                                //replace ext to get base name
			run """D:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"" e -o+ ""$Item2"" ""$Path$Base\""", , 2, 2;            //Extract to Archive-Name folder	     Overwrite:"-o+"   Skip:"-o-"
            //wait "$Time";        //Interval Time
//View all items?
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {
	$count = gettoken($SI2, "count", <crlf>);
     while ($selection == "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder") {
	$confirm = inputselect("$count items extracted, View all extracted items?", "+View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>,+Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive,View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab,View each extracted item in the new tab,Set label of extracted item to grey,<Ask again in 5 seconds>", "," , "2", "cancel", "432", "271", "Tips", , ":fore-");
     if(regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {wait 5000;}           //Wait 5S
     if(!regexmatches($confirm, "<Ask again in 5 seconds>")) {break;}
//View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>	
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View all items in the paper folder <Show folder size>")) {
			$confirm = replace("$confirm", "View each extracted item in the new tab", "");
			$name       = now("yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss");									//Paper folder name
            $paper  		= "%temp%\EverythingForXYplorer\$name.txt";             //Paper folder path
            tab("new");                                                             //New tab
            paperfolder("$name", "$SI3<crlf>$SI2", , , "1");     				    //Open Paper folder
            if(get('#417') == "0") {#417;}                                          //Show folder size
	foreach($Item, $SI2, "<crlf>") {
		if($Item == ""){ break; }
		if(strpos($Item, "\", 0, 1) != "-1"){
			$Path = regexreplace($Item, "(.*\\)(.*)", "$1");                                           //Get the path of each item
			$ItemName = replace("$Item", "$Path");                                                     //Get the file name of each item
            $Base = regexreplace("$ItemName", "$EXT|", "", "|", 0, 1);                                 //replace ext to get base name
			if($confirm == "cancel") {end 1==1;}			
//Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive
    if(regexmatches("$confirm", "Move the folder up If only one Archive-Name folder in the archive")) {
           if(exists("$Path$Base\$Base\") == "2") {
           if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
		   wait 300;
           moveto "$Path", "$Path$Base\$Base\";
//View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {			
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			if(listfolder("$Path$Base\", "*.*", 1+4, <crlf>) == "") {
//View each extracted item in the new tab
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item in the new tab") && !regexmatches($confirm, "View each extracted item <only folder in archive> in the new tab")) {
			if(exists("$Path$Base\") == "2") {
			wait "100";  //Interval Time
			selectitems "$Base";	                //Select the extracted item
//Set label of extracted item to grey			
			if(regexmatches($confirm, "Set label of extracted item to grey")) {
            tagitems("lbl", "7", "$Path$Base");
	if(regexmatches("$selection", "Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder")) {end 1==1;}                 //end  

//Set Interval Time
    if(regexmatches("$selection", "Set Interval Time")) {
	$Time = input("Set Interval Time, In Milliseconds", , "$Time", "m", "cancel", "100", "500");
	if $Time == "cancel" {end 1==1;}
	setkey $Time, "Time", "Interval Time", $iniFile;          //Save Interval Time
	end 1==1;} 	
	 if $selection == "" {end 1==1;}
     load $selection, , "s";
Last edited by Norn on 01 Feb 2023 15:38, edited 5 times in total.
Win10, Win11 @100% 2560x1440 22H2

Posts: 1096
Joined: 24 Jan 2021 12:27
Location: Germany

Re: Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder...

Post by Horst »

I use a very simple script which unpacks into the inactive pane.
Thats for me the way unpacking should work and its made this way by most 2-pane file managers.

Code: Select all

// Extracts the selected archive(s) to the inactive pane using 7-Zip.

// Check if there's at least one (archive) file selected

   $selected    = <get SelectedItemsPathNamesSlashed>;
   $cntSelected = gettoken($selected, "count", <crlf>);
   end ($cntSelected == 0), "No (archive) file(s) selected, aborted!";

   $cntFiles = gettoken(formatlist($selected, "f", <crlf>, "!*\"), "count", <crlf>);
   end ($cntSelected != $cntFiles), "Folder(s) can't be selected, aborted!";

   foreach($item, $selected, <crlf>, "e") {
        if (exists($item) == 2) { continue; }

    $other = get("path", i) . "\";
    Run("""C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zG.exe"" x ""$item"" -o""$other""");

Windows 11 Home x64 Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3527)
Portable XYplorer (actual version, including betas)
Everything (x64), Everything Toolbar 1.3.3, Listary Pro

Posts: 426
Joined: 24 Oct 2021 16:10

Re: Extract selected items to Archive-Name folder...

Post by Norn »

Smart archive extraction (enhanced):
Smart achive extraction.png
Smart achive extraction.png (20.4 KiB) Viewed 499 times
Smart achive extraction2.png
Smart achive extraction2.png (17.7 KiB) Viewed 511 times
Bandizip WinRAR
Win10, Win11 @100% 2560x1440 22H2

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