Notepad++ Question

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Notepad++ Question

Post by VeeGee »

Good afternoon,
I have searched the web most of the morning and experimented with a few things and am coming up blank. Looking here to see if someone can help out.

I use Notepad++ for my PHP coding. I am using the built-in code syntax highlighting. One of the defaults is to bold variables in certain conditions, e.g. inside quotes, etc.

Example - take note of $userid and $dataid :
Image-005.png (5.81 KiB) Viewed 3173 times
I am trying to get the same effect on my query parameters, :updatedata and :recipecode in the above example. I have tried all the built-in Notepad++ tweaks, made a small custom language to try and overwrite the defaults, etc. I can't find in any of their XMLs or UI where I can possibly add : as a prefix option and then bold it.

Any Notepad++ users out there with any tips ?

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