Change Log for the latest
XYplorer BETA version:
Code: Select all
v11.90.0209 - 2013-01-15 14:46
+ Scripting got a new function.
Name: RegExMatches
Action: Returns a list of all matches of a RegEx pattern in a
given string.
Syntax: regexmatches(string, pattern, [separator=|], [matchcase=0])
string: String to work on (haystack).
pattern: The RegEx pattern to search for in string (needle).
separator: Separator between matches in the returned list.
Defaults to | (pipe).
matchcase: Compare method.
0: A=a [Default]
1: A<>a
return: List of matches.
text regexmatches("tiger,frog,ball", "[^,]+"); //tiger|frog|ball
* Rename Special | Replace Umlauts: Renamed to "Convert to ASCII".
The functionality has been further improved. Here is an example:
IN: Æß_Øæð_Ðåøþ_Œœƒ_Þäöüß_áéíóú_©.txt
OUT: Aess_Oeaedh_Dhaaoeth_Oeoef_Thaeoeuess_aeiou_(c).txt
Transliterations are currently provided for German, Scandinavian,
Cyrillic, and some special characters.
Characters that cannot be transliterated into ASCII are replaced
by the character defined in Configuration | Templates | Character
to replace invalid characters in dropped messages. If no character
is defined then "." (dot) is used.
+ Info Panel | Properties: Enhanced the file name context menu.
Added command "Convert to ASCII". It is only enabled if the
filenames contains extended ASCII (ANSI) or Unicode characters.
+ Rename Preview: Now both lists support a context menu with options
to Copy the current or all items.
* MLS: Updated to version 8.17. Upgrading directly through ITT.
TRANSLATORS: Always backup your work before upgrading.
download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1)
Installer Package, (2)
No-Install Package.
Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.