BETA version (with detailed history information)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0204 - 2013-01-10 20:20
    + Info Panel | Properties: Now right-clicking the bold filename 
      (i.e. the name of the selected item) pops a mini menu with one 
      item "Character Table". Click it to get a vertical list of the 
      characters and their unicode ordinals in decimal and hexadecimal, 
      and their utf8 sequences.
    % ITT: Improved suggestion logic.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0205 - 2013-01-11 10:40
    + Info Panel | Properties: Enhanced the file name context menu.
    * MLS: Updated to version 8.16. Upgrading directly through ITT.
      TRANSLATORS: Always backup your work before upgrading.
    ! Type Ahead Find: The internal keystroke store was not reset when 
      changing folders. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0206 - 2013-01-12 12:04
    + Configuration | File Operations: Added option "No progress dialog 
      on duplications". Tick it to prevent the progress dialog when 
      copying files in place (source and target path are the same).
      Note: If ticked then the copy operation is forced to run in the 
      foreground even if Backgrounding is enabled. This has internal 
      reasons, and is also a bit faster.
    * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0020.
    * Configuration | File Operations | No progress dialog on intra-
      volume moves: Also here if ticked then the move operation is 
      forced to run in the foreground even if Backgrounding is enabled. 
      This has internal reasons, and is also a bit faster.
    + Scripting got a new command.
      Name:   RTFM
      Action: Open a specific page in the Help file XYplorer.chm.
      Syntax: rtfm page
        page:   name of the HTML page, optionally with #anchorname.
        rtfm "idh_find.htm";
        RTFM "idh_find.htm#idh_findtabtags";
    * Script Captions: Now also permanent variables are supported in 
      captions (environment and native variables had been supported 
    ! Language.ini stupidly supported only ASCII filenames. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0207 - 2013-01-12 21:32
    ! Script Captions: The new support for permanent variables was 
      buggy. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0208 - 2013-01-14 21:06
    * Rename Special | Replace Umlauts: Experimentally this function now 
      attempts to convert a filename to 7-bit ASCII using a bunch of 
      more or less smart conversions too complicated to list here.
      Unicode characters (ordinal > 256) that cannot be reduced to 7-bit 
      ASCII are simply replaced by "-" (hyphen), so applying this 
      function to say Russian or Chinese filenames will not make much 
      Here is an example:
        IN:   ÆÐØÞßæðøþŒœƒ_äöüß_áéíóú_©.txt
        OUT:  AEDOTHssaedothOEoef_aeoeuess_aeiou_(c).txt
      If the function turns out to be useful it will renamed to "Convert 
      to 7-bit ASCII" or simply "Convert to ASCII".
    * The Tips box in various input dialogs (e.g. Batch Rename) now 
      supports Unicode.
    * CKS: The Description box now supports Unicode.
    * Type Ahead Find: Now ESC will reset the internal keystroke store. 
      So quickly typing K-E-Esc-Y will match "Y", not "KEY".
    ! Raw View: Since 20130109 the vertical scroll bar was not always 
      visible when it should. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0209 - 2013-01-15 14:46
    + Scripting got a new function.
      Name: RegExMatches
      Action: Returns a list of all matches of a RegEx pattern in a 
              given string.
      Syntax: regexmatches(string, pattern, [separator=|], [matchcase=0])
        string:     String to work on (haystack). 
        pattern:    The RegEx pattern to search for in string (needle). 
        separator:  Separator between matches in the returned list.
                    Defaults to | (pipe).
        matchcase:  Compare method.
                    0: A=a  [Default]
                    1: A<>a 
        return:     List of matches.
        text regexmatches("tiger,frog,ball", "[^,]+"); //tiger|frog|ball
    * Rename Special | Replace Umlauts: Renamed to "Convert to ASCII".
      The functionality has been further improved. Here is an example:
        IN:   Æß_Øæð_Ðåøþ_Œœƒ_Þäöüß_áéíóú_©.txt
        OUT:  Aess_Oeaedh_Dhaaoeth_Oeoef_Thaeoeuess_aeiou_(c).txt
      Transliterations are currently provided for German, Scandinavian, 
      Cyrillic, and some special characters.
      Characters that cannot be transliterated into ASCII are replaced 
      by the character defined in Configuration | Templates | Character 
      to replace invalid characters in dropped messages. If no character 
      is defined then "." (dot) is used.
    + Info Panel | Properties: Enhanced the file name context menu. 
      Added command "Convert to ASCII". It is only enabled if the 
      filenames contains extended ASCII (ANSI) or Unicode characters.
    + Rename Preview: Now both lists support a context menu with options 
      to Copy the current or all items.
    * MLS: Updated to version 8.17. Upgrading directly through ITT.
      TRANSLATORS: Always backup your work before upgrading.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0211 - 2013-01-16 00:00
    * Convert to ASCII: Improved the transliteration of Cyrillic (added 
      South Slavic) and added Turkish.
    ! Custom Copy Configuration: Fixed a drawing glitch.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0212 - 2013-01-16 13:44
    + Configuration | Tree and List: Added option "Select last used 
      subfolder". Tick it to have the last used subfolder within the 
      current folder auto-selected. Only takes effect when browsing by 
      the list (not by the Tree), by breadcrumb, or by history.
      Usage: Makes it very convenient to browse downwards by keyboard 
      within the list.
      Note: This has been available as tweak AutoSelectMRUSubfolder since 
      long. The new factory default is OFF.
    + Info Panel | Properties: The tooltip of the filename now shows the 
      Unicode and the ASCII version of a filename if there is a 
      difference between the two. You finally can read Cyrillic. :)
    ! Copy Here As Dialog: Drawing glitch under certain conditions since 
      recently. Fixed.
    ! Tree: It was possible to (attempt to) move a folder into its own 
      subfolder using the right-mouse context menu. This could even lead 
      to an app freeze. Now you will get an error message when you try: 
      "Cannot move or copy a folder into its own subfolder."
      In the Tree this kind of move attempt now is not possible anymore.
    ! In a similar way as above it was possible to attempt to move an 
      item in-place (into it's own folder) which effectively resulted in 
      renaming the item as if it collided with itself. Again, this kind 
      of move attempt now is not possible anymore. You will get an error 
      "Cannot move an item into its own folder."
    * MLS: Updated to version 8.18. Upgrading directly through ITT.
      TRANSLATORS: Always backup your work before upgrading.
    * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0021.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0213 - 2013-01-17 09:24
    * Stepping through a Script: Now the lists use the Edit Text font 
      (which by default is a fixed space font).
      Widened the dialog somewhat to reduce scrolling.
    ! SC popupmenu: Parameter sep_itemlist did not support having more 
      than one character. Fixed.
    ! ITT: Frame captions were previewed in the wrong frame. Fixed.
    ! List to List drop: The Move operations were not always offered 
      anymore in the drop context menu since v11.90.0212. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0214 - 2013-01-18 18:26
    * Configuration | Sort and Rename | Add new items at the end of the 
      list: This option was wrongly placed. Moved it to Configuration | 
      Tree and List | List.
    * Everything: Minor adjustments for German, Italian, and Croatian.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0215 - 2013-01-19 20:22
    * Everything: Minor adjustments for Croatian.
    ! Menu Help | Back to English: This setting was stored even on "Exit 
      without Saving", so the app would wrongly restart in English. Fixed.
    ! MLS: On loading a language or switching languages the command 
      descriptions (shown in CKS dialog) were not updated to the new 
      language. Fixed.
    ! MLS: On loading a language or switching languages the 
      "Miscellaneous" commands were not updated to the new language. 
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0216 - 2013-01-20 18:11
    ! ITT: Writing a UTF-8 encoded LNG file could lose the final 
      character of the written data. Fixed.
    ! ITT: A corrupt LNG file could crash the ITT at one point. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

Code: Select all

v11.90.0217 - 2013-01-21 19:46
    + ITT | Tools: Added commands "Append Missing Accelerators in 
      Parentheses" and "Re-Assign All Accelerators in Parentheses". 
      These are of particular use for East-Asian languages (and any 
      other languages that have many more characters than keys on the 
      The accelerator is appended in uppercase in parentheses separated 
      by one space:
        Pa&use|--|Pause (&U)
    * Updated the help file.
    * Custom Copy | Progress Dialog | Reports: Added a Copy button to 
      the Reports dialog.
      Also added that button to a couple of other dialogs where a non-
      editable multiline text is shown.
    * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0022.
    * Folder View Settings: Now when you remove any FVS from the current 
      folder, the folder's view is not changed at all but left as it is. 
      Before, it was set to some auto-default view.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v11.90.0222 - 2013-01-22 17:22
    ! Menu File | To Clipboard | Extended File Info: Did not work 
      correctly anymore due to some internal MLS-related changes. Fixed.
    ! SC filetype: The returned strings (Ascii, Binary, Empty, Cannot, 
      Nofile, UTF-8, etc) had been localized. Wrong! They should not be 
      translated else scripts will stop functioning on language switch. 
    * MLS: Updated to version 8.19. Upgrading directly through ITT.
      TRANSLATORS: Always backup your work before upgrading.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Location: Win8.1, Win10, Win11, all @100%

Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

Code: Select all

v11.90.0223 - 2013-01-23 16:36
    ! Refresh Selected Thumbnails: The status bar message was sometimes 
      misleading. Fixed.
    * Updated the help file.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.
