When using the find files (Ctrl-F) feature, and searching (for example) for all *.ovf files, files in my OneDrive are not shown.
If I navigate manually to that folder, the files are visible.
The search picks up *.ovf files fine in other (non-OneDrive) folders.
Any tips/tricks/suggestions? Tested in XYPlorer 26.50 and 26.50.0006.
Thanks ..
OneDrive search issue
Re: OneDrive search issue
Execute this from the address bar (assuming your onedrive folder is on the C:\ drive):
Does that list contain those files (now)?
Code: Select all
text quicksearch("*.ovf /a", "C:\", , "s");
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Re: OneDrive search issue
My OneDrive is in D:, so I modified accordingly, but no- the OneDrive files are still missing.
It just outputs the same files (for that particular drive) that the Ctrl-F search finds.
It just outputs the same files (for that particular drive) that the Ctrl-F search finds.
Re: OneDrive search issue
Replace the placeholder with the full path and try again:
Replace the placeholder with the full path and try again:
Code: Select all
text quicksearch("*.ovf /a", "<use the full path to your onedrive folder>", , "s");
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Re: OneDrive search issue
if, in the script, I use D:\, the files are not found. If I use D:\OneDrive, they're all listed/found.
Re: OneDrive search issue
Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | [x] Follow junctions
Re: OneDrive search issue
That did the trick -- thanks to both of you for the help!