I have two monitors, one 1440p with 96dpi (primary) and one 4k with 144dpi. When moving XYplorer version 26.40 between the two, the UI is appropriately sized on the primary 1440p monitor but way too small on the secondary 4k monitor. When I run screen; in the address bar on the primary 1440p monitor, I get this:
Code: Select all
Virtual Screen: (0, -322) - (6400x2160)
Screen.Width (screenW) = 2560 (2560)
Screen.Height (screenH) = 1440 (1440)
Current Monitor: 2 (Primary)
Current Work Area: (0, 0) - (2560, 1400)
Number of Monitors: 2
Monitor 1 Area: (2560, -322) - (6400, 1838) = 3840x2160
Monitor 1 Area Work: (2560, -322) - (6400, 1778)
Monitor 1 DPI: 144 (150%)
Monitor 2 Area: (0, 0) - (2560, 1440) = 2560x1440
Monitor 2 Area Work: (0, 0) - (2560, 1400)
Monitor 2 DPI: 96 (100%)
Startup Work Area: (0, 0) - (2560, 1400), Startup Values: (3675, -237) - (1397x908), Winstate=2
XY Main Window: (-8, -8) - (2568, 1408) = 2576x1416, Scale: 2560x1357, Winstate=2
GetCursorPos = 0, 85
Monitor: 2/2 (Primary)
Screen: 2560x1440 Virtual: (0, -322) - (6400, 2160) Work: (0, 0) - (2560, 1400)
Screen DPI: 96 (100%) twX: 15 (15) Stretch: 1,00 sLF: 1,00 Toolbar Zoom: 1,00 (1;1)
Screen Color Depth: 32 Line Spacing: 2 (2,00)
DPI Awareness: Per monitor Auto Scaling: Yes
UseDPIAwareIconSizes: No
Icon Size: Small=16, Large=32, Extra Large=48, Jumbo=256
Icon Size Controls: Small=16, Large=32, Extra Large=48, Jumbo=256
Icon Size Recommended: Small=16, Large=32, Extra Large=48, Jumbo=256
Code: Select all
Virtual Screen: (0, -322) - (6400x2160)
Screen.Width (screenW) = 2560 (3840)
Screen.Height (screenH) = 1440 (2160)
Current Monitor: 1 (Secondary)
Current Work Area: (2560, -322) - (6400, 1778)
Number of Monitors: 2
Monitor 1 Area: (2560, -322) - (6400, 1838) = 3840x2160
Monitor 1 Area Work: (2560, -322) - (6400, 1778)
Monitor 1 DPI: 144 (150%)
Monitor 2 Area: (0, 0) - (2560, 1440) = 2560x1440
Monitor 2 Area Work: (0, 0) - (2560, 1400)
Monitor 2 DPI: 96 (100%)
Startup Work Area: (0, 0) - (2560, 1400), Startup Values: (3675, -237) - (1397x908), Winstate=2
XY Main Window: (2552, -330) - (6408, 1786) = 3856x2116, Scale: 3840x2057, Winstate=2
GetCursorPos = 2697, -228
Monitor: 1/2 (Secondary)
Screen: 3840x2160 Virtual: (0, -322) - (6400, 2160) Work: (0, 0) - (2560, 1400)
Screen DPI: 96 (100%) twX: 15 (15) Stretch: 1,00 sLF: 1,00 Toolbar Zoom: 1,00 (1;1)
Screen Color Depth: 32 Line Spacing: 2 (2,00)
DPI Awareness: Per monitor Auto Scaling: Yes
UseDPIAwareIconSizes: No
Icon Size: Small=16, Large=32, Extra Large=48, Jumbo=256
Icon Size Controls: Small=16, Large=32, Extra Large=48, Jumbo=256
Icon Size Recommended: Small=16, Large=32, Extra Large=48, Jumbo=256