Hard to keep up with the changes!
That being said, I have a request / problem:
Each “sub” in a script seems to be read from file, which leads to delays when the file is big.
⮚ eg with SessionManager on my computer, just going to a “sub” (even empty) takes ~100ms.
To avoid duplicating code blocks, an action may go through 5 subs, which results in half a second “lost” without doing anything!
• How to replicate:
Add the following to the start of a huge script file (commenting out the rest if needs be).
Code: Select all
status "";
"Speed Test - Inline"
$clock_1 = now("ssfff");
wait 1;
wait 500;
status eval(now("ssfff") - $clock_1), "FF0000";
"Speed Test - 5 Subs"
$clock_1 = now("ssfff");
sub "_sub"; sub "_sub"; sub "_sub"; sub "_sub"; sub "_sub";
wait 500;
status eval(now("ssfff") - $clock_1), "FF0000";
wait 1;
So here’s the question (since it seems that functions are read from memory):
⮞ Could the subs be much faster (by whatever means necessary)?