Mouse gesture needed

Features wanted...
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Re: Mouse gesture needed

Post by binocular222 »

an AHK would do this:

Code: Select all

m_GestureKey = RButton  ; Gesture key.
m_GestureKey2 =         ; Alternate gesture key.
m_Interval = 20         ; How long to sleep between each iteration of the gesture-recognition loop.
m_LowThreshold = 50     ; Minimum distance to register as a gesture "stroke."
m_HighThreshold = 0     ; Maximum total gesture length. Exceeding this cancels the gesture.
m_Timeout = 500         ; Maximum time in milliseconds between the last mouse movement and release of the gesture key/button.
m_InitialTimeout = 250  ; Maximum time in milliseconds that the mouse can remain in its initial position before gesture-recognition is cancelled. This makes it easier to click and drag with the gesture button.
m_ActiveTimeout = 0     ; Maximum time in milliseconds that the mouse can remain in any one position before gesture-recognition is cancelled. 0 means forever.
m_ActiveTimeoutMode = 0 ; 0: cancel. 1: cancel & perform default action. 2: complete gesture.
m_DefaultOnTimeout = 0  ; If true, default action is performed whenever m_Timeout is applied.
m_Tolerance = 100       ; Maximum percent of deviance from "zone center" that will be tolerated. If there are 4 zones, 100 percent = 45 degrees.
m_ZoneCount = 4         ; The number of zones.
m_InitialZoneCount =    ; If set, defines the number of zones allowed for the *first* stroke.
m_DisableDing = 0
m_GesturePrefix = Gesture   ; Default prefix for gesture variables/labels.
m_KeylessPrefix =           ; Prefix for keyless gestures, or blank to disable.
m_Delimiter = _

m_EnabledIcon =
m_DisabledIcon =
m_EnabledSound =
m_DisabledSound =

m_PenWidth =  3          ; Width of the pen to draw trails with.
m_NodePenWidth =     ; Radius of "nodes" on the trails, indicating where each stroke begins.
m_PenColor = 00FF00           ; Colour of trails and nodes.
m_TransTrail = 1        ; Make trail window transparent (recommended if DWM/Aero theme is enabled).

;Basic global init

#SingleInstance Force       ; Never allow more than one instance of this script.
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen    ; Let mouse commands use absolute/screen co-ordinates.
SendMode Input              ; Set recommended send-mode.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2        ; Match anywhere in window title.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Set working directory to script's directory for consistency.
SetBatchLines, -1           ; May improve responsiveness. Shouldn't negatively affect other apps as the script sleeps every %m_Interval% ms while active.

;Set text labels to be used in other areas

; Zone labels used when four zones are active:
c_Zone4_0 = R
c_Zone4_1 = D
c_Zone4_2 = L
c_Zone4_3 = U

; Zone labels used when eight zones are active:
c_Zone8_0 = R
c_Zone8_1 = DR
c_Zone8_2 = D
c_Zone8_3 = DL
c_Zone8_4 = L
c_Zone8_5 = UL
c_Zone8_6 = U
c_Zone8_7 = UR

 * Load configuration

; Run "auto-execute" sections of "Define gesture", in that order.
	gosub DefaultGestures
	gosub Gestures

 * Initialize script - don't mess with this unless you know what you're doing

G_SetTrayIcon(true)         ; Set custom tray icon (also called by ToggleGestureSuspend).

; Hook "Suspend Hotkeys" messages to update the tray icon.
; Note: This has the odd side-effect of "disabling" the tray menu
;       if the script is paused from the tray menu.
OnMessage(0x111, "WM_COMMAND")

; Set tooltip for tray icon.
Menu, Tray, Tip, Mouse Gestures
; Setup custom tray menu.
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, &Open      , TrayMenu_Open
Menu, Tray, Add, &Help      , TrayMenu_Help
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, &Reload    , TrayMenu_Reload
Menu, Tray, Add, &Suspend   , TrayMenu_Suspend
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, Edit &Gestures.ahk         , TrayMenu_Edit

Menu, Tray, Add, Edit Gestures_&Default.ahk , TrayMenu_Edit
Menu, Tray, Add, Edit Gestures_&User.ahk    , TrayMenu_Edit
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, E&xit      , TrayMenu_Exit
Menu, Tray, Default, &Open

; Create a group for easy identification of Windows Explorer windows.
GroupAdd, Explorer, ahk_class CabinetWClass
GroupAdd, Explorer, ahk_class ExploreWClass

; Some code relies on m_InitialZoneCount being set.
if m_InitialZoneCount < 2
	m_InitialZoneCount := m_ZoneCount

; The following are relied on by the script and should not be changed:
c_PI := 3.141592653589793, c_Degrees := 180/c_PI

m_WaitForRelease := false   ; Are we waiting for the gesture key to be released? Not yet.
m_PassKeyUp := false        ; Should GestureKey_Up pass key-release to the active window? Not yet.
m_ClosingWindow := 0        ; We aren't about to close any window.

; Set up the canvas for mouse-trails, if configured.
if m_PenWidth
	; Set default trail colour or convert RRGGBB to 0xBBGGRR.
	if m_PenColor =
		m_PenColor := 0
		m_PenColor := "0x" . SubStr(m_PenColor,5,2) . SubStr(m_PenColor,3,2) . SubStr(m_PenColor,1,2)
	m_PenColor &= 0xffffff
	; Use any other colour as the trail-Gui background.
	m_TransColor := m_PenColor ? "000000" : "FFFFFF"

	; Create the Gui if not already created, and set it as the Last Found Window.
	Gui, +LastFound
	if m_TransTrail
		; Make the Gui background transparent.
		Gui, Color, %m_TransColor%
		WinSet, TransColor, %m_TransColor%
		; Prevent the GUI background from being painted, giving the illusion of transparency.
		OnMessage(0x14, "G_DisableEraseBkgnd")
		G_DisableEraseBkgnd() {
			return 1
	; Remove the caption and borders, and hide the Gui from the taskbar.
	Gui, -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
	; Get the HWND and HDC of the Last Found Window (the Gui).
	hw_canvas := WinExist()
	hdc_canvas := DllCall("GetDC", "uint", hw_canvas)
	; Create the pen, if not already created.
	pen := DllCall("CreatePen", "int", 0, "int", m_PenWidth, "uint", m_PenColor)
	; Select the pen and store a handle to the previously selected pen (common GDI practice).
	old_pen := DllCall("SelectObject", "uint", hdc_canvas, "uint", pen)
	; Create a brush for erasing the Gui background.
	brush := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", "uint", "0x" m_TransColor)

	brush2 := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", "uint", m_PenColor)
	old_brush := DllCall("SelectObject", "uint", hdc_canvas, "uint", brush2)

; Register hotkeys.
Hotkey, %m_GestureKey%, GestureKey_Down
Hotkey, #%m_GestureKey%, ToggleGestureSuspend
if m_GestureKey2 {
	Hotkey, %m_GestureKey2%, GestureKey_Down
	Hotkey, #%m_GestureKey2%, ToggleGestureSuspend

SoundPlay, %m_EnabledSound%

if m_KeylessPrefix {
	if !m_ActiveTimeout
		if m_Timeout
			m_ActiveTimeout := m_Timeout
			m_ActiveTimeout := 1000
	SetTimer, GestureKeyless, %m_Interval%  ; Won't run while in the gesture recognition loop.



; ↓ Define gestures ↓

DefaultGestures:    ; Init section for default gestures.
	; Default_D_R never closes these windows:
	GroupAdd, CloseBlacklist, ahk_class Progman         ; Desktop
	GroupAdd, CloseBlacklist, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd   ; Taskbar

Default_L:      ;Browser_Back or Undo
	SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
	if ( WinActive("ahk_group ^Explorer$")   OR  WinActive("XYplorer ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC"))
		Sendinput !{Left}
	else if WinActive("- (Microsoft )?Visual C\+\+")
		Sendinput ^-
	else if WinActive("ahk_class ^#32770$") && G_ControlExist("SHELLDLL_DefView1")          ; Possibly a File dialog, so try sending "Back" command.
		SendMessage, 0x111, 0xA00B ; WM_COMMAND, ID
	else if ( WinActive("Word")   OR  WinActive("Excel")  OR WinActive("Microsoft"))
		Sendplay, ^z
	else if( WinActive("ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW"))
		Sendinput {Media_Prev}
		Sendinput {Browser_Back}

Default_R:  ;Browser_Forward or Redo
	SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
	if ( WinActive("ahk_group ^Explorer$")   OR  WinActive("XYplorer ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC")  )
		Sendinput !{Right}
	else if WinActive("- (Microsoft )?Visual C\+\+")
		Sendinput ^+-
	else if ( WinActive("Word ahk_class OpusApp")   OR  WinActive("Excel ahk_class XLMAIN")  OR WinActive("Microsoft"))
		Sendplay, ^y
	else if( WinActive("ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW"))
		Sendinput {Media_Next}
		Sendinput {Browser_Forward}

; Close Application (or Firefox tab) - down, then right
	ifWinNotActive, ahk_group CloseBlacklist
		MouseGetPos, x, y, hWnd
		PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF060 = SC_CLOSE

;Default_R_D_L_U:        ; Reload the Script.

Default_L_D_R_U:    ; Edit script/config.
;    Menu, EditFile, Add, Edit &Gestures.ahk         , TrayMenu_Edit
;    Menu, EditFile, Add, Edit Gestures_&Default.ahk , TrayMenu_Edit
;    Menu, EditFile, Add, Edit Gestures_&User.ahk    , TrayMenu_Edit
;    Menu, EditFile, Show
;    Menu, EditFile, Delete

Default_D:    ; Minimize
	;G_MinimizeActiveWindow()       ;Normal minimize
	settitlematchmode, 2
	ifwinactive, Outlook ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32
	ifwinactive, ahk_class BaseWindow_RootWnd
		Sendinput {Shift Down}{Alt Down}m
		sleep 500
		Sendinput {Shift Up}{Alt Up}
	run WinmintoTray.ahk

Default_U:  ; Toggle Maximize
WinGet MX, MinMax, A
   If MX
		WinRestore A
   Else WinMaximize A

Default_R_L:	; Toggle Maximize
  Tooltip, Reloading...
  run script.ahk

Default_L_R: ;Reload
  Tooltip, Reloading...
  sleep 200

; Toggle Maximize:
;WinGet MX, MinMax, A
   ;If MX
;		WinRestore A
;   Else WinMaximize A
;    return
Default_U_L_D_U: ; <-- compensate for bad habit
	if WinExist(G_GetLastMinimizedWindow())
		PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF120

;    WinActive("A")
;    WinGet, mm, MinMax
;    if mm
;        SendMessage, 0x112, 0xF120 ; WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE
;    PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF010 ; WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MOVE
;    Sendinput {Left}{Right}

Gestures:	;User-defined gestures
	Gesture_WheelUp = ^{Tab}        ;Modifier key + WheelUp = Ctrl Tab
	Gesture_WheelDown = ^+{Tab}
 * Tray menu subroutines

	DetectHiddenWindows, On
	Process, Exist
	PostMessage, 0x111, 65300,,, ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid %ErrorLevel%
	MsgBox, Sorry, feature not implemented!
	gosub ToggleGestureSuspend
	G_EditFile(A_ScriptDir "\" RegExReplace(A_ThisMenuItem,"^Edit |&"))

 * Gesture recognition and hotkeys

	Suspend, Toggle
	if A_IsSuspended {
		Menu, Tray, Check, &Suspend
		SoundPlay, %m_DisabledSound%
	} else {
		Menu, Tray, Uncheck, &Suspend
		SoundPlay, %m_EnabledSound%

	Hotkey, *Escape, CancelGesture, Off
	m_ExitLoop := true

	Hotkey, %A_ThisHotkey%, Off
	MouseGetPos, m_EndX, m_EndY
	if m_PassKeyUp
		Sendinput {Blind}{%m_LastGestureKey% Up}
		m_PassKeyUp := false


	if m_WaitForRelease && m_LastGestureKey ; Key pressed while loop was running for the other key.
	Thread, NoTimers  ; Disable keyless timer for the duration of this subroutine.

	m_LastGestureKey := A_ThisHotkey
	Hotkey, *%m_LastGestureKey% Up, GestureKey_Up, On
	Hotkey, *Escape, CancelGesture, On
	if (%m_GesturePrefix%_WheelUp!="" || IsLabel(m_GesturePrefix "_WheelUp"))
		Hotkey, *WheelUp, GestureWheelUp, On
	if (%m_GesturePrefix%_WheelDown!="" || IsLabel(m_GesturePrefix "_WheelDown"))
		Hotkey, *WheelDown, GestureWheelDown, On

	; If the keyless timer started this thread, the gesture loop mustn't be active since
	; a) the keyed entry-point above disables timers and b) no timer can execute its
	; subroutine again until the previous instance returns.  We don't want to register
	; any hotkeys since they wouldn't work intuitively with the keyless method.

	; Increase interval between message checks so that any interruption will happen during
	; 'Sleep' rather than at any random point.  Interruption happens if a keyless loop
	; is running when the user presses a gesture key; when it happens, we want to recognize
	; the "explicit" gesture and exit the keyless loop's thread as soon as it resumes.
	; This must be done because of the use of global variables in the gesture loop.
	if A_ThisLabel=GestureKeyless
		Critical % 100+m_Interval  ; Add m_Interval in case it is reasonably high/long.
		m_LastGestureKey := ""

	m_WaitForRelease := true    ; Legacy naming: true while running the loop (even if its not really waiting for key-up).
	m_ExitLoop := false         ; Only overridden by scrolling/pressing Escape.
	m_ScrolledWheel := false    ;
	beginTimeout := A_TickCount
	startX := -1
	startY := -1
	totalDistance := 0
	lastZone := -1

	m_Gesture := ""
	m_GestureLength := 0

	; get starting mouse position
	MouseGetPos, lastX, lastY

	; record for later use
	m_EndX := m_StartX := lastX
	m_EndY := m_StartY := lastY

	if hdc_canvas && m_LastGestureKey
		SysGet, XVirtualScreen, 76
		SysGet, YVirtualScreen, 77
		SysGet, CXVirtualScreen, 78
		SysGet, CYVirtualScreen, 79
		; Set origin to top-left of primary screen (since mouse co-ords are relative to this).
		DllCall("SetViewportOrgEx", "uint", hdc_canvas, "int", -XVirtualScreen, "int", -YVirtualScreen, "uint", 0)
		; Show the trail canvas over the entire virtual screen (all monitors).
		Gui, Show, X-30000 Y-30000 W%CXVirtualScreen% H%CYVirtualScreen% NA
		; Showing the Gui initially off-screen may help reduce "screen flash".
		Gui, Show, X%XVirtualScreen% Y%YVirtualScreen% NA
		; Set the initial position, where the first line will begin.
		DllCall("MoveToEx", "uint", hdc_canvas, "int", m_StartX, "int", m_StartY, "uint", 0)

		; Logic below requires that only keyless mode enables 'Critical'.
		if (A_ThisLabel="GestureKeyless" && m_wasCritical := A_IsCritical)
				Critical Off ; Allow interruption temporarily.

		; wait for mouse to move
		Sleep, m_Interval

		if (A_ThisLabel="GestureKeyless" && m_wasCritical)
		{   ; If a gesture key was pressed, the globals this instance was using
			; have probably been overwritten, so just break out of the loop.
			if m_LastGestureKey
			Critical %m_wasCritical%

		if m_ExitLoop
			if m_ScrolledWheel
				KeyWait, %m_LastGestureKey%

		if !m_WaitForRelease
		{ ; use location mouse was released at
			x := m_EndX
			y := m_EndY
		else ; get current mouse position
			MouseGetPos, x, y

		offsetX := x - lastX
		offsetY := y - lastY

		; Check if mouse has moved.
		if (offsetX!=0 || offsetY!=0)
			if hdc_canvas
				; Draw a line to the current mouse position, from the starting position or end of the previous line.
				DllCall("LineTo", "uint", hdc_canvas, "int", x, "int", y)

			; Calculate distance and angle from origin.
			; Note origin changes only when a new stroke is detected, so distance will continue
			; to increase while the mouse contiues to move in the same approximate direction.
			distance := Sqrt(offsetX*offsetX + offsetY*offsetY)

			if (distance > m_LowThreshold)
				angle := G_GetAngle(offsetX, offsetY)

				lastX := x
				lastY := y

				; Allow the initial stroke to be more or less specific than subsequent strokes,
				; ensuring the initial stroke can be extended according to m_InitialZoneCount.
				if ( m_GestureLength = 0
				  || m_GestureLength = 1 && G_GetZone(angle, m_InitialZoneCount, m_Tolerance) = lastZone )
					 zoneCount := m_InitialZoneCount
				else zoneCount := m_ZoneCount

				zone := G_GetZone(angle, zoneCount, m_Tolerance)

				if zone =
					; Error, or gesture stroke exceeded zone tolerance (m_Tolerance).
					if !m_DisableDing
						SoundPlay, *-1

				if (lastZone != zone)
					if (hdc_canvas && m_NodePenWidth && lastZone != zone && lastZone != -1)
						DllCall( "Ellipse", "uint", hdc_canvas
									, "int", lastZoneEndX-m_NodePenWidth
									, "int", lastZoneEndY-m_NodePenWidth
									, "int", lastZoneEndX+m_NodePenWidth
									, "int", lastZoneEndY+m_NodePenWidth )

					; Record length of this stroke.
					totalDistance := distance

					; Remember zone index for subsequent iterations.
					lastZone := zone

					; Record this stroke.
					m_Gesture .= m_Delimiter . zone
					m_GestureLength += 1
					; Extend length of this stroke.
					totalDistance += distance
				; Reset timeout.
				beginTimeout := A_TickCount

				lastZoneEndX := x
				lastZoneEndY := y

				if (m_HighThreshold > 0 && totalDistance > m_HighThreshold)
					; Gesture stroke exceeded maximum stroke length (m_HighThreshold).
					if !m_DisableDing
						SoundPlay, *-1
					Sleep, 150
					if !m_DisableDing
						SoundPlay, *-1

		timeout := m_Gesture="" ? m_InitialTimeout : m_ActiveTimeout

		if (timeout && A_TickCount-beginTimeout > timeout)
			; Timed out.
			if (m_Gesture!="" && (m_ActiveTimeoutMode=2 || !m_LastGestureKey))
				; Complete gesture. Circumvent m_Timeout.
				beginTimeout := A_TickCount
				m_WaitForRelease := false
			if !m_DisableDing && m_LastGestureKey
				SoundPlay, *64
			; G_ExitGesture attempts default function of gesture key if the first parameter is true.
			G_ExitGesture(m_Gesture="" || m_ActiveTimeoutMode=1)

		; End loop when gesture key is released.
		if !m_WaitForRelease

	; Cancel gesture if the mouse was immobile for too long after the last stroke.
	if (m_Timeout && A_TickCount-beginTimeout > m_Timeout)
		; Gesture timed out.
		if !m_DisableDing && m_LastGestureKey
			SoundPlay, *64
		G_ExitGesture(m_DefaultOnTimeout && m_LastGestureKey)

	if m_Gesture !=
		if !G_PerformAction(m_Gesture) && !m_DisableDing && m_LastGestureKey
			SoundPlay, *48


	m_ScrolledWheel := true
	m_ExitLoop := true
	G_PerformAction(m_Delimiter . SubStr(A_ThisLabel,8))

	local action, params, final_name
		, list := m_LastGestureKey ? m_GesturePrefix ",Default" : m_KeylessPrefix

	Loop, Parse, list, `,
		final_name = %A_LoopField%%action_name%

		if IsLabel(final_name)
			gosub % final_name
		else if %final_name% !=
			Sendinput % %final_name%

		return true
	return false

	local btn

	Hotkey, *Escape, CancelGesture, Off
	Hotkey, *WheelUp, GestureWheelUp, Off
	Hotkey, *WheelDown, GestureWheelDown, Off

	if hdc_canvas  ; Hide the mouse-trail canvas.
		if m_TransTrail
			; Clear the canvas before hiding it. Otherwise, the next time the window is shown,
			; the previous gesture can be shown for a brief moment before the window updates.
			VarSetCapacity(rect, 16, 0)
			NumPut(CYVirtualScreen + YVirtualScreen, NumPut(CXVirtualScreen + XVirtualScreen
				, NumPut(YVirtualScreen, NumPut(XVirtualScreen, rect, 0))))
			DllCall("FillRect", "uint", hdc_canvas, "int", &rect, "uint", brush)
		Gui, Hide

	if !(sendkey && m_LastGestureKey)
		m_WaitForRelease := false

	if m_LastGestureKey in LButton,MButton,RButton
		; Try to leave mouse button functionality intact.
		StringLeft, btn, m_LastGestureKey, 1
		if m_WaitForRelease
			MouseGetPos, m_EndX, m_EndY
		; Move to point where gesture started, then press and hold button.
		MouseClick, %btn%, m_StartX, m_StartY,, 1, D
		; Move back into place. Release if button has been physically released.
		if m_WaitForRelease
			MouseMove, m_EndX, m_EndY
			MouseClick, %btn%, m_EndX, m_EndY,,, U
		if m_WaitForRelease
			Sendinput {Blind}{%m_LastGestureKey% Down}
			Sendinput {Blind}{%m_LastGestureKey%}
	; Pass through gesture button release to active window if applicable.
	m_PassKeyUp := m_WaitForRelease
	m_WaitForRelease := false


; Get angle (in degrees) of {x,y} relative to {0,0} -> {1,0}.
G_GetAngle(x, y)
	if (x != 0) {
		deg := ATan(y/x) * 57.295779513082323 ; deg := rad * 180/PI
		if x < 0
			return deg + 180
		else ; x > 0
			if y < 0
				return deg + 360
		; x > 0 && y >= 0
		return deg
	} else ; x = 0
		if y > 0
			return 90.0
		else if y < 0
			return 270.0 ;-90
		; else no return value.

; Get the zone of an angle
;  angle:       Angle in degrees, between 0.0 and 360.0 inclusive.
;  zoneCount:   Number of zones.
;  tolerance:   Allowed deviance from centre of zone.
;               If positive, specifies percentage of zone (between 1 and 100).
;               If negative, absolute value specifies tolerance in degrees.
G_GetZone(angle, zoneCount, tolerance)
	local degPerZone
	local zone

	if zoneCount < 2
		return ; ERROR.

	; Calculate zone size.
	degPerZone := 360/zoneCount

	; Calculate nearest zone integer.
	zone := Mod(Round(angle/degPerZone),zoneCount)

	; Calculate tolerance.
	if tolerance < 0
		tolerance := Abs(tolerance)                 ; -n : must not exceed n degrees.
		tolerance := degPerZone/2 * tolerance/100   ; n : must not exceed n percent.

	if (zone = 0 && angle > 180)
		angle -= 360

	; Check if within tolerated distance from centre of zone.
	if (Abs(angle-(zone*degPerZone)) > tolerance)

	; Resolve to text form if available.
	if c_Zone%zoneCount%_%zone% !=
		return c_Zone%zoneCount%_%zone%

	return zone

 * Tray icon maintenance

	local icon := is_enabled ? m_EnabledIcon : m_DisabledIcon
	if icon !=
		ifExist, %icon%
				Menu, Tray, Icon, %icon%,, 1
		else    Menu, Tray, Icon, *
		Menu, Tray, Icon
		Menu, Tray, NoIcon
	%m_OnUpdateIcon%(icon, is_enabled)

WM_COMMAND(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
	static IsPaused, IsSuspended
	id := wParam & 0xFFFF
	if id in 65305,65404,65306,65403
	{  ; "Suspend Hotkeys" or "Pause Script" - either A_IsPaused or A_IsSuspended is about to be toggled.
		if id in 65306,65403
			IsPaused := ! A_IsPaused
			IsSuspended := ! A_IsSuspended
		G_SetTrayIcon(!(IsPaused or IsSuspended))

 * Helper functions

	Run edit %file%,, UseErrorLevel
	if ErrorLevel = ERROR
		Run, notepad "%file%"

	lastMinTime := A_TickCount
	lastMinID   := WinExist("A")
	; unlike WinMinimize, using WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE
	; causes the system-wide "Minimize" sound to be played
	PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF020

	WinGet, w, List

	Loop %w%
		wi := w%A_Index%
		WinGet, m, MinMax, ahk_id %wi%
		if m = -1 ; minimized
			lastFound := wi

	return "ahk_id " . (lastFound ? lastFound : 0)

G_ControlExist(Control, WinTitle="")
	ControlGet, temp, HWND, , %Control%, %WinTitle%
	return temp
Save as *.ahk, then download and open this .ahk file with
Hold down Right mouse and drag left = Alt+Left (which is assign as "go back" to XYplorer)
Hold down Right mouse and drag right = Alt+Right...
This script can manipulates all kind of window, not just XYplorer, example:

Code: Select all

else if( WinActive("ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW"))
		Sendinput {Media_Next}
means Window Media Player Classic Home Cinema - Next track.
You can change various settings in the first few lines of the script.
Actions are defined below these lines:
^ means Ctrl
! means Alt
+ means Shift

(If you don't want to modify this script, then use the pre-compiled script I attached below)
(378.92 KiB) Downloaded 319 times
I'm a casual coder using AHK language. All of my xys scripts: ... 243#p82488

Posts: 7
Joined: 04 May 2014 01:21

Re: Mouse gesture needed

Post by xyz »

Appreciate the reply, binocular222.

I would prefer not to use an external program to do this, but thanks for posting the AHK script.

Post Reply