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Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 13 Jan 2016 15:51
by bdeshi
Nope, TQ did that himself. :)

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 12:00
by highend
Added "exif" to

Code: Select all


Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 12:10
by admin
highend wrote:Added "exif" to

Code: Select all

I would not use "<hex value>", hex is just a number format. IMO it should be <exif tag value>, be it in decimal or hex.

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 12:15
by highend
IMO it should be <exif tag value>, be it in decimal or hex.
Ok, changed it^^

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 22:26
by eil
it's selfish, but can somebody create a searchable help-file, 'cause at least sendkeys i insert in scripts periodically and for stupid reason each time have to look for format on forum %[

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 25 Jun 2017 09:49
by bdeshi

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 25 Jun 2017 10:10
by bdeshi
Displays various system metrics.


Code: Select all

gsm [index]

index     ID of the metric to display

Code: Select all

  gsm 28;  // The minimum width of a window, in pixels.
    gsm 73;  // Nonzero if the computer has a low-end (slow) processor

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 25 Jun 2017 10:44
by bdeshi
Opens a command prompt.


Code: Select all

opencommandprompt [path], [command], [title], [flags]

path     The initial path for the command prompt.
         Defaults to the current list path.
command  The command to execute. Should be prefixed with /k.
title    The window title.
         Defaults to "<path> - Original location of this command prompt"
flags    (bit field)
         1 = Elevate (open as admin).
         Only makes a difference if XYplorer itself is not elevated.
         "command" and "title" are ignored if the prompt is being elevated.

Code: Select all

  opencommandprompt "C:\";
  opencommandprompt , "/k dir";
  opencommandprompt "C:\", 3:=1;  //elevate (using numbered argument syntax)
This is under development and may be changed often, and at some point documented officially.

  • v17.50.0219

    Code: Select all

        + Scripting got a new command.    *** UNDOCUMENTED (still beta) ***
          Name: OpenCommandPrompt
          Action: Opens a command prompt.
          Syntax: opencommandprompt [path], [command], [title], [flags]

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 10 Oct 2017 16:53
by highend
recreates image files from the thumbnails cache.


Code: Select all

rethumb cachepath, cachetitle, targetpath, [flags]

cachepath:  Location of cache files (dbits and dat2 file).
            You find this path here:
            Configuration | Thumbnails | Cache thumbnails on disk
cachetitle: Title of the cache files pair (dbits and dat2 file; both are needed!).
            It's always 32 character GUID, e.g. "fc2a2b5e9d46239340b1f1e88023bc32"
            The file "XYThumbs.txt" in cachepath will help you to find
            the right GUID. I kept this as a homework for you to ensure
            this wonderful command comes with a satisfying degree of
targetpath: Target folder where the images files are to be created.
            It's recommended to use an empty folder.
flags: (bit field)
            1 = Overwrite prompt (when creating the image files).
                Otherwise same-named files are overwritten without asking.

Code: Select all

  - The main use of this command is to retrieve thumbnail versions of
    any lost original image files from XYplorer's thumbnails cache.
  - Note that XYplorer's thumbnails cache can contain also older images
    that had been long removed from the original folder. So you should get
    all your lost images and maybe even some more.
  - Each found thumbnail is stored as a separate image file under the
    original file name.
  - Image files are all saved in PNG format to ensure a lossless quality.
  - The PNG extension is appended (in CAPS) to the original filename, e.g.:
    This allows you to see how the original file was called.

Code: Select all

rethumb "E:\XYThumbs", "fc2a2b5e9d46239340b1f1e88023bc32", "E:\Test\reThumbed";

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 14:50
by highend
Customizes the toolbar..


Code: Select all

toolbar([buttons], [size], [flags])

buttons [optional] comma-separated list of button keys. 

 missing: keep current toolbar 

 empty (""): reset toolbar to factory default buttons 

size [optional]
0: small
1: large
2: extra large
If missing: keep current setting 

flags: (bit field)
            1 = Returns all existing internal XYplorer icon names
  • The command itself is NOT new, but the flags parameter is

Code: Select all

$xyIcons = toolbar(, , 1);
  • v18.50.0301 Intro of the flags = 1 parameter although not officially documented.
  • v25.80.0007 The flags param was moved to the third position eg. toolbar(, , , 1);

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 15 Apr 2018 15:57
by klownboy
Don recently added the new get("fvs", folder) which will return a "1" if the folder has a FVS defined and also added the view parameter get("fvs",folder, "view") to which returns the view mode (same return as get("view") but it this case returns the FVS view and "-1" if there is no FVS.

Code: Select all

 Syntax: get("fvs", folder)
      eg: echo get("fvs", "C:\Users\Donald\Desktop\Desk");
          echo get("fvs", "Desktop\Desk");
     return bit field: 1 = has FVS, 2 = Include subfolders, 4 = Match case

Code: Select all

 Syntax: get("fvs",folder, "view")
 0 = eViewDetails
 1 = eViewDetailsWithThumbs
 2 = eViewList
 3 = eViewSmallIcons
 4 = eViewThumbnails
 5 = eViewThumbnails2
 6 = eViewThumbnails3
 7 = eViewLargeIcons
 8 = eViewTiles
 9 = eViewTilesLarge
 And it will return "-1" if there is not FVS defined.

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 18 Oct 2018 13:07
by highend
outputs <anything> to the Win32 debug output of your local system.


Code: Select all

sysdebug <output>

While output can be anything like a string or (probably more appropriate) a variable

Code: Select all

sysdebug $i; // Puts the content of $i into the debug output
v18.50.0210 - 2017-11-20 16:54

Code: Select all

    + Scripting got a new command.
      Name: sysdebug
      Action: Sends a string to the system debugger via API OutputDebugString.
      Syntax: sysdebug string
        sysdebug "any string";
      - SysInternals has a tool "DebugView" to view the system debugger:
        It will show the sent strings in real time in a list.
      - Unicode characters are not supported due to an age old Windows bug.
        They are shown as "?".
      - This command is not officially supported (no mention in help).

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 09:39
by bdeshi
Displays shell provided thumbnail for files.


Code: Select all

shellextractthumb file

file    file to show thumbnails of. Path can be real or virtual (see shellopen)

Code: Select all

shellextractthumb "shell:Common Documents\Bookshelf\unix-haters-handbook.pdf";
The thumbnail is painted onto the list view, like makecoffee.

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 09:48
by bdeshi
Shows network access logs in a messagebox. Pops up for each log event.


Code: Select all

lognetworkaccess [state=""|1|0]

state    1: turn on, 0: turn off. Defaults to empty value, which toggles logging

Code: Select all

lognetworkaccess; // toggle logging
lognetworkaccess 0; //turn off
  • Introduced:
    admin wrote:Okay, let's try something now. We'll use a temporary scripting command for debugging.

    - paste ::lognetworkaccess 1 into the address bar and press enter.
    - try to go to your share
    - you should see some message box now; please copy (Ctrl+C) the contents and let me know.

Re: Undocumented script commands - Suggestions

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 09:56
by bdeshi
Begins saving debug logs to a logfile in <xydata>.


Code: Select all

debuglogtofile [state=bitfield]

state    a bitfield that selects events to log
            ?   ???
            32  ???

Code: Select all

debuglogtofile 32; //start logging to file <xydata>\XYLog-*.txt
  • Introduced in v12.90.0017 (no later than).
    admin wrote: Steps to Debug in v12.90.0017

    1. Enable debugging by entering this script via address bar:

    Code: Select all

    debuglogtofile 32;
    2. Paste a file until crash.

    3. Restart XY ( :mrgreen: ) and go to app data path and look for a newly created file called "XYLog-2013-09-20.txt".

    4. Open that file and post contents here.

    My "XYLog-2013-09-20.txt" file (no crash) looks like this:

    Code: Select all

    17:53:51.564 - paste1
    17:53:51.564 - paste2
    17:53:51.564 - paste3
    17:53:51.564 - paste4
    17:53:51.564 - paste5: 94296456
    17:53:51.564 - paste6
    17:53:51.564 - paste7
    17:53:51.564 - paste8
    17:53:51.574 - paste9: 85570184
    17:53:51.574 - paste10
    17:53:51.574 - paste11
    17:53:51.574 - paste12
    17:53:51.584 - paste13