Disabled Spacebar on typeahead find, avoid many collisions better navigation with Keys and a few control BUGs

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Disabled Spacebar on typeahead find, avoid many collisions better navigation with Keys and a few control BUGs

Post by shatva »

-Disabled Spacebar on typeahead find and repeated, (many collisions when use in conjuction with "ticky selection", audio preview "play" note custimazable keyboard shortcut), and merged autofocus livefind box focus with locked on name letters typeahead like TC behavior. Sticky behavior should be the main behavior with focus lens or rectangle and a separated selection method. And shortcut to select item under focus , with spacebar calculate folder size jump to next item or not, or jump to next item with selection without calculate (insert key), fast precision selection method.

-Sticky selection behavior on only on mouse behavior and the keyboard behavior should be default on "sticky selection". Bad windows explorer heritage from windows, with mouse to focus and select on the same time. Sticky selection mode with selected directories open "Windows Explorer" windows with "ENTER". Pretty unwanted behavior. It should simply enter on "focus"ed item. It is not keyboard friedly to avoid conflicts! Right mouse button for sticky selection. Longer held right mouse button on that mode need to open right click properties. You can navigate with one hand on mouse, OR one hand with keyboard fully. Your other hand can rest a bit.

-Auto close Tree navigation panel after entered to a destination, can give more space for list of files

-Simple is more, and easier to use. Focus could be rectangle, to not mix colors with already selected name backgrounds.. selection could be same on other pane. Dual Active pane dont need to colored differently. Differentiate with colors could be disturbing and redundant.

-Quick preview pane on other pane
(nothing can beat single pane with quick preview look on other pane, with remembered sizing of dual pane when activated) (TC behavior)

-Customizable media audio preview keyboard shortcuts. to avoid collisions with typeahead find, "sticky selection", and "play" shortcut

-Tree navigation pane dont need selection color bar, nodes show destination already. Only need focus rectangle or lens, when tree pane activated.

-Thinner audio preview on opened status bar. Or audio preview without status bar like quick preview is a good approach. Just with keyboard shortcut support like on info panel media preview.

Posts: 6
Joined: 29 Oct 2014 02:26

Re: Disabled Spacebar on typeahead find, avoid many collisions better navigation with Keys and a few control BUGs

Post by shatva »

- Disable Tab button to "livefind box" option
It have shortcut to toggle anyway and,
Auto focus Live Find Box + Tab shortcut to livefind box together is redundant. "Livefind box" should be focused with highlight border ot jumping focus rectangle +/ Lens option, like active breadcumb bars, it is hard to see only cursors blinking to know it is active!

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