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Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 12:41
by Reve_Etrange
Hi all,

I was wondering if it was possible to define keyboard shortcut sequences, like Emacs (and other one-true-editor-wanabee) does Eg. Ctrl-x Ctrl-f.
I guess this means composite keymaps and all that--so the question is, can it be done? If no, any chance to get it sometime later?


Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 13:09
by TheQwerty
Currently no, but I'm really glad that I'm no longer the only "fool" that wants this. ;)

Today the best you can do is to use UDC to execute a script, which displays a menu, and then use access keys in the captions as the second part of the sequence.

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 14:00
by highend
You could write an .ahk script, that sends the necessary commands to XY. Would work, as long as all the functions are accessible via script commands...

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 14:20
by Reve_Etrange
Yeah, but this means global hooks to capture the key events. I know you can filter by application class and likes, but this messes up with some apps nonetheless.

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 14:45
by highend
This doesn't mess with anything apart from XYplorer^^

You either restrict the keypresses to ahk_id or ahk_class (sufficient, if you don't have any other apps that use ThunderRT6FormDC)...

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 14:57
by Reve_Etrange
I know this works in theory, but in practice the AHK hooks can break some applications that watch for the same keystrokes at a low level.

I already have AHK on my machine btw, and I keep it loaded in startup scripts because it works pretty well, but it is often not totally seamless.

I appreciate the suggestion anyway!

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 18:38
by binocular222
in AHK:

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
ControlSend,, {Ctrl}f, XYplorer ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC
I cannot imagine how it can messup with other window.

P.S: If you want to send/receive message to/from XYplorer, then try my AHK script here: ... 233#p82412

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 13:41
by highend

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input

GroupAdd, XYplorerGroup, ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC ; XYplorerGroup

Loop, parse, alphabet			;
	Transform, Ctrl%A_LoopField%, Chr, %A_Index%

#IfWinActive, ahk_group XYplorerGroup
^x:: ; Ctrl + X

Input, x, L1 M
if x = %CtrlF%
	xyscript =
		( LTrim Join
			::focus "PI";
else if x = %CtrlH%

	hwnd := WinExist("ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC")
	if (hwnd)
		WinActivate, ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC

	size := StrLen(script)
	if !(A_IsUnicode) {
	   VarSetCapacity(data, size * 2, 0)
	   StrPut(script, &data, "UTF-16")
	} else {
	   data := script
	VarSetCapacity(COPYDATA, A_PtrSize * 3, 0)
	NumPut(4194305, COPYDATA, 0, "Ptr")
	NumPut(Size * 2, COPYDATA, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
	NumPut(&Data, COPYDATA, A_PtrSize * 2, "Ptr")
	result := DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessageW", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", 74, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &COPYDATA, "Ptr")
You can send keyboard shortcut commands (from XY) via:

or whole scripts via:
CallXYplorerScript(<name of variable that contains a script>)

Example included.

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 10:55
by Reve_Etrange
Interesting, thank you for the effort!

How would you make a key binding for "copy current file selection to folder A:/b/c" ?
The mix of VB-ish code and win32 API makes my head reel :/

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 18:15
by klownboy
Hi highend,
I was testing out your code above and I finally had success inputting a full working script. I read up on the input and transform command after seeing your code. :) This small modification worked for me. I may modify it slightly to open XY is it's not already as I did with earlier with code from binocular222. Though it's usually open, but maybe not "active".

Code: Select all

Input, x, L1 M
if x = %CtrlF%
    script = D:\Tools\Xyplorer\Scripts\ThumbnailViewer_exec.xys
else if x = %CtrlH%
I noticed you used the variable "xyscript" in some places and "scripts" in other places so I made them all the same, "scripts". I also noticed it wouldn't work if I quoted the script. It worked fine unquoted.
Edit: I think what confused me initially was the use of "Ctrl" in the variable (e.g., CtrlF). Until I really understood what was happening with the transform and input commands, I thought it had something to do with the use of the control key. "Ctrl" could have been "pizza" and it would still work. :oops: The "x" used in the "input" variable also confused me coming right after hotkey assignment of "^x". The "x" could have been "pasta" and then the line below becomes:

Code: Select all

if pasta = %pizzaF%
Nice touch on the use of transform and input. It works great. Thanks, I hope all is well.

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 07:58
by highend
Reve_Etrange wrote:Interesting, thank you for the effort!

How would you make a key binding for "copy current file selection to folder A:/b/c" ?
The mix of VB-ish code and win32 API makes my head reel :/
Just use regular XY scripting...


Code: Select all

xyscript = 
      ( LTrim Join
         ::copyto "D:\b\c", , , 2;

Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 08:12
by highend
Hi Ken,
klownboy wrote:I may modify it slightly to open XY is it's not already
You mean you'll start XY?

Just add an else statement in the function.

Code: Select all

if (hwnd)
      WinActivate, ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC
    RunWait, <path to your xyplorer.exe>
Though it's usually open, but maybe not "active".
You mean these hotkeys should be global because XY doesn't have to be the active window?
Possible, but I wouldn't recommend this.
You would have to use:
IfWinExist and you should make sure that e.g. emacs isn't the active window *g*
I noticed you used the variable "xyscript" in some places and "scripts" in other places so I made them all the same, "scripts".
Sure, can be done that way because "scripts" is local in the context of the function but I found it more confusing if I use the same variable name in the autorun context and in the function parameter.
"Ctrl" could have been "pizza" and it would still work.
Ctrl is just the first part of the variable name. Ofc you can name it anything you like. "x" was just ... short :) Normally I wouldn't use single character variable names but the script is so short, it doesn't matter.


Re: Keyboard shortcut sequences (ala Emacs)

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 21:11
by klownboy
Hi highend,
Thanks for the explanations. I'm not going to modify the script to start XY if it's not already. As you alluded to, this script suits the purpose of providing an Emacs style method of performing shortcuts within XY. There are so many other ways, which I already have defined, for starting XY (if it's not already) and performing numerous tasks or running scripts, etc. I did learn some by "playing" with it (i.e., learning from it :) ) using different keystrokes, scripts, and setting up a message box to indicate the ASCII code indicated by Value1. I also attempted to use "numbers" (i.e., 123456789) in lieu of the alphabet in the transform loop, but I guess the "CHR" cmd for transform doesn't work for numbers (ASCII code equivalent character code for a numbers).
Thanks again,