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Search more effeciently

Posted: 09 Jul 2020 23:11
by mikeshick
I am having to manually scour 1000's of files to find where google cloud inserted (1) or (2)...etc after my folder and file names. Google Drive destroyed 15 years of my files, and I'm trying to clean them up. As do this, I'm using the search command to look for (1) through a particular folder. I end up with about 3000. When I click on a folder/file, a new tab opens and I can make the correction i need. When I go back to the search tab, it starts to regenerate the search.

Is there a way to make this more efficient, or the search static so it doesn't research every time I take this action.

Any other recommendations welcome.

Re: Search more effeciently

Posted: 09 Jul 2020 23:43
by highend
Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | [x] Cache search results
With 0 for the maximum number