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Possible jump to a specific tab through shortcuts (as Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+9 in Firefox/Chrome)?

Posted: 06 Apr 2019 14:59
by cadu

Does anyone know if it is possible to jump to a specific tab through shortcuts (as Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+9 in Firefox/Chrome)?

Thank you!

Re: Possible jump to a specific tab through shortcuts (as Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+9 in Firefox/Chrome)?

Posted: 06 Apr 2019 15:19
by highend
Write a script that popups a menu and let you choose one of its entries via just 1-9, a-z.
Takes one keyboard shortcut to invoke the menu and just one additional key press.

Or an ahk script that defines these shortcuts and sends the necessary command to XYplorer but
requires you to unbind all CTRL + 1-9 shortcuts inside XY...

Re: Possible jump to a specific tab through shortcuts (as Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+9 in Firefox/Chrome)?

Posted: 06 Apr 2019 16:12
by klownboy
Command ID #538 will bring up the tab list. So if you want to jump to tab number 7, something like this will do it, sendkeys "7~"; #538; The list contains accelerator keys 0-9 but after 10 they repeat. So you would have to do sendkeys "{Down 13}{Enter}";#538;

Re: Possible jump to a specific tab through shortcuts (as Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+9 in Firefox/Chrome)?

Posted: 06 Apr 2019 16:15
by cadu
Thanks a lot all of you for the responses!