BETA version (with detailed history information)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0010 - 2010-11-12 20:51
    + Menu Tools | Customize List | Size Column Format: Added units TB 
      and PB. These two and also EB are now supported everywhere in the 
      Note that backward compatibility has been provided, so your Size 
      columns in the Lists should look the same as before upgrading.
    + Configuration | Startup & Exit: Added option "Check for updates on
      startup". Check it to perform a quick online check whether your
      current version is still up-to-date. If there is a newer version
      available you get a message.
      The check is only performed if you are online already.
      Note that if Admin Settings are set to eAPHide_Help_XYOnTheWeb
      (64), this option is hidden and the functionality disabled.
      Note that unfortunately the check can take a couple of seconds. I 
      investigated this for several hours without finding a solution. 
      One day I will find one.
    * Menu Help | XYplorer on the Web | Check for Updates: Now it shows
      the result of the update check in a dialog. Before, it opened a
      website in the default browser.
    ! Spot & Jump: A single jump pattern containing a space, e.g. 
      ">chuck berry|" would not jump but just spot. Fixed.
      FYI, the trailing | in ">chuck berry|" is necessary to have a 
      space within the pattern, else spaces are used as pattern 
    ! There was a problem (well, a crash) with very large drives (> 1 
      ExaByte). Not that these actually exist, but certain buggy drives 
      have been seen to return such a size. Fixed. Now drives up to 8.00 
      EB are supported. And even larger drives will not crash the app 
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0009 - 2010-11-12 12:30
    * SCs listfolder and listpane enhanced. Added flag to force the 
      pattern to be an exact match, i.e. to suppress auto-adding of 
      wildcards when no wildcards are contained in the pattern (aka 
      "loose match").
        flags: (binary field)
          0: return folders and files with full paths [default]
          1: NoFolders (= return only files)
          2: NoFiles (= return only folders)
          4: NoPaths (= return the filenames without paths)
          8: NoAutoWildcards (= allow exact matches)
        //list all folders that are named "code" in active pane
        ::inputselect("Test", listpane(, "code", 2 + 8));
    ! Info Panel | Find Files: The Location field was not correctly 
      updated on startup when the startpath was passed via command line 
      and "Auto sync" was enabled. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0007 - 2010-11-11 13:29
    + Configuration | Startup & Exit: Added dropdown "Startup pane". 
      Allows you to always start on a certain pane, or on the last pane 
      (factory default).
    + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   formatbytes
      Action: Formats a number as bytes, resp. converts byte formats.
      Syntax: formatbytes(bytes, [format=FLEX], [decimals=-1])
        bytes:    The number to format.
                  Can be a raw number or a string like "2 KB".
        format:   The desired formatting. One of the following:
            FLEX = [Default] Flexible (best unit is auto-selected).
            FLEXR = FLEX, but rounded up.
            KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB = usual bytes unit.
            KBR = KB, but rounded up.
            BB = Bytes (with unit)
            B = Bytes (no unit)
            RAW = Raw number (no unit, no thousand separators).
        decimals: The number of decimal points.
                  Ignored if the unit is B, BB, KBR, or FLEXR.
            -1 = System default.
        return: Formatted number.
      - The returned numbers are rounded to 2 digits and have thousand 
        separators (unless "R" is stated as format).
      - Note that the function is locale-specific! Decimal and thousand 
        separators may be different from locale to locale.
      Examples for US locale:
        ::text formatbytes("1.34 MB", "KB");     //1,372.16 KB
        ::text formatbytes("1,372.16 KB", "MB"); //1.34 MB
      Examples for German locale:
        ::text formatbytes("1,34 MB", "KB");     //1.372,16 KB
        ::text formatbytes("1.372,16 KB", "MB"); //1,34 MB      
      More examples for German locale:  
        ::text formatbytes("2 kb", "b"); //2.048
        ::text formatbytes("2 kb", "bb"); //2.048 bytes
        ::text formatbytes(2560);             //2,50 KB
        ::text formatbytes("2560");           //2,50 KB
        ::text formatbytes("2560", "FLEX");   //2,50 KB
        ::text formatbytes("2560", "FLEXR");  //3 KB
        ::text formatbytes(2048 * 1024);        //2,00 MB
        ::text formatbytes(2048 * 1024 . "KB"); //2,00 GB
        ::text formatbytes("1,5 MB", "RAW"); //1572864
      Rounding (German locale):
        ::text formatbytes(1, "KB");    //0,00 KB
        ::text formatbytes(1, "KB", 0); //0 KB
        ::text formatbytes(1, "KB", 2); //0,00 KB
        ::text formatbytes(1, "KBR");   //1 KB
        ::text formatbytes(512, "KB");    // 0,50 KB
        ::text formatbytes(512, "KB", 0); // 1 KB
        ::text formatbytes(512, "KB", 2); // 0,50 KB
        ::text formatbytes(512, "KBR");   // 1 KB
    + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   listpane
      Action: Lists the contents of a pane.
      Syntax: listpane([pane=<curpane>], [pattern=*], [flags], _
        pane:     Pane to list.
          a = [default] active pane 
          i = inactive pane
          1 = pane 1
          2 = pane 2
        pattern:  Wildcard (?, *) pattern to filter returned items;
                  defaults to "*" (show all).
                  If no wildcards are contained, the pattern is auto-
                  embraced by "*".
        flags: (binary field)
          0: return folders and files with full paths [default]
          1: NoFolders (= return only files)
          2: NoFiles (= return only folders)
          4: NoPaths (= return the filenames without paths)
        separator:  Separates the items in the returned list;
                    defaults to | (pipe).
        return:   List of items.
        - As you might have noted, this command is analogue to SC 
          listfolder with the exception of the first argument.
        - The command also works on Search Results, Drives, Recycle Bin 
          and whatever list modes we will get int he future.
        - The order of items is determined by the current list order.
        - The possibilities this command brings to scripting are mind-
        ::inputselect("Items on pane 1", listpane(1));
        ::inputselect("Items on pane 2", listpane(2));
        ::inputselect("Items on active pane", listpane());
        ::inputselect("Items on inactive pane", listpane("i"));
        ::inputselect("Items a* on active pane", listpane(, "a*"));
    * Logging To File: Well, from now on, the setting IS remembered 
      across sessions again IF it was set by ::logtofile. Logging set by 
      command switch /log=... is not remembered.
      Note that both ways of setting the logging can be done 
      simultaneously: their values will be combined (bitwise OR-ed). So 
      when ::logtofile 1 has been set, and you start the app with 
      /log=2, then both events, eLTFBackgroundJobAdded (1) and 
      eLTFBackgroundJobTriggered (2) are logged.
    ! Scripting: The Math parser got stuff like this wrong:
        ::echo 3 * 3 . 3 * 3;
      This should be analyzed as (3 * 3) . (3 * 3) = 9 . 9 = "99",
      but the parser returned a very different result! Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0006 - 2010-11-10 12:27
    + Logging To File: Up to now, this was only possible using the 
      undocumented scripting command "logtofile". From now on, you can 
      also pass a command switch to enable logging to file.
      Currently supported IDs:
        eLTFBackgroundJobAdded = 1
        eLTFBackgroundJobTriggered = 2
      For example, log all using a script:
        ::logtofile 3;
      For example, log all using a command switch:
    * Logging To File:
      - From now on, also the milliseconds are logged.
      - NOTE: From now on, the setting is NOT remembered across sessions 
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0005 - 2010-11-09 20:57
    + Scripting: Added unary boolean operator "not" or "!". It inverts 
      the truth value of its operand.
      Note that "not" must be separated by at least one space from its 
      operand. This is not necessary (but allowed) with "!".
        echo not 1; // 0
        echo not 0; // 1
        echo ! 1; // 0
        echo !1; // 0
        echo !0; // 1
        echo !(1 and 0); // 1
      The following scripts all turn on dual pane (if it is not on 
        if (!get('#800')) { #800; }; 
        if (! get('#800')) { #800; };
        if (not get('#800')) { #800; };
        if (not not not get('#800')) { #800; };
    ! Scripting: Still parsing trouble with HereDoc constructs in 
      combination with block comments. Sigh. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0004 - 2010-11-09 13:27
    + New variable <get bytesselected [pane]> returns the sum of bytes 
      of all selected items of any of the two panes. If folder sizes are 
      shown then they are included in the byte count.
      The optional "pane" argument can be:
        a = [default] active pane 
        i = inactive pane
        1 = pane 1
        2 = pane 2
      For example:
        <get bytesselected>    //active pane's sel. bytes
        <get bytesselected i>  //inactive pane's sel. bytes
      As always, SC get supports the same argument:
        echo get("bytesselected");     //active pane's sel. bytes
        echo get("bytesselected", i);  //inactive pane's sel. bytes
    + New variable <get bytestotal [pane]> returns the sum of bytes of 
      all items of any of the two panes. Syntax see above.
    + Also the following variables now support the optional "pane" 
      argument (syntax see above):
        <get countitems [pane]>
        <get focusedpos [pane]>
        <get countselected [pane]>
        <get sort [pane]>
        <get view [pane]>
        <get selecteditemsnames [separator=CRLF] [pane]>
        <get selecteditemspathnames [separator=CRLF] [pane]>
      Note that you can omit the "separator" argument, which then leads 
      to two adjacent spaces. For example this script line lists all 
      selected item names of the inactive pane, one per line:
        text <get selecteditemsnames  i>;

      As always, SC get supports the same argument. For example the 
      above line using SC get:
        text get("selecteditemsnames", , "i");
    + New variable <get [Command ID] [ReturnOnTrue = 1] [ReturnOnFalse = 
      0]>. Here you can retrieve the current state of a couple of toggles 
      that have a command ID, and control what is returned on what state.
      Currently supported are the following Command IDs:
        #800 = Dual Pane
        #801 = Horizontal Panes
      For example, this returns "DP" when Dual Pane is enabled, and "SP" 
      when it's not:
        text <get #800 DP SP>;
      And this returns "DualPane" resp. "SinglePane":
        text <get #800 DualPane SinglePane>;
      And this returns "1" resp. "0":
        text <get #800>;
      As always, SC get supports the same argument:
        text get("#800", "DP", "SP");
      So now you have a Ternary Conditional wrapped into a variable.
    + Variables: Now parameters of variables may be quoted. This is 
      useful to pass parameters containing spaces (because the space 
      characters also serves to separate the paramters in this context). 
      The parameters themselves are unquoted after parsing.
      For example, this returns "Dual Pane" when Dual Pane is enabled, 
      and "Single Pane" when it's not:
        text <get #800 "Dual Pane" "Single Pane">;
      You can even pass embedded quotes by doubling them:
        text <get #800 """Dual Pane""" "Single Pane">;
    ! Scripting: Still parsing trouble with HereDoc constructs in 
      combination with unclosed quotes contained in block comments. Fixed.
    ! There was a problem when you had an extraordinarily high number of 
      drives. Should be fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

Code: Select all

v9.70.0003 - 2010-11-08 10:52
    + Tweak to define a minimal duration of all background jobs within 
      one queue until the sound defined in BJSoundAllDone is played.
        BJSoundAllDuration=<number of seconds>
    * Action Log: Improved the captions for actions concerning a folder. 
      When you delete, rename, copy, or move a single folder, then the 
      attribute "folder" is added to the caption.
    ! Background Jobs: When adding a new job the Statusbar always showed 
      "job #1 ..." instead of the correct number. Fixed.
    ! List: Scrolling down by Arrow Down moved the pane content page by 
      page instead row by row (since 20101030). Fixed.
    ! List: Scrolling the list by arrow keys updated the Info Panel for 
      every focused item even while the key was still down. This shouldn't 
      happen, of course, and was added by stupidity on 20100707. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0002 - 2010-11-06 18:10
    ! Scripting: Multiline scripts stored in the INI file (Run Script, 
      or User Buttons Scripts) were not correctly read when upgrading to 
      v9.70.0001. Fixed.
If you loaded v9.70.0001 AND saved settings, you should manually reset the following INI key to 9.70.0000 (or earlier, but NOT v9.70.0001):

Code: Select all

Otherwise the upgrading of the CTBs (Custom Toolbar Buttons) will fail.

To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0001 - 2010-11-06 16:12
    + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   formatlist
      Action: Formats a list of items.
      Syntax: formatlist(list, [format], [separator=|])
        list:     The list to format.
        format:   Switches for the desired formatting. Can be freely 
                  combined in any order.
          t = trim (remove surrounding spaces)
          u = unquote the items
          s = sort ascending (by default case-insensitive: A==a)
          r = sort descending (reverse sort)
          c = sort case-sensitive (A!=a)
          n = sort naturally (can only be case-insensitive!)
          e = remove empty items
          d = remove duplicate items
          q = quote the items
        separator:  Separates the items in the list;
                    defaults to | (pipe).
        return:     The formatted list.
      - Trimming is done before unquoting.
      - Unquoting is done before sorting.
      - Sorting is done before removing duplicates.
      - Sorting is by default case-insensitive (A==a). Passing switch 
        "c" forces it to be case-sensitive, unless "n" is passed as well 
        which overwrites "c" and forces case-insensitive sorting.
      - Sorting naturally (3 < 20 < 100) is only supported from XP onwards.
      - Passing "r", "c", or "n" implies "s".
      - Removing empty items is done before removing duplicates.
      - Removing duplicates only works on adjacent items, so if the list 
        is not sorted non-adjacent duplicates remain in the list.
      - Duplicates are matched case-insensitive (A==a).
      - Quoting is done as the last step. Items that are already quoted 
        in the source are not quoted again.
      - If "list" is empty then an empty (and unquoted) string is 
        returned, even if the "q"-switch is passed.
      - If "format" is empty then "list" is returned unchanged.
        text formatlist("b|a|c", "s"); //a|b|c
        text formatlist("b|a|c", "r"); //c|b|a
        text formatlist("b||a|c", "s"); //|a|b|c
        text formatlist("b||a|c", "se"); //a|b|c
        text formatlist(" b  |   |a  |   c", "s"); //   |   c| b  |a  
        text formatlist(" b  |   |a  |   c", "set"); //a|b|c
        text formatlist('b|"a"|c', "s"); //"a"|b|c
        text formatlist('b|"a"|c', "su"); //a|b|c
        text formatlist("3b|10a|200c", "s");  //10a|200c|3b
        text formatlist("3b|10a|200c", "n");  //3b|10a|200c
        text formatlist("3b|10a|200c", "nr"); //200c|10a|3b
        text formatlist("b|a|C|D", "s");  //a|b|C|D
        text formatlist("b|a|C|D", "c");  //C|D|a|b
        text formatlist("b|a|a|a|c", "s");  //a|a|a|b|c
        text formatlist("b|a|a|a|c", "sd"); //a|b|c
        text formatlist("b|b|a|b|c", "d");      //b|a|b|c
        text formatlist("b||b|a|b|c", "ed");    //b|a|b|c
        text formatlist("b||b|a|b|c", "eds");   //a|b|c
        text formatlist("b||b|a|b|c", "edsq");  //"a"|"b"|"c"
        text formatlist("b|a|c", "q"); //"b"|"a"|"c"
        text formatlist("b", "q");  //"b"
        text formatlist("", "q");   //returns empty string, *not* quoted
    + SC recase enhanced: Added new mode "camel" and a new flags parameter.
      Syntax: recase(string, [mode], flags)
        string:   String to change case of.
        mode:     One of the following:
          lower = [default] to lower case
          upper = to upper case
          title = to title case (first letter of each word to upper 
                  case, other letters to lower case)
          camel = like "title" but preserves any caMel-case.
        flags: (binary field)
              1 = set extensions to lower case
        return:   String with changed case.
        ::text recase("the caMel can't.", "lower"); //the camel can't.
        ::text recase("the caMel can't.", "upper"); //THE CAMEL CAN'T.
        ::text recase("the caMel can't.", "title"); //The Camel Can't.
        ::text recase("the caMel can't.", "camel"); //The CaMel Can't.
        // returns This Is A Test.htm
        ::text recase("this is a test.HTM", "title", 1)
    * Color Filters: Now when a back color is defined it is drawn with 
      the lower right corner snipped off to better distinguish it from 
      the selection back color.
    ! Scripting: HereDoc constructs containing unclosed quotes lead to 
      parsing trouble. Fixed.
    ! Scripting: Multiline scripts stored in the INI file (Run Script, 
      or User Buttons Scripts) did not fold/unfold well in rare cases. 
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Summary of the latest XYplorer Official Release.


Code: Select all

v9.70.0000 - 2010-11-03 12:00
    = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main changes since last release:
  +++ Admin Settings. You use XYplorer in your company and don't want 
      your employees to check for updates? You don't want them to change 
      the configuration? All this and more is now possible through Admin 
  +++ Switch Catalogs. Finally you can switch catalogs on the fly and 
      manage any number of Catalog (aka Favorites Panel) resources right 
      from the user interface.
  +++ Color Filters by Size. Using size-based color filters you now can, 
      for example, color all empty files in a certain way, or all files 
      bigger than a certain size.
  +++ Whole Word Content Search. Finding files by contents now supports 
      whole word matching. As an extra bonus the content search now 
      supports files with overlong filenames (> 260 chars).
  +++ Confirm Drag and Drop. Optionally pop a confirmation prompt for 
      every left-mouse drag and drop operation. A reliable protection 
      from accidental drops! 

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.60.0123 - 2010-11-02 17:45
    * List | Thumbnails: Slight improvements in performance and minor 
      glitch fixes.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.
Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.60.0122 - 2010-11-02 14:31
    * List | Thumbnails: Improved the ability to permanently stop thumb 
      creation by ESC for the current list.
    * Updated the help file.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.
Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.60.0121 - 2010-11-01 14:33
    ! Recycle Bin: Further improved auto-refresh.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.
Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.60.0120 - 2010-11-01 10:58
    ! Recycle Bin: Further improved auto-refresh.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.
Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.60.0119 - 2010-10-31 19:22
    ! Recycle Bin: Further improved auto-refresh.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.
Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
