BETA version (with detailed history information)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0022, 21-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0022 - 2009-10-21 18:24
    + Action Log: Now you can right-click the selected item in the 
      action list and do several interesting things to it:
      - Undo or Redo (depending on the state of the action)
        Note that this is non-sequential undo/redo and the current 
        action (green highlight) will not move automatically.
      - Make Current Action
        Make this action the current action. This is the only way to 
        move around in action history without actually undoing or 
        redoing anything. The toolbar buttons will adjust after the 
        Action Log window is closed.
        Such a move can be useful when you want to cumulatively undo a 
        set of actions somewhen in the past. After setting the current 
        action you would then trigger the cumulative undo using the 
    + Folder thumbnails now also look for PNG images in the folder.
    * Tabs: Improved algorithm for squeezing tabs into the available 
      space in a fair way.
    * Features: Removed "Show Tree" from Menu and Toolbar when feature 
      Catalog is off.
    ! Custom Tag icons had a white instead of a colored border for a 
      couple of versions. Fixed.
    ! A suspended auto-refresh could get auto-unsuspended after a file 
      operation. Fixed.
    ! Menu Edit | Paste Special: Menu turned disabled forever under 
      certain conditions. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0023, 22-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0023 - 2009-10-22 19:21
    + Titlebar: Now the TitlebarTemplate tweak knows the variable <get 
      ...>. Here is an example for how to get the current pane number 
      into the titlebar:
        TitlebarTemplate=[<get pane>] <path> - <app> @ <ini> - <ver>
    * Undo: Now cumulative undo will skip items the are undone already, 
      and cumulative redo will skip items that are redone already resp. 
      not yet undone.
    * Action Log: Now you can select items in the actions list with the 
      right mouse button (and pop the context menu right away).
    ! Undo Rename: List selections were lost or wrong when items were 
      renamed and repositioned due to their new name. Fixed.
    ! Undo Delete: Did not work on Vista/Win7. Fixed.
    ! Undo SC copyitem: Logged time was invisible. Fixed.
    ! Tree: Inline-renaming subfolders of special folders (Desktop etc.) 
      did not update the tree node when auto-refresh was off. Fixed.
    ! Tree: Removable drives using traditional floppy letters (A:, B:) 
      were not auto-detected on plug-in. Fixed.
    % Tree: Generally improved auto-refreshing on added/removed 
      removable drives. Smoother, faster, more reliable.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0024, 23-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0024 - 2009-10-23 20:52
    ! Undo Rename: List selections were lost or wrong when items were 
      renamed and repositioned due to their new name. Fixed #2: Now it 
      works also with batch rename.
    ! Undo Delete: Did not work on Vista/Win7. Fixed #2.
    ! Tree: Inline-renaming subfolders of special folders (Desktop etc.) 
      did not update the tab header. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0025, 24-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0025 - 2009-10-24 17:38
    + SC getinfo got a new named argument "username".
        echo getinfo("username");
        echo "<get username>";

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0026, 25-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0026 - 2009-10-25 22:42
    ! Undo Delete: Did not work on Vista/Win7. Fixed #3.
    ! Tree, Catalog, List: Wheel scrolling failed or did not work as 
      expected with high resolution mouse drivers. Fixed.
    ! Edit User Button dialog: Crash after first okaying and then 
      canceling the dialog. Fixed.
    ! User Button: A button script that closes the app would result in 
      an error. Fixed.  

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0027, 26-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0027 - 2009-10-26 09:25
    + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   hexdump
      Action: Displays a string as hex dump.
      Syntax: hexdump(string, [unicode])
        string:   [required] String to display.
        unicode:  [optional]
                  0 = one byte/char [Default]
                  1 = two bytes/char
        text hexdump(chr(20000), 1), 700;
        text hexdump("<clipboard>", 1), 700; //show current clipboard
        I know it's bloat in a file manager, but it's extremely useful 
        when you want to know what's *really* on the clipboard.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0028, 26-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0028 - 2009-10-26 13:27
    ! Undo Delete: Did not work on Vista/Win7. Fixed #4.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0029, 28-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0029 - 2009-10-28 11:46
    * Configuration | Undo & Action Log: Added option "Prompt before 
      delete". If checked then you are prompted before undoing Copy or 
      New, which both involve deletions. This prompting in accordance 
      with Explorer behavior and the factory default is ON.
      Also, from now on, prompts before deletions show the "warning" 
      icon as opposed to the normal "information" icon.
    * Undo: Now also partially aborted (= partially successful) actions 
      are logged. Before, only actions without any abortions (user 
      pressed "cancel" or "no" at some point during progress) were 
      Note that on undoing a partial action you might get a message 
      about actions that cannot be undone because they never were done 
      in the first place.
      Note also that on redoing a partial action you will not in any 
      case get the same prompts as on the original action because redo 
      uses its own routines for better performance. This can mean that 
      redoing an action that was partially aborted the first time might 
      now run through without any prompts or abortions.
    * Undo Move: Now when the original path of the moved item does not 
      exist anymore, undoing the move will attempt to recreate it before 
      moving the item back to it.
    ! Variable <get username> was imperfect. Fixed.
    ! Menu File | Move/Copy/Backup To: The MRU submenus would not 
      recognize any portable paths (e.g. "?:\") or XY variables (e.g. 
      <date yyyy>) or environment variables. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0033, 30-oct-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0033 - 2009-10-30 12:14
    * Menu File | Duplicate: From now on, the created copies are auto-
      selected (when the target path is identical with the current list 
      path). Before, the originals kept their selections.
      Exception: The command "Copy Here ("Copy of...")" where Windows 
      keeps it a secret how the copy is named.
    - Menu File | Settings: Removed "Save Action Log". Reason: Actions 
      aren't settings.
    % Improved the action captions in various ways.
    ! Catalog: Adding special path items (e.g. Desktop\Downloads\) to a 
      Category via drag-n-drop converted them silently to their real 
      path equivalents. Fixed.
    ! Undo button dropdown action log could crash under certain 
      conditions. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0035, 01-nov-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0035 - 2009-11-01 11:24
    % Tree, Catalog, List: Improved smoothness of high resolution mouse 
      wheel scrolling.
    * Preview | MDBU: Now the blow up does not over- or underlap the 
      taskbar anymore.
    * Preview | MDBU: Improved the panning of large blow ups that don't 
      fit the view port.
    ! Statusbar: Tooltips did not always appear over the expected 
      section. Fixed.
    ! Refresh Tree added floppies even if Show Floppies was OFF since a 
      couple of weeks ago. Fixed.
    ! Rename Special | Batch Rename: A file called ".txt" was treated as 
      having no extension. Fixed: Now it's treated as TXT file with an 
      empty base name.
      This means when you rename ".txt" with pattern "new" you'll get 

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0036, 01-nov-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0036 - 2009-11-01 13:51
    % Tree, Catalog, List: Improved smoothness of high resolution mouse 
      wheel scrolling, part #2.
    * User Buttons: Increased number from 10 to 16.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0037, 02-nov-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0037 - 2009-11-02 12:56
    + SC getinfo "username" now supports Unicode names.
    * Updated the help file.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.50.0039, 02-nov-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.50.0039 - 2009-11-02 22:26
    ! Crash when dismounting TrueCrypt drives. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Summary of the latest XYplorer Official Release (v8.60.0000, 03-nov-2009).


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v8.60.0000 - 2009-11-03 12:00
    = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main changes since last release:
  +++ Multi-Level Undo/Redo. Now you can undo/redo the file operations 
      Move, Copy, Rename, Delete, and New. 
  +++ Action Log. Now you get a detailed log about what you have done 
      and when, optionally remembered across sessions so you can finally 
      find out what you did yesterday.
  +++ Wheel. Support for high-resolution mouse wheel.
  +++ Memory. Further reduced memory usage.    

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version (v8.60.0002, 05-nov-2009).

BETA versions are only available for registered users. Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

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v8.60.0002 - 2009-11-05 12:04
    + List Context Menu: Added special functionality to the context menu 
      of Junctions. You now have these extra commands:
        Go to Junction Target
        Copy Junction Target Name
    * Menu File | Settings | Save All Settings: Now this command, 
      besides saving all your settings, also writes the current Action 
      Log from memory to disk (to file "action.dat") if "Remember the 
      logged actions between sessions" is ON.
      Note that the Action Log is always saved on exit if (and only if) 
      "Remember the logged actions between sessions" is ON (even if 
      "Save settings on exit" is off).
    * Search Results: Now right-clicking multiple items in a recursive 
      (= include subfolders) search results listing will pop the Shell 
      context menu only if those items are located in the same folder. 
      Otherwise a shorter replacement menu is shown.
      Reason: The Shell commands simply do not work correctly for 
      multiple items in different locations.
    ! Crash when the Edit Text font defined in configuration was not 
      existing on the system. Fixed.
    ! List: After dragging a subfolder of the current folder Tree-to-
      Tree the List was not updated (the subfolder did not disappear 
      from the list). Fixed.
