BETA version (with detailed history information)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0050, 06-jun-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0050 - 2008-06-06 09:57
    + Menu Help: Added command "List of Functions...". It creates a list 
      of all functions, with their permanent IDs (used in Scripting) and 
      currently assigned keyboard shortcuts.
        Format: Function Name [TAB] Function ID [TAB] Keyboard Shortcut
      The list is copied to the clipboard from where you can paste it 
      into any application for further processing.
    ! List: Rename box displayed incorrectly in thumbnails mode. Fixed.
    ! Error when terminating the app via a catalog-based script. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0047, 04-jun-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

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v7.10.0047 - 2008-06-04 15:50
    ! Rich Copy/Move commands were not available in the drop-context 
      menu of a hover-foregrounded tab. Fixed.
    ! Menu File: "Restart without Saving" did not work anymore since 
      v7.10.0044. Fixed.
    * Configuration | Startup & Exit | "Allow multiple instances": Note 
      that if you use a switch in the command line (either /ini or /win) 
      then you will ALWAYS get a new instance EVEN if "Allow multiple 
      instances" is OFF. This is necessary from the programmatical POV, 
      and I think it also makes sense from the user POV.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0044, 04-jun-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

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v7.10.0044 - 2008-06-04 11:07
    + Configuration | Startup & Exit: Added option "Allow multiple 
      instances". If unchecked, then XYplorer will always re-use any 
      previous instance (and restore it if minimized), even if no path 
      is passed as command line parameter. This was not possible before.
      Note that the default state of this setting is OFF, so you have to 
      check it to return to the old state of affairs.
    + Now the Catalog learned all the new Listbox tricks...
        - UNICODE editing
        - Touchpad scrolling
      ... and ceased being a maldito UserControl. Two yet to go.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0036, 02-jun-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0036 - 2008-06-02 20:38
    ! Crash (since v7.10.0035) when right-clicking the List and no New 
      Items were defined. Fixed.
    ! Tree and List: Inline Rename box was slightly misplaced *again* in 
      Classic Theme. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0035, 02-jun-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0035 - 2008-06-02 11:31
    + Added new Listbox to all remaining places. One UserControl 
      removed. Three yet to go.
      This means that all listboxes in the various dialogs now 
        - UNICODE editing (where applicable)
        - Touchpad scrolling
        - Drag-moving items to new positions (where applicable)
    + Menu Edit: New Items submenu now fully supports UNICODE.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0034, 01-jun-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0034 - 2008-06-01 12:17
    + Listbox Control: Now you can move items to new list positions via 
      drag+drop. Big plus in usability.
      Note that currently, the new Listbox Control is only implemented 
      on Info Panel | Find Files | Excluded, and in the Configuration 
      dialog (where only in the Color Filters list you can actually 
      enjoy the new drag-moving). The rest will follow soon.
    ! User variables were not resolved anymore in the Pattern argument 
      of a rename (BatchRename) script. Fixed.
      For the reference, here's how the Pattern argument in a 
      BatchRename statement is handled.
      (1) Processing of the pattern argument in BatchRename scripts:
          - resolve user vars
          - resolve environment vars
          - pass to BatchRename function
            - resolve native vars (excl. date vars) 
            - resolve date vars per item
      (2) Processing of the pattern argument in UDC/BatchRename dialog:
          - pass to BatchRename function
            - resolve native vars (excl. date vars) 
            - resolve date vars per item
    ! Some painting glitches with the new edit boxes in Tree and List. 
    ! Crash when right-clicking on white space in Catalog. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0030, 30-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0030 - 2008-05-30 11:53
    + Info Panel | Find Files | Excluded: The excluded folders list uses 
      a brand-new control class internally. Should work as before, with 
      two enhancements:
        - supports touchpad scrolling
        - supports UNICODE rename box
    + Scripting command enhanced:
      - status
        New syntax:
        ::status text, [color RRGGBB], [icon=ready|progress|alert|stop]
          text:   text shown in statusbar
          color:  [optional] text color; default = marked text color #1
          icon:   [optional] choose among four icons; default = "ready"
        ::status "Whoops!", FF0000, alert
    ! Some statusbar icons were not the right ones in the situation. 
    + Tweak: Added tweak to display new List contents only after all 
      items have been retrieved and sorted.
      The factory default is 0: When a file list is large and takes 
      longer to fill, then some preliminary contents are already shown 
      before the list is complete and finally sorted.
      Note that Find mode is independent of this setting: It will always 
      immediately display a found item while the search is going on, and 
      sort/redisplay the final list when the search is through.
    ! Info Panel | Properties: Buttons to apply/reset the changes (+ and 
      x) at Attributes stamping did not disappear after deselecting file. 

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0021, 27-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0021 - 2008-05-27 22:15
    + Scripting commands enhanced:
      - setting, settingp
        New named argument "autosynctree"
          = enable/disable Auto-Synchronize Tree
          ::setting autosynctree, 0; msg "Look, the tree is grey!"
        As with all setting statements, the original state from before 
        the script is automatically restored when the script is done.
      - box, highlight
        New optional argument path.
          ::box [|rrggbb], [folder]
          ::highlight [|rrggbb], [folder]
            folder: [optional] if stated then the highlighting is 
            applied to that folder, else it is applied to the current 
          ::highlight FF0000, C:\   = set red highlight to C:\
          ::highlight , C:\         = unset any highlight from C:\
          ::box BBDDBB, Desktop     = set green box to Desktop folder
    - Scripting command removed:
      - autosynctree
      Reason #1: it is replaced by
          ::setting "autosynctree", 0|1|r;
          ::settingp "autosynctree", 0|1|r;
        for a permanent change of state.
      Reason #2: it is available in the main menu and hence has a 
      function ID usable in scripting, namely #488;
    + Menu Favorites: There's a statusbar message now for each of the 
      highlighting commands.
    ! Menu Favorites: Now all the highlighting commands work on the 
      current path even if Auto-Synchronize Tree is disabled. It was a 
      bug that this did not work before.
    + The edit box in the multiline info/input dialog now supports 
    + The edit box in the Copy/Move/Backup To dialog now supports 

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0020, 26-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0020 - 2008-05-26 21:13
    + Tweak: Added key to tweak the separator between RegExpPattern and 
      ReplaceWith in Rename Special | RegExp Rename. The new default is 
      " > " (use quotes to preserve left and right blanks). Before, it 
      was hard-coded to ">", and any blanks around it were trimmed (see 
      next paragraph for changes here).
        RegExpRenameSep=" > "
      With the above separator a RegExp Rename definition would look 
      like "RegExpPattern > ReplaceWith".    
    * Rename Special | RegExp Rename: Before, any blanks around 
      RegExpPattern and ReplaceWith were trimmed; now, there's no 
      trimming anymore. Mind your spaces...

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0019, 25-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0019 - 2008-05-25 08:29
    + The InputBox (e.g. used for menu File | Copy Here As...) now 
      supports UNICODE.
    + Configuration | Thumbnails: Added button "Clear...", which 
      allows you to delete all *.dat2 and *.dbits files from the 
      thumbnails cache folder. Note that the thumbnails cache folder is 
      the one that is defined in the "Cache folder" edit field on 
      Configuration | Thumbnails in the moment you press "Clear...". But 
      there's a prompt anyway, before the actual deletion takes place.
    * Catalog: Now you can drop stuff on locations with a Quick Search 
      (QS) attached. The QS is ignored in this case.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0018, 23-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0018 - 2008-05-23 10:55
    ! Batch Rename: Using date variables in Scripting over more than one 
      selected files at once did not work as expected because the 
      variables in the pattern argument were resolved *before* passing 
      the pattern to the rename procedure. Fixed.
      A note on file date variables in the pattern argument of scripting 
      command "rename": To keep Batch Rename in Scripting (::rename bat, 
      ...) in sync with Batch Rename in UDC and in the Rename Special 
      menu, AND to keep old user code working, a file date variable like 
      e.g. <datem ...> is NOT resolved to the modified date of the 
      *current* item, but to the respective modified date of each of the 
      *renamed* items. This makes total sense, is absolutely natural, 
      and has always been like this. Only, in the context of a script, 
      it is exceptional because in all other places, <datem ...> in a 
      script argument is resolved to the modified date of the *current* 
    * Thumbnails Cache Folder: Now it is fully portable, i.e. you can 
      define it in XY's portable path syntax, e.g.:
        Thumbs        : relative to app data path
        Thumbs\       : same as above (backslash is optional)
        ..\..\Thumbs  : relative to app data path
        ?:\Thumbs     : relative to this XYplorer's drive
        F:\Thumbs     : absolute
      Tip: In Configuration | Thumbnails, the tooltip of the Thumbnails 
      Cache Folder edit box now shows the resolved absolute path.
    ! Tree and List: Inline Rename box was slightly misplaced depending 
      on a number of parameters (font size, row height, Windows Theme). 
    * Catalog: Now you can drop stuff on locations with a Visual Filter 
      (VF) attached. The VF is ignored in this case.
    ! Synaptics TouchPad Scrolling did not work as expected. Fixed.
    ! POM could feature dupes if there were unnecessary quotes in the 
      definition. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0017, 21-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0017 - 2008-05-21 15:42
    + Rename Special | Batch Rename: Using date variables in rename 
      patterns got much more powerful:
      - You can use all the following variable types:
        <date yyyymmdd_hhnnss>      : date now
        <datem yyyymmdd_hhnnss>     : modified date of renamed item
        <datec yyyymmdd_hhnnss>     : created date of renamed item
        <datea yyyymmdd_hhnnss>     : accessed date of renamed item
        Kept for backward compatibility but deprecated:
        <dyyyymmdd_hhnnss>          : date now
        <myyyymmdd_hhnnss>          : modified date of renamed item
      - You can have any number of date variables simultaneously in one 
        pattern, e.g. this pattern:
          *-ModYear=<datem yyyy>-Created=<datec yyyy-mm-dd hh-nn-ss>
      - You can mix date variables with other variable types, like 
        <#...> (Increment).
      These enhancements also apply to User-Defined Commands (Rename) 
      and Scripting (::rename).
    * Menu File | Properties (Alt+Enter): From now on, when the List is 
      focused but no item is focused AND selected then the properties of 
      the current path are shown (before, it was the properties of the 
      focused item).

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0016, 20-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0016 - 2008-05-20 15:08
  +++ Tree: Edit box (aka Inline Rename) now supports UNICODE!
    + Configuration | Interface Colors: Now you can control the 
      backcolor of the selected Tree item when the Tree is not focused, 
      using the new color setting "Current Folder".
      Note that, when the Tree is focused, the global OS colors are used 
      for highlighting the current folder (as it always has been before).

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0015, 19-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0015 - 2008-05-19 11:51
    + New variables that can be used in User-Defined Commands and 
        <date yyyymmdd_hhnnss>      : date now
        <datem yyyymmdd_hhnnss>     : modified date of current item
        <datec yyyymmdd_hhnnss>     : created date of current item
        <datea yyyymmdd_hhnnss>     : accessed date of current item
        <srcdatem yyyymmdd_hhnnss>  : modified date of source item
        <srcdatec yyyymmdd_hhnnss>  : created date of source item
        <srcdatea yyyymmdd_hhnnss>  : accessed date of source item
      The first two and the fifth are synonyms to the following old 
        <dyyyymmdd_hhnnss>          : date now
        <myyyymmdd_hhnnss>          : modified date of current item
        <srcmyyyymmdd_hhnnss>       : modified date of source item
      The old versions are kept for backward compatibility, but are 
      officially deprecated!
    * The up-to-now hardcoded filename "TipOfTheDay_user.htm" is now 
      softly contructed from the official TipOfTheDay file name by 
      appending "_user" to the file base. Examples:
      - TipOfTheDay.htm
      - TipOfTheDay_br.htm

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v7.10.0014, 18-may-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v7.10.0014 - 2008-05-18 12:58
  +++ List: Now, FINALLY, the Edit box (aka Inline Rename) supports 
      UNICODE! Tree and other controls will follow soon...
    + Toolbar: Added button "Copy Path/Name" which does what menu File | 
      To Clipboard | Item Path/Name does. The button's context menu is 
      identical to the whole To Clipboard submenu.
      I thought long about the icon until I finally thought "Hey, why 
      not take the international symbol for car parking?!" -- works for 
      me (don't ask me why).
    + Font Preview: The new UNICODE savvy Edit box now learned to Select 
      All by Ctrl+A (or generally: listen to the master of the keyboard 
      and follow his orders). Largely irrelevant for the Font Preview, 
      but a giant leap towards finally adding the Edit box to all the 
      places where it is urgently needed! 
    + Tweak: Added key to tweak the name of the TipOfTheDay file. Useful 
      when you want to use translated versions of TipOfTheDay.htm with 
      distinctive filenames.
      For example, this could be the name for a Brazilian version:
      The default name for the file is and has been TipOfTheDay.htm.
