Release 16.20

XYplorer © 2025 · File Manager for Windows

XYplorer 16.20.0000 has been released on 18-Jan-2016. Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:

  • Global Visual Filters. One of the best features of XYplorer got even better. All previous limits have been stripped from Global Visual Filters. Global filtering now is totally easy to do and more powerful at the same time. No extra rules to learn, it just works as you expect it to work.

    The basic functionality of Global Visual Filters has already been described here. The breaking news that you now can combine complex Global Visual Filters (Regular Expressions, wildcard pattern lists) with complex local Visual Filters. Here are some examples:

    Here is a list with various image files (thumbnails view, no captions, no padding):

    No filters applied, all images shown. Now we set a Global Visual Filter...

    Now we set a Global Visual Filter that allows only JPG files that are not older than 3 months. The filter definition looks like this: *.jpg and ageM: <= 3 m

    Global Visual Filter applied, 24 of 104 images are still shown. Now we add a local Visual Filter on top of this...

    Now we add a local Visual Filter on top of this, a filter that allows only files of 1 MB or larger. The filter definition looks like this: size: >= 1 MB

    Global Visual Filter and local Visual Filter applied, only 2 of 104 images are still shown.

    If we now remove the Global Visual Filter then only the local Visual Filter remains in effect:

    Local Visual Filter applied, 7 of 104 images pass the filter.

  • Batch Move. Now also RegExp Rename supports Batch Move.

    For example:

    Pattern:  ^(\d+)-(\d+)- > $1\$2\$1-$2-
    From:     E:\Test\2015-12-21_test.png
    To:       E:\Test\2015\12\2015-12-21_test.png

    By the way, the general syntax for RegExp Rename in XYplorer is from_pattern > to_pattern.

    See also Batch Move.

  • Hide protected operating system files. Now you can easily hide items that are both HIDDEN and SYSTEM, e.g. those ubiquitous Desktop.ini and Thumbs.db files.

    Simply tick Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Hide protected operating system files.

    Version 16.20.0200: A new toolbar button allows you to quickly show/hide protected operating system files. And you can assign a keyboard shortcut to the new menu command View | Show Items | Hide Protected Operating System Files.

    The new toolbar button "Hide protected operating system files".

    Tip: To add this button to your toolbar use menu Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9).