BETA version (with detailed history information)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0061, 06-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0061 - 2008-02-06 11:56
    + Scripting: Added a number of commands that allow you to change or 
      ensure certain settings, and later (typically at the end of your 
      script) restore them to the previous value.
      Syntax: setting name, value=1|0|r
        name: can be any of the following
          1 = true (default)
          0 = false
          r = restore previous value
      - If the nethood is currently hidden the following script will show 
        the nethood and then hide it again. If the nethood was shown 
        anyway the script will do nothing at all.
          ::setting shownethood, 1::setting shownethood, r
      - The following will hide folders in list (or do nothing if they 
        are already hidden):
          ::setting HideFoldersInList
    + Scripting got a new command:
      - Filter
        Action: apply a visual filter to the current tab
        Syntax: filter [filterspec]
          ::filter *.zip;*.rar  = show only ZIP and RAR files
          ::filter              = remove any filters

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0062, 07-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0062 - 2008-02-07 12:18
    + Scripting got a new command:
      - Msg
        Action: show a message box with a text of your choice
        Syntax: msg text
          ::msg Hello!      = show "Hello!"
          ::msg <xypath>    = show app path
          ::msg <dhh:nn:ss> = show time
    + Scripting command "setting" enhanced: Now any changes using the 
      setting command will be automatically undone when the script ends 
      or is previously terminated. You can bypass this new behavior by 
      adding the new parameter "p" (for permanent).
        New Syntax: setting name, value=1|0|r, [p]
      Alternatively to adding "p", you can use new the variant command 
      "settingp" which is all identical to "setting" apart from 
      resulting in permament changes:
                    settingp name, value=1|0|r
      For example, this script will hide the folders, pop a message, and 
      then show them again:
        ::setting HideFoldersInList::msg Look! No folders!
      These scripts will hide the folders, pop a message, and keep them 
        ::setting HideFoldersInList, , p::msg Look! No folders!
        ::settingp HideFoldersInList::msg Look! No folders!
      This script shows you how to hide and reshow folders manually 
      (lines wrapped!):
        ::setting HideFoldersInList, , p::msg Look! No folders!
          ::setting HideFoldersInList, 0, p
      This works identical to the one above. If the last "setting" 
      command in the script uses the "p" parameter then there will be no 
      auto-restore for that setting.
        ::setting HideFoldersInList::msg Look! No folders!
          ::setting HideFoldersInList, 0, p
    ! Scripting: The previous command's arguments were not reset when 
      the next command has no arguments at all. Fixed. This works now as 
      expected (turns filter *.txt on and then off again):
        ::filter *.txt::filter
    ! Scripting: There were some issues with recursive scripts. For 
      example, a Goto UDC pointing to itself by number:
        Goto ::#1402
      would have crashed the app with stack oveflow. Now, it does not 
      crash anymore but behaves good-mannered in informing you politely 
      about the stack overflow. But that's no all, read on...
    + Scripting: Added a recursion checker that should in most cases 
      detect a recursive script structure and will terminate the script in 
      that case (with a message).
    + Configuration | General: Added option "Expand tree nodes on 
      single-click". When enabled any non-expanded tree node with child 
      nodes will expand on a single click.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0063, 08-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0063 - 2008-02-08 14:25
  +++ Now you can control the application data path used by XYplorer. Up 
      to now this path was hard-coded to be identical to the application 
      path. Now you can set it to any location you like by manually 
      creating and editing a file called "startup.ini" which has to be 
      located in the application path.
      The format of startup.ini is that of INI files, and it has only 
      one section and one key. Here's an example with a hard-coded app 
      data path on drive E:
      Here's an example with a soft-coded app data path using an 
      environment variable. It is resolved depending on the current 
      user account:
      Note that you do not have to use this new option. If you do not 
      manually create a file "startup.ini" nothing will change for you!
      If you do use this new option then these are the only files 
      located in app path...
      ... and these are the files and folders located in app data path:
        FindTemplates <DIR>
        NewItems <DIR>
        XYplorer.ini (and alternative INIs)
      Naturally, if you change the app data path you will have to copy 
      your current app data to the new path if you want to continue 
      working in the same state as you left the app before changing the 
      app data path.
    + Menu Go: added command "Go to Application Data". It will beam you 
      to the app data path. If you haven't set this path using 
      startup.ini it will be identical to app path, so the command will 
      be identical to the one above it. In that latter case I opted to 
      hide the command in order to keep a clean interface. In other 
      words, to see this new command you have to go the startup.ini 
      way... :)
    * Menu Go | Go to Application Folder: renamed it to "Go to 
      Application Path", simply because it's the more common term.
    + Scripting commands enhanced: added an optional argument "source" 
      to the following commands:
      - moveto location, [source]
      - copyto location, [source]
      - backupto location, [source]
        Source: If missing then the currently selected items in Tree, 
        List, or Catalog (depending on current focus) are taken as 
        source. If given then the source is the source. :)
        ::copyto D:\Archives\<dyyyy-mm-dd>, <xypath>\XYplorer.exe
          Copies the currently running XYplorer.exe to a folder created 
          on the fly based on the current date.
        ::backupto D:\Archives\<dyyyy-mm-dd>, <xydata>
          Backups the complete app data folder to a folder created 
          on the fly based on the current date.
      Example to use in a XYS (XYplorer Script File):
        Copy From
          // yes, you can wrap the caption like this :)
          ::inputfolder $source, , Choose source folder to copy into 
            current location
          ::copyto <curpath>, $source
      Thanks to "jacky" for the wonderful "source" idea!
    + New variable: <xydata> = app data path (unslashed).
    * Scripting: Any tab characters in script files are now interpreted 
      as if they were two space characters each.
    * Scripting command "inputfolder" now returns all folders including 
      drives/root paths unslashed. This ensure predictable returns and 
      thus makes further processing easier.
    ! Scripting: The recursion checker could be tricked out. Should be 
      fixed now.
    ! Reconnecting Mapped Network Drives did not work under Vista. 
      Fixed #2.
    + The Browse-For-Folder dialog did not support UNICODE. Now it does!
      E.g., you now can select and return items with Chinese characters. 

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0064, 09-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0064 - 2008-02-09 14:07
  +++ User-Defined Commands (UDC): Added two new command categories to 
      give more GUI to scripting and relax the Goto category which was up 
      to now the only way to run scripts via keyboard shortcut.
      They should be pretty self-evident and self-explaining:
      - Run Script
        Simply enter your script.
      - Load Script File
        Works identical to the script command "load". No wonder it has 
        an optional parameter "Label" to identify scripts inside the 
        loaded file and run them directly.
    + Stepping through a Script: The dialog's buttons now have a little 
      context menu featuring one additional option "Continue Script 
      without Stepping". Select it to close the dialog and turn off 
      general stepping mode (the mode you select via toolbar, or via CKS 
      Miscellaneous / Scripting / Step Through Scripts).
      When the unstepped script is done, stepping mode is automatically 
    * Scripting command changed/added:
      - CopyText, CopyTextA
        The 2nd optional argument "a" for append has been dropped. 
        Reason: Allow the text argument to contain commas (argument 
        separators) without problems (see next paragraph).
        For appending text to clipboard use the new command CopyTextA 
        Syntax: CopyText text   = copy text to clipboard
                CopyTextA text  = append text to clipboard
    + Scripting commands enhanced:
      - Msg
        Now supports the line breaker <br>.
          ::msg line1<br>line2
      - CopyText, CopyTextA, Msg
        Now the text argument can contain commas+blanks without 
        problems. They will not be confused with argument separators.
          ::copytext one, two, three
            Copies "one, two, three" to the clipboard.
      - Focus
        You can alternatively use long arguments.
          ::focus L
          ::focus List
          ::focus Lanzarote
        ... will all focus the list. Only the first letter counts. 
        Same with the others:
          ::focus Tree
          ::focus Catalog
          ::focus Address Bar
      - InputFile
        Now supports a ;-separated list of extensions.
          ::inputfile $file, Desktop, gif;jpg;png, Select Image File
    + Scripting got a new command:
      - Sub
        Action: Calls a script by label inside the same script file. 
                This command can only be used inside script files. 
        Syntax: ::sub label
        Examples (in script file):
          Show date : date
            ::msg <dyyyy-mm-dd>
          Show time : time
            ::msg <dhh:nn:ss>
          Show Date && Time : datetime
            ::sub date
            ::sub time
        Funny ideas like this are caught be the recursion checker :-)
          Recursive Sub : rec
            ::sub rec
    + Enlarged the list of supported environment variables to "all". 
      Before, only those the resolved to paths had been supported.
      Now you may use some or all of the following plus maybe others 
      (depending on your OS and system settings):
    + The Open File dialog (as used by ::inputfile) did not support 
      UNICODE. Now it does! E.g., you now can select and return items with 
      Chinese characters. 

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0066, 10-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0066 - 2008-02-10 11:45
    + Scripting got a new command:
      - Text
        Action: Shows a text box with a text of your choice. You can 
                select and copy parts of the text.
        Syntax: ::text text
        ::text curpath: <curpath><br>xypath: <xypath><br>xydata: <xydata>
    ! Scripting: copyto <curpath> didn't always refresh List. Fixed.
    ! There was an inconsistency with shortcuts (LNK files) pointing to 
      UNC locations. They would not open/run the target if it was a file 
      (not a folder). Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0070, 11-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0070 - 2008-02-11 22:07
  *** New Scripting Syntax: Isn't that the fun of playing with beta-
      versions? You are part of the flow! Now, for example, you can throw 
      all your old scripts into the garbage and start from scratch! :)
      I decided to make XY scripting look like most scripting nowadays 
      looks, e.g. JavaScript, CSS, PHP. Statements are separated by ";", 
      function arguments by ",", quoted separators do not count as 
      separators, etc.

      Here are the new rules for XY scripting
      - commands are separated by ;
      - spaces around ; are ignored 
      - arguments are separated by ,
      - spaces around , are ignored 
      - arguments containing ; or , must be quoted
      - arguments that shall begin or end with spaces must be quoted
      - all arguments can be quoted 
      - if quoted arguments contain quotes all inner quotes must be 
      Watch especially the following changes
      - The script marker :: at the beginning of a script is not 
        necessary anymore but still can be used without problem. There 
        is, however, still one important use: Only if you prefix a 
        script with :: you can run it through a location interface 
        (Address Bar, Goto, Catalog (Goto), Favorites, UDC Goto). 
          ::set $a, ";"; msg $a;
          Paste it into the address bar and press enter.
      - The commands copytext, copytexta, msg, text, and set: they do 
        *not* get special treatment anymore! If their last argument 
        contains a separator the argument has to be quoted -- just like 
        with any other command.
      - You do not have to put a space behind the , (argument separator) 
        anymore (but you can).
      - Arguments that are in quotes are auto-unquoted. So, if you want 
        an argument to stay in quotes you have to double-quote it:
        ::text ""in quotes""
      - Captions and Labels in XY script files (XYS) have to be done 
        slightly different now, namely quoted:
          "Caption : Label"...
        This is simply prefixed to the script proper, for example:
          "Go to C root : croot" goto C:\
          "Go to C root : croot"goto C:\
          "Go to C root : croot"   goto C:\
          "Go to C root : croot"
            goto C:\
        As you see, the spaces after the caption are optional.
      Typical vanilla scripting:
        goto Desktop|; sortby m, d; sel 1; focus List;
      These are all okay and indentical:
        msg "Quoted" "Sep,Sep" Unquoted
        msg "quoted" "sep,sep" unquoted;
        msg ""quoted" ""sep,sep"" unquoted"; (*)
        msg """quoted"" ""sep,sep"" unquoted";
        (*) Note that this works without dbl-quoting "quoted"; 
            however, it would fail if "quoted" contained a separator.
            To be on the safe side always dbl-quote inner quotes.
      These arguments MUST be quoted because they contain separators
        goto "C:\path,with,commas"
        goto "C:\path;with;otherstuff"
        goto "C:\path, with; otherstuff"
        copyto D:\,"E:\My;File.txt"
      This is easy now (was not possible with old syntax):
        set $a, ";"; msg $a;  ($a = ;)
        set $a, """"; msg $a; ($a = ")
    - Stepping: dropped command "sep". Not necessary anymore.
    * Stepping through a Script dialog: "Continue Script without 
      Stepping" (in the button context menu) now also disables stepping 
      mode that was previously set by the "step" command.
    + Scripting commands enhanced:
      - new
        Added a 4th optional parameter "r":
        Syntax: new name, [file|dir], [source], [r]
          r = invoke rename mode after creation
        So, the new default now is to NOT invoke rename mode.
      - selpos (now: sel)
        Renamed it to "sel" (selpos still works), and added a new 
        selection method by pattern, and a new optional argument 
        Syntax: sel (position)|("pattern")|a|i|f|, [count=1]
        - "pattern": If the argument is quoted the next (below current 
          position) matching item is selected. Note that it does not wrap 
          around to the top of the list when the bottom is reached.
          Pattern can have wildcards * (0 or more chars), ? (1 char), 
          and # (1 number). To match the character "#" you have to state 
          "[#]" in the pattern. It's the same rules as in Find Files.
        - count: If any item was selected then "count" items are 
          selected starting with the first item. If omitted, count 
          defaults to 1. If set to zero, the sel command can be used to 
          move the focus in a list with no selections.
          ::sel ""*hi*"", 3
            Selects the next file below the current position that 
            matches "*hi*". If no match is found all selections are 
            removed. If there is a match, the this item and the next 2 
            are selected.
          ::sel +6, 6
            Selects six-packs of files one after the other.
          ::sel +1, 0
            Moves the focus to the next position, but does not select.
          ::sel 12, 0
            Moves the focus to position 12 (or o the last if less items 
            in list), but does not select.
    + New variable: <clipboard> = current clipboard contents.
      The returned format depends on the clipboard contents:
      - File items: one item per line, CRLF ends a line.
      - Text: the text.
      - Else (e.g. empty, or images): nothing.
        ::copytext Hi!;msg <clipboard>
    + Scripting command "msg" now shows a UNICODE aware message box: you 
      will see Chinese. Getting ready for the Olympics...
    ! Only the first occurence of variable <m....> (modified date of 
      current item) was resolved. Fixed.
    + Tabs: Now the tooltip tells you about Locked, Locked Home Zone, 
      and Home.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0071, 12-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0071 - 2008-02-12 10:59
    * Scripting commands enhanced: The optional argument "source" in 
      commands moveto, copyto, and backupto now can be a list of items 
      separated by "|" (or " | " -- spaces are ignored).
        ::copyto <curpath>, <xydata>\ks.dat | <xydata>\udc.dat
        ::backupto D:\<dyyyymmdd>, <xydata>\ks.dat|<xydata>\udc.dat
    + UDCs Move To, Copy To, and Backup To: Added an optional parameter 
      "Source" in analogy to the corresponding scripting commands.
      Note that "Source" can contain all XY variables and environment 
      variables. And it can be a list of items separated by "|".
    * UDCs Move To, Copy To, and Backup To: Now, "Location" can contain 
      all XY variables. Before, it supported only the date variable 
    ! Scripting: Fixed some glitches with the new syntax parsing.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0074, 13-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0074 - 2008-02-13 11:11
    + Scripting commands enhanced:
      - setting
        New setting "shownav" (show/hide tree & catalog).
        ::setting shownav, 0; msg "Look, no tree!"
      - text
        Syntax: text Text, [Width=500], [Height=300], [WindowCaption]
          Width = of window in pixels (min=200, max = screen width)
          Height = of window in pixels (min=150, max = screen height)
          WindowCaption = window caption
        ::text <clipboard>, 600, 400, Clipboard
      - inputfile
        Now you can separate the extensions using | (alternative to ;).
        ::inputfile ($file, Desktop, gif|jpg|png, Select Image File);
          text ($file, 600,200)
    + Scripting: Now you may enclose a function's arguments in brackets. 
      This is purely optional and without an function other than making 
      your scripting code more readable if you are used to bracketing 
      For example, these work identical:
        ::copytext "sep=;"; text <clipboard>, 600, 400, Clipboard;
        ::copytext ("sep=;"); text (<clipboard>, 600, 400, Clipboard);
    * UDC Move To, Copy To, and Backup To enhanced. Now you can do 
      something like this:
        ::backupto D:\Archives\XY_<srcver>_<dyyyy-mm-dd>,
          Backups the current XYplorer.exe to this location:
      Means: If a source is defined, the first source item can be 
      referred to by <src...> variables in the location term.
      The same now works in scripting commands moveto, copyto, and 
    ! More scriping glitches fixed.
    * Visual Filters: Now, you can separate Visual Filters by "|" as 
      well, not only by ";". The | has priority of over ; so you now can 
      filter items containing the ";" character, which has not been 
      possible before:
        Desktop|;|,   = List all items containing ";" or "," 
      If you state only one pattern and this pattern contains a ; then 
      you have to add another dummy | to avoid that the ; is treated as 
        Desktop|;|      = List all items containing ";"
        Desktop|;a|     = List all items containing ";a"
        Desktop|"*; *"| = List all items containing "; "
    * Selection Filter: Same as above, | works as separator.
    + Toolbar: Added button "Address Bar Go". Clicking it does the same 
      as pressing Enter in the Address Bar. I sometimes lacked a mouse way 
      to do this, so here it is.
      There's also a little context menu.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0075, 14-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0075 - 2008-02-14 12:35
    + Scripting got a new command:
      - write
        Action: Enter a script manually.
          This new powerful command allows you to manually enter a 
          script which then is immediately executed on OK (press 
          Ctrl+Enter to OK the form; the button had to be un-defaulted 
          to allow Enter in the textbox). The last written script is 
          remembered within the session.
          The entered script may have the format of scripts in script 
          files: multi-line with indents, comments, caption. Note these 
          obvious differences to scripts in script files:
          - No menu is popped.
          - If you enter more than one script only the first one is 
          - Labels are meaningless and ignored.
        Syntax: write
            In the textbox paste the following and press OK:
            "Show Date and Time" msg <dyyyy-mm-dd>; msg <dhh:nn:ss>;
          ::write;msg <clipboard>
            In the textbox paste the following and press OK:
            copytext Hi!
          The main use of the "write" command will be in debugging 
          scripts. But who knows, a fluent script writer might well use 
          it for on the fly scriping.
    + Script files: Now you can hide a script from the popup menu while 
      it still can be referred to via its label. Simply prefix the 
      caption, or if there is no caption the label, with "_".
      For example:
        "_Show date : date"
          msg <dyyyy-mm-dd>
        "_Show time : time"
          msg <dhh:nn:ss>
        "Show Date && Time : datetime"
          sub date;
          sub time
      Or, without captions:
          msg <dyyyy-mm-dd>
          msg <dhh:nn:ss>
        "Show Date && Time : datetime"
          sub _date;
          sub _time
    + Dialog "Stepping through a Script": Added button "Skip" which 
      allows you to skip the current command and then continue with the 
      script. This is very useful when your script offers an array of 
      options from which you want to manually choose depending on your 
      current needs.
        "My daily backups : bup"
          set $p, D:\Archives\<dyyyy-mm-dd>;
          backupto $p, <xydata>\FindTemplates;
          backupto $p, <xydata>\NewItems;
          backupto $p, <xydata>\Scripts;
    * Stepping through a Script: If you Cancel a script you now get a 
      message on the statusbar instead of a messagebox. One click less.
    ! Catalog: Relative references to applications were not correctly 
      resolved (namely relative to application path). Fixed.
        If XYplorer is at C:\Programs\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe
        - Test.exe is resolved to C:\Programs\XY\Test.exe
        - Test\Test.exe is resolved to C:\Programs\XY\Test\Test.exe
        - ..\Test\Test.exe is resolved to C:\Programs\Test\Test.exe
        - ?:\Test\Test.exe  is resolved to C:\Test\Test.exe
    ! Toolbar | "Address Bar Go" | context menu: "Copy Text" didn't do 
      anything. Fixed.
    ! Scripting: Parsing commands with params in parentheses did not 
      always work. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0076, 14-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0076 - 2008-02-14 14:04
    ! Two bugs with scripting and opening files. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0077, 15-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0077 - 2008-02-15 12:59
    + Scripting got a new command:
      - selfilter
        Action: Apply a selection filter to the list
        Syntax: selfilter [filterspec], [type = |f|d]
          type: (none) = all, f = files only, d = dirs only
          ::selfilter a*           = select all "a*" items
          ::selfilter a*, f        = select all "a*" files (but no dirs)
          ::selfilter a*, d        = select all "a*" dirs (but no files)
          ::selfilter *.zip|*.rar  = select all ZIP and RAR items
          ::selfilter              = select all items
          ::selfilter , d          = select all dirs
    * Tab icons: Now, when a tab is locked to a home zone AND is 
      renamed then its icon will always be the one of the tab's home 
      folder. This new behavior is very practical when you use iconized 
      tabs because once you have defined a special icon for the home 
      folder you always recognize that tab by its icon no matter at what 
      subfolder it is currently pointing to.
    * UDC dialog: Command ID is now displayed on a button. Left-click 
      copies it, right-click pops a little menu.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0078, 16-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0078 - 2008-02-16 12:43
  +++ Find Files | Size: Now you can find folders by size! Simply check 
      the new option "Search for folders as well". Of course you know that 
      calculating folder sizes may take some time.
      If you use this setting then the search results will display the 
      folder sizes, even if they are not shown by general user settings. 
      BTW, finding emtpy folders is even easier now than before. Simply 
      set "At most" to 0 (zero) and check "Search for folders as well". 
      Found are all folders that are empty (displayed as "-") or contain 
      a total of zero bytes (displayed as "0").
    + Menu View | Size Column Format: Added option "Show Folder Sizes". 
      The functionality is identical to the setting "Show Folder Sizes in 
      List" in Configuration | General. Note that the option is also 
      available via the Size column header's context menu.
    ! List: Attributes column did not always auto-refresh. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0080, 17-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0080 - 2008-02-17 10:42
    * Scripting: Now, when a sub-script (a script that was called by 
      another script) is terminated by error or user decision then any 
      calling super-scripts are terminated immediately as well.
    + Scripting command enhanced:
      - selfilter
        Added new argument "column".
        Syntax: selfilter filterspec, [type = |f|d], [column]
          type: (none) = all, f=files only, d=dirs only
          column: column name (or part of) to filter by (default is Name)
          ::selfilter *h*, , attr
            = select all hidden items
          ::selfilter *Image*, , type
            = select all items of type "*image*"
          ::selfilter *Image*|*Bild*, , type
            = select all items of type "*image*" or "*bild*"
    * Scripting command "sel".
        The "pattern" argument now has to be put in brackets instead of 
        in quotes! It's easier to do and easier to read.
          ::sel """*.txt"""   = select the next *.txt file.
          ::sel [*.txt]   = select the next *.txt file.
          ::sel [[*]      = select the next item starting with [
          ::sel [[abc]*]  = select the next item starting with a, b, or c
    ! Scripting:
        ::sel [*.txt*]  selected the next *.txt file.
        ::sel [*.txt]   did not (but should)!
    ! Resolving <src...> variables in copyto/moveto/backupto did not 
      work. For example:
        ::backupto D:\Archives\XY\<srcver>_<dyyyy-mm-dd>, 
      Fixed. Now this backups the current XYplorer.exe to this location: 
      Note that the <srcver> variable will not yet be resolved at the 
      time of a stepping break.
    * Menu View | Size Column Format | Show Folder Sizes: Now the list's 
      scroll position and any selections are retained when toggling this 
    * Iconized Tabs: Now, right-clicking them will always pop the main 
      tab context menu. Before, when you right-clicked the left half of 
      the icon, the breadcrumb menu was popped. This was not practical.

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Joined: 22 May 2004 16:48
Location: Win8.1 @100%, Win10 @100%

Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0081, 18-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0081 - 2008-02-18 11:36
    + Scripting got a new command:
      - seltab
        Action: select a tab by position
        Syntax: seltab [position]
          ::seltab 1 = select the first (left-most) tab
          ::seltab   = select the default tab (if any)
          ::seltab + = select the next tab (wraps around)
          ::seltab - = select the previous tab (wraps around)
    + UDC | Run Script: Now you can enter a multi-line script with 
      comments (same style as in script files). Since the standard UDC 
      textbox can only hold one line you have a new "Edit" button now by 
      which you can open a larger textbox for your scripting.
      Even better: You can enter more than one multi-line script! In 
      that case a menu pops up presenting the choices, just like when 
      loading a script file.
      And you can use the "sub" command inside the script resource.
      So in short: UDC | Run Script is now a full alternative to script 
      Note that you still can do one-liners as before.
    + Scripting command enhanced:
      - write
        Now you can enter more than one script. In that case a menu pops 
        up presenting the choices, just like when loading a script file.
        And you can use the "sub" command inside the script resource.
    * Popping up menus from script resources: Now, if the menu would 
      have only one item, this item will be called directly without 
      presenting the menu first.
      For example, this script resource (paste it into a write-box) has 
      only one visible script, the other two are invisible subs:
        "_Show date : date"
          msg <dyyyy-mm-dd>
        "_Show time : time"
          msg <dhh:nn:ss>
        "Show Date && Time : datetime"
          sub date;
          sub time
      When you run it, you will get the two msg boxes directly.
    * For consistency's sake I added a #ID button to the CKS dialog that 
      functions exactly as the one in the UDC dialog.
    ! Scripting: Command "sel" could lead to a crash depending on the 
      parameters (since yesterday). Fixed.

Site Admin
Posts: 60644
Joined: 22 May 2004 16:48
Location: Win8.1 @100%, Win10 @100%

Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest XYplorer BETA version (v6.80.0083, 18-feb-2008).
Choose one: (1) Install Package, (2) No-Install Package (each about 1 MB).

Code: Select all

v6.80.0083 - 2008-02-18 21:26
    + Menu Edit | Paste Special: Added command "Paste Shortcut(s)". Use 
      it to paste items from clipboard as shortcuts into the current 
      folder. This standard command of Explorer had been missing from 
      XYplorer ever since -- finally it's there!
    ! UDC | Run Script: Would not accept a changed script when entered 
      through the one-liner textbox "Script:". Fixed.
    ! Could not load other configuraton files anymore since v6.80.0081. 
