BETA version (with detailed history information)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0218 - 2015-01-28 21:13
    ! View | Mini Tree | Minimize Tree: Did not handle soft paths in a gentle 
      manner. Fixed.
    ! Timestamp Tolerance: Implementation in Sync Select only near-perfect. 
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0219 - 2015-01-29 13:03
    + SC timestamp enhanced. Now you can pass a source item whose timestamps are 
      applied to the target item(s).
      Syntax: timestamp [type = "cma"], [date / source_item], [itemlist], [source_type = "*"]
        type:     c|m|a or any combinations in any order (cm, am, cma, ac...)
                  Defaults to "cma".
        date:     Timestamp to apply. Must be in a format that the local system 
                  can understand.
                  Defaults to the current time.
        source_item: Item whose timestamps are applied to the target item(s).
                  Note: The item must exist, otherwise the argument is taken to 
                  mean a date!
        itemlist: A |-separated list of items (full path) to timestamp.
                  If empty then the current list selections are timestamped.
        source_type: One of "*|c|m|a" describing which date value from the source to use.
                  Defaults to "*" which uses the correct date for each 
                  corresponding value in the type parameter.
      - The timestamps are applied with full resolution (with milli, micro, nano etc
        seconds ... whatever is there).
      - Set all 3 dates of all selected List items to match those of the focused item:
          timestamp , <focitem>;
      - Set the modified and created dates of all selected List items to the 
        focused item's accessed date:
          timestamp 'mc', <focitem>, , 'a';
      - For all selected List items set their modified date to the focused 
        item's modified date and their accessed date to the focused item's 
        accessed date:
          timestamp 'ma', <focitem>, , '*';
          timestamp 'ma', <focitem>;          //functionally same as above
      - Set all 3 dates of all selected List items to match those of Windows 
          timestamp 'cam', "C:\Windows\explorer.exe";
      - Set all 3 dates of all selected List items to match those of XYplorer:
          timestamp 'cam', <xy>;
    + Paper Folders: Now there is mild inofficial support for PFs in the Mini 
      - You can add them to the Tree either via Minimize Tree, or by 
        directly editing the Mini Tree in List Management.
      - They are listed below the drives.
      - Click to browse.
      - Cool: You can even drop items onto the PFs in Tree. 
      - Nothing about this in the Help for now.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0220 - 2015-01-29 18:21
    + SC timestamp enhanced: Now you can pass an additional argument to shift 
      the target timestamps back or forth in time.
      And now you can pass "*" as a self-referential date argument if you just 
      want to apply time shifts to each item's current timestamps.
      Syntax: timestamp [type = "cma"], [date / source_item], [itemlist], [source_type = "*"], [shift]
        date:     Set to "*" to use the item's own date
        shift:    A number and a unit, separated by a space.
                  The following units are supported
                    y = years
                    m = months
                    w = weeks
                    d = days
                    h = hours
                    n = minutes
                    s = seconds
                    ms = milliseconds
                    us = microseconds
      - Set all 3 dates of all selected List items to one day after now:
          timestamp , , , , "1 d";
      - Set all 3 dates of all selected List items to 30 seconds after the 
        focused item's dates:
          timestamp , <focitem>, , , "30 s";
      - Shift the modified and created dates of all selected List items to 8 
        hours earlier:
          timestamp "mc", "*", , , "-8 h";
    ! Portable Devices: Fixed a million glitches.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0221 - 2015-01-30 14:38
    > Portable Devices Overview: What you can (+) and what you cannot (-) do.
      + Browse the device, list files and folders with all data columns provided 
        by the Windows shell.
      + Breadcrumb Bar.
      + Thumbnails (embedded thumbs only) with caching.
      + Find Files (Name, Size, Modified, Attributes). No search results caching.
      + Quick Search (Name, Size, Modified, Attributes).
      + Visual Filters (Name, Size, Modified, Attributes).
      + Color Filters (Name, Size, Modified, Attributes).
      + Branch View.
      + Custom File Icons.
      + File operations to, from, and on the device: Copy, Move, Rename, Delete, New.
      + Undo most of those file operations (Delete cannot be undone on a PD).
      + Batch Rename.
      - Custom Copy and Backup operations.
      - Backgrounded file operations.
      - Open files, or drag them into open applications.
      - Tags.
      - Folder View Settings.
      - PFA.
      - Custom Columns.
      - Raw View.
      - Paper Folders (you cannot list PD paths in Paper Folders, or convert PD 
        folder to Paper Folders).
      That's it from me. Ready for bug reports. :)
    + Portable Devices: Now Rename Special, and particular Batch Rename works on 
      Portable Devices.
    ! Filetimes: Since v14.80.0217 - 2015-01-28 14:42 the displayed filetimes 
      were lacking precision beyond milliseconds. Fixed. Now you can see all 7 
      decimal fractions again if you want.
    ! SC timestamp: y (year), m (month), and w (week) did not work yet. Fixed.
    > FYI, the earliest valid filetime is 01.01.1601 00:00:00 UTC.
  >>> Portable Devices: FYI, there is a serious shell bug (not an XYplorer bug; 
      Explorer has it, too) in Windows 8.1 that can lead to permanent data loss: 
      When moving an item to a Portable Device (from PC or from another location 
      of the Portable Device) where an item of the same name already exists then 
      on cancelling the overwrite prompt the move does not happen but the source 
      item is deleted anyway!!! Also X-closing the overwrite prompt will lead to 
      the destruction of the source item.
    + Spot and Jump: Added an additional mode "Select", marked by the prefix 
      >>>. So now you can select items by entering match patterns right from the 
      Address Bar. Multiple patterns separated by | are allowed.
        >>>Beyoncè      //select all items matching *Beyoncè* 
        >>>ko|cha       //select all items matching *ko* or *cha*
        >>>ko*|*.txt    //select all items matching ko* or *.txt
        - This setting is honored by Select: "Configuration | Menus, Mouse, 
          Safety | Type Ahead Find | Ignore diacritics".
        - The other settings under "Configuration | Menus, Mouse, 
          Safety | Type Ahead" Find are ignored.
        - En passant, the "Select" toolbar button got a flatter icon.
        - And yeah, a cool new flat way to select stuff!
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0222 - 2015-01-31 20:50
    + Flat Select: Added Status Bar message.
    * Flat Select: Does not toggle selections anymore when repeating the same 
      pattern. It's better to have a context-independent effect here.
    * Flat Select: Does not highlight matches anymore. Reduce info overkill.
    > Flat Select Tip: This line will unselect all:
    ! SC property: had a problem with <curpath> when <curpath> was a drive root, 
        text property("#ResolveJunctions", <curpath>);
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0223 - 2015-02-01 15:19
    > Portable Devices: FYI, Portable Device support will be Pro Edition only 
      (not Free Edition).
    > Portable Devices: Some devices act like read-only. E.g., you cannot create 
      items on them or rename existing items. All you can do is copy item from 
      the device to the PC. In these cases the API might fail silently, and XY is 
      informed about a success that never happened.
      Especially nasty (and, just to make sure, this is also the case when 
      working with Explorer): You can move a file from such a device to the PC, 
      but you cannot move it back. One-way traffic!
    ! Portable Devices: Fixed another million of glitches.
    ! Wipe: Fixed a glitch in memory handling that could cause error message 
      under certain conditions.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0224 - 2015-02-02 16:35
    + Find Files: Added a way to limit the number of search results. Simply 
      append the new switch "/limit=n" (or short: /l=n) to the search term in 
      the name field.
        * /limit=10           limit the number of search results to 10 items
        * /l=10               (same as above in short form)
        * /limit=0            return nothing
        * /limit=-1           return all (default, equal to omitting the switch)
      - The switch also works with Quick Name Search.
      - Tag database search is also affected by this switch.
      - When used together with the /p switch (return parents) the limit is 
        applied to the children, not to the returned parents.
    + Find Files: Added a way to limit the number of search results per 
      directory. Simply append the new switch "/limitperdir=n" (or short: 
      /lpd=n) to the search term in the name field.
        * /limitperdir=1        limit the number of search results per dir to 1 item
        * /lpd=1                (same as above in short form)
        * /limitperdir=0        return nothing per dir 
        * /limitperdir=-1       return all per dir (default, equal to omitting the switch)
      Examples for search patterns with combined flags:
        * /d /l=20 /maxdepth=1  //dirs only, limit to 20, search this level plus one
        * /l=25 /lpd=2:flat     //limit to 25 total, 2 per dir, Branch View
        * /lpd=1:flat           //limit 1 per dir, Branch View
      - The switch also works with Quick Name Search.
      - Tag database search is NOT affected by this switch.
      - In Branch View with "Let folders pass all filters" enabled the folders 
        don't count when checking the limit.
    * Configuration | File Info Tips | Add the following extra fields: The Path 
      field is now also shown for items in Paper Folders.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0225 - 2015-02-03 10:40
    + Tweak to pop a warning for each settings file that cannot be written 
      because it's read-only (when saving settings).
    ! Auto-Refresh: Too often since 2015-01-30. Fixed.
    ! Toolbar: The "All Drives (Group)" button was not auto-refreshed after adding or 
      removing a removable drive. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0226 - 2015-02-05 12:45
    + Configuration | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts: Added option "Treat 
      portable devices as read-only". Tick it to allow only copying from, and no 
      other file operations to or from or on any portable device.
      Note: The main purpose of this setting is to protect you from the severe 
      shell bug mentioned in v14.80.0221 - 2015-01-30 14:38. And, since MTP 
      seems to be a bit flaky, who knows what else does not work as it should.
      But note that even this safety belt cannot intercept all file operations 
      triggered via the (drag and drop) shell context menu.
    ! File Find: "Match case" not honored in RegExp file search. Fixed.
    ! Auto-Refresh: Recycle Bin was not refreshed when deleting more than 9 
      items at once. Fixed.
    ! Action Log: The Deleted Name of a single deleted file was not always 
      retrieved. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0227 - 2015-02-09 11:48
    * Auto-Refresh: No more Auto-Refresh while Mouse Down Blow Up.
    ! Special Properties: Bit Rate, Sample Rate, and Channels did not work for 
      all ASF/WMA files. Fixed.
    ! Paste and Find: Did not work anymore since 20150126. Fixed.
    * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.57.
      > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.57.lng is uploaded.
        You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0228 - 2015-02-09 22:08
    * Updated the help file.
    ! Small Toolbars: Mouse leave was not registered in all situations. 
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0229 - 2015-02-10 12:51
    ! Find Files: A multi-location term like "D:\Test\;%ProgramFiles%" could not 
      be handled (the environment variable was not resolved). Fixed.
    ! Portable Devices: Custom Columns could leak into lists on Portable 
      Devices. Fixed.
    * Updated the help file.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0230 - 2015-02-10 21:30
    + Portable Devices: Now you can open some items by dbl-click. Images, 
      e.g., should be opened by the Windows Preview. Others, like text files, 
      will probably not work. Explorer appears to open a temporary copy of them, 
      but XY does not go this way.
    ! Timestamping: The recent honoring of DST (v14.80.0217 - 2015-01-28 14:42) 
      had a negative side effect on timestamping which now ended up one hour off 
      for file dates in a DST phase different from now (e.g. when timestamping 
      summer files in winter). Fixed.
    ! Portable Devices: Auto-Refresh cannot be suspended on PDs so View | 
      Suspend Auto-Refresh should be OFF and DISABLED for them. Done.
    * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0066.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0231 - 2015-02-11 10:41
    + Find Files: Added tweak to treat #, !, and [...] literally in search 
      patterns, and not as wildcards or special function characters.
        Pattern       Match tweak=1   Match tweak=0
        #             ##KEEP##.jpg    1.jpg
        [1984]        [1984].jpg      1.jpg
        !a            !achtung.jpg    1.jpg
        !#            !#3.jpg         a.jpg

      Note that the tweak also affects Quick Search.
      Might be raised to GUI in a later version.

    ! Portable Devices: Refreshed too often under certain conditions, too less 
      under other conditions. Changes.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Posts: 60595
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Location: Win8.1 @100%, Win10 @100%

Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v14.80.0232 - 2015-02-11 20:21
    ! Auto-Refresh: Recent issues fixed.
    ! Outlook Drop: Stopped working since recent Paste and Find fix. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.
