BETA version (with detailed history information)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0027 - 2010-11-17 21:30
  +++ Configuration | Color Filters: Added color filters by file age. 
      All three file dates (Created, Modified, Accessed) are supported. 
      You now can, for example, color all files that were modified today 
      or last week, or that were created more than 10 years ago. A 
      useful thing if you ask me.

      General syntax:        
        /ageC: = Date Created
        /ageM: = Date Modified
        /ageA: = Date Accessed

      The usual operators apply; [n] is a number and [u] a unit 
      selector; for example:
        /ageM: [n] [u]        = specific unit
        /ageM: == [n] [u]     = specific unit
        /ageM: < [n] [u]      = less than so many units
        /ageM: > [n] [u]      = more than so many units
        /ageM: <= [n] [u]     = so many units or less
        /ageM: >= [n] [u]     = so many units or more
        /ageM: [min] - [max] [u] = from min to max units (both included)

      Unit selectors:
        y = year
        q = quarter of year
        m = month
        w = week (Monday - Sunday)
        d = day [default unit!]
        h = hour
        n = minute
        s = second
        /ageM: < 5 n    = modified less than 5 minutes ago
        /ageM: >= 3 h   = modified 3 or more hours ago
        /ageM: 1 w      = modified last week (previous Monday - Sunday)
        /ageM: 0 d      = modified today (from 00:00:00 till 23:59:59)
        /age:           = modified today (same as above, all defaults used)
        /ageM: 1 d      = modified yesterday
        /ageM: < 0 d    = modified in the future (tomorrow or later)
      - The Unit selectors must be separated from the unit number or 
        range by at least one space.
      - The Age selector is not case-sensitive: /AgEm: would work as 
      - /age: defaults to "Date Modified".
  +++ Configuration | Color Filters by Date: Now you can color items if 
      their filetimes match certain subranges, e.g. created from 8:00-
      10:00 in the morning, last modified on a weekend, last accessed in 
      an April (of any year).
      To achieve this a unit selector is prefixed to a number or range 
      (using the usual set of operators).

      Unit selectors:
        y = year
        q = quarter of year (1 - 4)
        m = month (1 - 12)
        dw = day of week (Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, etc.)
        dy = day of year (1st January = 1)
        d = day (of month)
        h = hour (0 - 23)
        n = minute (0 - 59)
        s = second (0 - 59)
        ms = millisecond (0 - 999)
        /dateC: h 8-10      = created from 8:00-10:00 (of any day)
        /dateM: m 4         = last modified in an April (of any year)
        /dateM: dw 6-0      = last modified on a weekend
        /dateC: dy 1-100    = created in the first 100 days (of any year)
        /dateC: q 3         = created in the 3rd quarter (of any year)
      - The Unit selectors must be separated from the unit number or 
        range by at least one space.
    + Configuration | Color Filters: Added a bunch of new operators that 
      work for all Size and Date filters: -<, >-, >, and ==.
      Examples for Size:
        /size: min - max    = from min to max (both inclusive)
        /size: min -< max   = from min to max (max exclusive)
        /size: min >- max   = from min to max (min exclusive)
        /size: min >< max   = from min to max (both exclusive)
        /size: == n         = exact (identical to the next example)
        /size: n            = exact
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0028 - 2010-11-18 13:50
    + Configuration | General: Added option "Serial rename by Up and 
      Down keys". Check it to use the cursor keys UP and DOWN to go to 
      the next and previous file while renaming them. Additionally, the 
      current caret position (e.g., your caret is at the 8th letter) is 
      kept if possible (if the filename is long enough), so renaming 
      files in a list now is almost like moving and typing around in a 
      multi-line text block. Very intuitive and convenient!
      FYI, serial rename by (Shift+)TAB key is always enabled by design, 
      independently of the above.
    * Rename boxes (anywhere in the app): Added special functionality to 
      keys PageUp and PageDown. It's the same functionality that's 
      already exhibited by Up and Down:
      - PageUp now moves the caret to the start of any selection, or, if 
        there is no selection, to the start of the whole text.
      - PageDown now moves the caret to the end of any selection, or, if 
        there is no selection, to the end of the whole text.
    * Configuration | Color Filters by Date: Changed the definition of 
      Unit Selector "dw" (day of week):
        OLD:  dw = day of week (Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, etc.)
        NEW:  dw = day of week (Monday = 1 ... Sunday = 7)
        /dateM: dw 6-7      = last modified on a weekend
        /dateM: dw 7-2      = last modified from sunday to tuesday
     + SC hash enhanced. Added algo SHA-512.
        algo:     Hash algorithm.
          sha512: SHA-512.
                  NOTE: SHA-512 is NOT supported on all systems!
          ::text hash("sha512", "");
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

:!: If you used Date or Age Color Filters in the recent BETA
versions you *MUST* remove the leading "/" in "/date" and "/age" manually after upgrading!

Code: Select all

v9.70.0029 - 2010-11-19 11:48
    * Configuration | Color Filters: The filter type selectors now have 
      no leading "/" anymore. The Attribute filter was adapted to the 
      new syntax, and the Name filter optionally as well. The previous 
      syntax is still supported for Attributes (/) and Size (/size:).
        Filter Type     Selector    Old Selector
        Name            [name:]
        Attributes      attr:       /
        Size            size:       /size:
        Date Created    dateC:
        Date Modified   dateM:
        Date Accessed   dateA:
        Age Created     ageC:
        Age Modified    ageM:
        Age Accessed    ageA:
      - The Name Selector is optional: if no other selector is found 
        then Name is assumed by default.              
      - The "Old Selector" is still supported but deprecated.
      - Case does not matter in Selectors.
      - If you used Date or Age Color Filters in the recent BETA 
        versions you *MUST* remove the leading "/" manually after 
  +++ Configuration | Color Filters: Now you can combine color filters 
      of any type and number with a Boolean AND. The operator is " AND " 
      (mind the surrounding spaces); it's not case-sensitive, so " and " 
      works as well.
      - The semi-colon (which works as Boolean OR) has a lower 
        precedence than AND.
      - Color Filters which contain the strings " AND " or ";" 
        can/should be quoted.
      - TXT files modified in any of the last 5 days at the 11th hour:
        ageM: <= 5 d AND dateC: h 11 AND *.txt
      - Files named "A AND B*" and larger than 1MB:
        "A AND B*" AND size: > 1MB
      - Files modified Mondays at 11 OR Tuesdays at 12:
        dateM: dw 1 AND dateM: h 11; dateM: dw 2 AND dateM: h 12;
    + Configuration | Color Filters: You now can add a comment to the 
      end of each filter, separated from the filter by "//", e.g.:
        ageM: d //modified today
    % List: Serial rename much faster on key repetition because Info 
      Panel update is suppressed while key is down.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0038 - 2010-11-19 20:36
    + Configuration | Color Filters: Now, in Details mode, the first 
      matching filter *with* backcolor (if any) is displayed combined
      with the first matching filter *without* backcolor (if any).
      For example, if you have these filters defined and activated 
      (copied from List Management to show the colors):
        ageM: < 3 h>FFFF00,6798E0
        name: *.txt>38A050,
      then every TXT file that's younger than 3 hours is displayed with 
      the Name column colored "FFFF00,6798E0" (Text, Background) and 
      all the other columns colored "38A050" (Text only). Yeah!
    + Toolbar: Added buttons "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other 
      Pane". They work identically to the same-named commands in menu 
      Panes and have small context menu.
    + Find Files | Date: Added item "Now" to the dropdown at the 
      "between" field. Sets the "between" field to the current date/time 
      and leaves the other field empty. The next search will find all 
      items whose date was changed since you pressed "Now".
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0041 - 2010-11-24 15:24
    % General speed gain in painting.
    * IP | Find Files | Date: A couple of minor changes and a bug fix in 
      the dropdown.
    * List | Details view: Autosize Columns now adds an extra 7 pixels 
      to the Name column to make space for any color filters with 
      background colors defined, and generally to create a more relaxed 
    * Color Filters: Now Color Filters with background colors defined 
      and Tags with background colors defined (and Coloring Style "Name 
      column") can be shown combined in the Name column. Before, the Tag 
      would suppress the Color Filter.
    ! Color Filters: The "name:"-selector did not work correctly when 
      there was a space between it and the pattern. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0042 - 2010-11-24 20:40
    ! Backup of items with overlong names: Contrary to what's advertised 
      the Backup operation did not recurse and copy directories (and 
      their contents) larger than 247 characters. Reason: A line of old 
      pre-overlong-filenames code was still in action at one place. 
      Embarrassing and fixed. Now the whole file system depth available 
      in NTFS is supported (approx. 32,767 chars).
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0043 - 2010-11-26 14:35
    ! Tree: Under certain conditions there could emerge double entries 
      in the Tree. Fixed.
    ! Find Files | Contents: When searching for patterns with wildcards 
      there was the possibility of a crash under certain conditions. 
    ! Toolbar: Drawing glitch since v9.70.0041. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0046 - 2010-11-27 20:05
    * Updated the help file.
    ! Find Files: When one pane got auto-refreshed while a search was 
      running in the other pane, the search could get confused about its 
      target pane and list the results in the wrong pane. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0047 - 2010-11-28 14:08
    + Configuration | File Operations | Backup Operations | On name 
      collisions: Added a further option called "Suffix number to 
      existing" which allows you to avoid collisions by renaming the 
      existing instead of the copied file.
      If the existing file cannot be renamed for some reason, the copy 
      will not happen.
      The format of the number suffix is determined in Configuration | 
      Templates | Number suffix. The factory default is -00.
    + SC backupto enhanced: The on_collision parameter got a new value 
      (7) which allows you to avoid collisions by renaming the existing 
      instead of the copied file.
      Syntax: backupto location, [source], [on_collision], _
                  [preserve_dates], [create_log], [pop_stats]
          7 = Suffix number to existing
      For example, backup all selected items to E:\Test; on collision 
      number-suffix the existing items in E:\Test:
        ::backupto "E:\Test", , 7;
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0048 - 2010-11-28 15:07
    * Backup Operations: Removed the following possible reasons for 
      failure from the reports because they are not possible anymore 
      (since overlong names are fully supported):
      - "FAIL (source too long)"
      - "FAIL (target too long)"
    * Updated the help file.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0049 - 2010-11-28 17:33
    + Configuration | File Operations | Backup Operations | On name 
      collisions: Added two new options and revised the wording of some 
      of the old options:
      - Overwrite only older files
      - Overwrite always
      - Overwrite never
      - Suffix number to copies
      - Affix current date to copies
      - Affix last modified date to copies
      - Suffix number to existing
      - Affix current date to existing
      - Affix last modified date to existing
    + SC backupto enhanced: The on_collision parameter again got new 
      values and now has the following: 
          0 = [Default] Use global setting from Configuration | File 
              Operations | Backup Operations | On name collisions
          1 = Overwrite only older files
          2 = Overwrite always
          3 = Overwrite never
          4 = Suffix number to copies
          5 = Affix current date to copies
          6 = Affix last modified date to copies
          7 = Suffix number to existing
          8 = Affix current date to existing
          9 = Affix last modified date to existing
    * Updated the help file.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.70.0050 - 2010-11-29 15:52
    * Configuration | Color Filters: Added Reset buttons to reset the 
      Text and Back colors to the factory defaults. Before, you would 
      have to hold CTRL and use the Text and Back buttons (which still 
      works now).
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Summary of the latest XYplorer Official Release.


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v9.80.0000 - 2010-11-30 12:00
    = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main changes since last release:
  +++ Color Filters by Date. Now you can, for example, color all files 
      that were modified on a certain day, or that were created before 
      the year 2008. Now you can as well, for example, color files that 
      were created from 8:00-10:00 in the morning (on any day), or last 
      modified on a weekend, or last accessed on any Valentine's day.
  +++ Color Filters by Age. Now you can, for example, color all files 
      that were modified today, or yesterday, or last week, or that were 
      created more than 10 years ago.
  +++ Color Filters. Now you can combine color filters of any type and 
      number with a Boolean AND. For example, give a nice blue back 
      color to all TXT files larger than 1 MB and modified yesterday.
  +++ Serial Rename. Here's killer feature for everybody who frequently 
      needs to do lots of manual renaming: Serial rename by Up and Down 
      keys! Renaming files in a list now is almost like moving and 
      typing around in a multi-line text box. You will never want to 
      miss it.
  +++ Toolbar. New buttons "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" 
      make basic dual pane file management a snap.
  +++ Backup. Now, on name collisions, you can optionally have the 
      copies renamed, or the existing files.
  +++ Scripting. Powerful new functions formatbytes(), formatlist(), 
      hash(), and listpane().
  +++ Size Formats. Now the units TB (Terabyte) and PB (Petabyte) are 
      supported everywhere in the application.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

Code: Select all

v9.80.0006 - 2010-11-30 20:16
    + Portable Tabs: Now Portable Tabs also support portable drives, 
      e.g. "?:\" or "?:\Stuff\".
      FYI, "?" stands for the drive letter of this XY instance; very 
      useful when running XY from a USB stick where you have no control 
      about the drive letter assigned by the host system.
      Tip: To point a tab to such a path enter it via Menu View | 
      Current Tab | Relocate Tab.
    + Portable Home: Menu View | Current Tab | Set Home, Go Home, and 
      Lock Home Zone now also support portable drives, e.g. "?:\" or 
    ! List: Drawing glitch (pixel dirt) when renaming an item with a 
      back colored Color Filter set. Fixed.
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Change Log for the latest XYplorer BETA version:

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v9.80.0007 - 2010-12-02 12:02
    + Image Preview: Now, when previewing a PNG image, you can have a 
      checkered grid shining through the transparent parts of the image.
      The size of the grid adjusts to the size of the image (larger 
      images get larger fields).
      Note that this feature is supported on the Info Panel as well as 
      with Thumbnails, MouseDownBlowUp, and Full Screen Preview. To 
      enable the grid check Configuration | Preview | Show grid under 
      transparent areas.
      Tip: You can as well toggle the grid in the orange button dropdown 
      menu on the Preview panel.
    * Image Preview: The same checkered grid as above is now applied to 
      transparent GIF, WMF, EMF, EPS etc. However, with these file types 
      it only works on the Preview Panel, not with Thumbnails, 
      MouseDownBlowUp, and Full Screen Preview.
    + Admin Settings: Now you can pass the full path (or relative to app 
      path, all variables and portability supported) to a file where the 
      license data are stored. This is quite useful when installing 
      XYplorer in companies for large numbers of users that are covered 
      by a single Corporate License, or when you have many parallel XY 
      installations on your machine.
      Examples for the new Lic key in Admin.ini:

      The contents of Lic.ini (or whatever you call it) should look like 
      this (fill in your reg data between < and >!):
        Name=<Your Registration Name>
        Code=<Your License Key>
      If Lic.ini is not found, not accessible, or empty, then the 
      procedure silently falls back to reading the license data from 
To download the latest BETA version choose a download package: (1) Installer Package, (2) Portable Package.

:!: Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned.
It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings | Backup your Application Data Folder)
before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.
